Truth and Understanding

by 777 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 777
    Why was the tree of the knowledge of good & bad put into the garden? Why was satin allowed to be the angle to oversee the garden?

    God knows everything before it happens. Thus he knew that a percentage of the angles with free will would be rebellious. What better place then the earth & clay vessels (mankind) to bring out the true intentions of the rebellious angles? They convicted themselves by their course of action.

    Thus I believe that free will is going to remain through out all time

    A literal tree cannot bear a fruit known as knowledge, therefore the tree of knowledge is symbolic. Satan was one of the first creations and rebelled, becoming the father of the lie. He planted the seed of deception. All creations must be tested, otherwise true love for the Father cannot be realized if all creation is forced to love one another. One must love the Father willingly, and it was necessary that the Father prove why it is better to love righteousness than wickedness. Wicked ones yield bad fruit. Out of heavenly wisdom one must learn the difference of good and evil and the pain that evil causes. No single life wants to live with pain or heartache, and this had to be proven in order to build a strong family raised in wisdom. Jah the Alimghty will raise us in perfection showing the difference between good and evil.

    This is why the true Father, known as "Jah" is the Almighty, because it takes much strength in emotion in order to withstand the pain and suffering that His children, great and small, have had to bear. All creation have not withstood the pain and suffering alone, but the Almighy has endured the pain also. This pain must come to its final conclusion and the Heavenly Father known as "Jah" must rest in PEACE......and.......SECURITY along with all creations.

    The heavenly Father does not know everything that will ocurr unless it is necessary to know. This is the meaning of unforeseen occurances befalling us all. If the Almighty knows everything ahead of time than there is no realization of heartfelt emotion i.e. if you knew what your child would bring you as a gift before hand, than you lose the emotion in love that you gain when you recieve their gift. More will be written in order to understand the meaning if necessary.

  • BizzyBee
    More will be written in order to understand the meaning if necessary.

    Uh.......... that's okay, thanks anyway. I think we've got the picture.

  • Tea4Two

    777, Is this a dream or a vision given to you by God? When did you learn of the New Scrolls?

  • 777

    This statement may be too deep for you but Christ does not take the throne without his body, the true Chruch of God. The head does not rule without the body. Everything is subjected under Christ at this time and has been since he was resurrected back to heaven but the time of judging of sheep and goats is not yet.

    Matthew 25 makes it clear we do not know when the time is that he will come to judge and also it is clear that he comes to judge with all the angels and all the nations are put before him. (Matthew 25:31-33)so everyone will know at the same time.

    "You are my body" was written to the twelve disciples of Christ, or the Bride of Jesus Christ. Prophecy was written in order to recognize the time when Jesus arrived in the heavens. Judgment takes place in the heavens first as those in the heaven will judge those upon the earth in counceling through wisdom. Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles were fed for a period of time having to experience what The Almighty has already experienced, in order to understand the true suffering that all humans have had to endure.

    Jesus Christ and the twelve have waged war in the heavens with the wicked spirits and have prevailed as written. How can Jesus Christ councel those that have lost their loved ones in war, unforeseen death through distasters and such, unless he has endured the emotion himself? Jesus Christ did not know the emotion associated with losing a life in an automobile accident. This is the true meaning of being raised up to a Mighty God in like manner of his Father. They have all had to experience the true emotions of those upon the earth in order to build strong emotions as spirit entities. There will be no more humans joining Jesus Christ in the heavens other then those that were chosen during his time upon the earth. The others will be placed in authoraitive position upon the earth as a parallel to those in the heavens.
  • aniron
    All creations will live by "Perfect Law" of the Almighty God under full reign of Jesus Christ in the "Kingdom of God" therefore requiring that "Free Will" be REMOVED immediately upon the arrival of Jesus Christ.......

    You cannot have "Perfect Law" without "Free Will".

    Otherwise it is not "law" no matter how "perfect", but imposed control. Law can only exist were there is a free will choice to obey it or not.

  • 777
    777, Is this a dream or a vision given to you by God? When did you learn of the New Scrolls?

    You yourself said is written that sons and daughters would recieve dreams and visions in the last days. However, in portions until that which is complete, meaning the rule and authority of Jesus Christ in subjection to Jah the Almighty in the "Kingdom of Heaven" upon the earth.

  • 777
    You cannot have "Perfect Law" without "Free Will".

    Otherwise it is not "law" no matter how "perfect", but imposed control. Law can only exist were there is a free will choice to obey it or not.

    Without authority there is chaos. This is why wicked men do wicked acts upon the earth. Where there is strength in law there is no unrighteousness. No spirit entity, nor human for that matter can withstand the strength of God the Almighty. This is the meaning of the first and second death. The first death is a spiritual death where everyone in the heavens and upon the earth must be reborn in the spirit or law of righteousness. The second death comes to those that choose not to live by law. They will be cut off forever or put to death literally after the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ has been fulfilled. No unrigheousness will be allowed to reign in the "Kingdom of GOD" as written.

  • Tea4Two

    When did you first receive the dreams and visions 777?

  • 777
    When did you first receive the dreams and visions 777?

    Shortly after the events of September 11th........thereafter I was witness to all that has occured in the heavens through dreams and visions, in order to be raised in wisdom and also to recognize fulfillment of prophecy.

  • onesong
    Shortly after the events of September 11th........thereafter I was witness to all that has occured in the heavens through dreams and visions, in order to be raised in wisdom and also to recognize fulfillment of prophecy

    Sweeeeet !!!!!!

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