How do you handle extremely rude people in public?

by Virgochik 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stillajwexelder

    depends on the situation. Once when someone was really mean to me I just said "I am really sorry you are having a bad day". It shut them up quickly

  • Spectrum

    Have a two by two handy next time.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    They would have fallen all over themselves apologizing.

    Not if they were as selfish and so utterly up their own backsides as the lady I encountered! I was in tears but all she gave a damn about was herself.

  • greendawn

    I ignore them politely but firmly and pretend that they are not there.

  • Mulan
    I ignore them politely but firmly and pretend that they are not there.

    That's what I would do.

    I've been with my brother when people are unbelievable rude. He just stares at them, until they avert their eyes. They get all flustered. He never blinks or turns away, just stares. He does it to hotel clerks, waiting for them to give him a better price too. It works.

  • AuldSoul

    Yeah, sad emo, with that type Spectrum's method should do nicely...or ignoring them...until they turn around, and then Spectrum's method

  • bebu


    Her words were pathetic.

    I wonder what great task she was going to do with those few minutes of time saved, if you had been 'multi-tasking' as she liked? Was the loss of those minutes worth the damage she inflicted?


  • JeffT

    Great scene in "Planes Trains and Automobiles" rent-a-car lady vs Steve Martin (I'm paraphrasing part of it. SM is upset about things that have nothing to do with R-A-C lady)

    SM: My f***ing car wasn't where it f***ing was supposed to be and I had to walk all over the f***ing parking lot to get back here and stand in the f***ing line and listen to you f***ing tell me that you can't f***ing do anything about it, and I'm f***ing mad.

    R-A-C lady: do you have the yellow slip?

    SM: No!

    R-A-C lady: Oops.

    SM: Now what!

    R-A-C lady (who looks like a sixty year old church lady): "You're f***ed"

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate


    You handled it like a lady, very very good. So sorry on your loss. I wish you a speedy recovery.

    One time I was verbally assaulted in a grocery store parking lot for parking in a handicapped spot and not looking handicapped enough. In the summer, my condition can become so exacerbated I am lucky to make it to any store at all. Having a close parking place is vital as every moment spent in the heat/sun, is dangerous.

    I told the older lady of my condition and to check my placard, she called me a liar and threatened to call the police and make a citizens arrest! My poor young son was with me, about 12 years old. He was in a state of shock at what she did. She went in and called the manager and pointed me out. I ran into her in an isle and I told her there are many sick people that do not look sick.

    I went home and wrote to the newspaper, they published my article and I told the woman I pitied her for having lived as long as she has and still has not learned mercy.

    Wishing you many more better days at work, Love~Kate

  • whyamihere

    I am not a rude person(I know some of you are laughing).

    I remember once there was this woman who was in her 50's. You know the type Rich Bit$H! Very caddy in fact. Well I was waiting in line at subway on my lunch break, and she was yelling at this 15 year old girl about a coupon worth $0.50! The poor girl had tears in her eyes and her name tag said in training.

    I had enough of listening to her shouting. I walked over to her then proceeded to say: Here is your god damn 50 cents, I threw 2 quarters at her, told her to get her nasty crotch out of my face before I get pissed off. Her husband looked at me as if I was a god. It shut her up, and she left. When the doors closed everyone started to laugh.

    I didn't care, I did not want to be late for work!


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