My story invovling wagtower

by cev 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • cev

    when i was studying id ask heaps of questions about defellowship cause it did seem a bit crazy to me. The conductor was getting annoyed at those questions.

  • Tea4Two

    Welcome cev....The conductor sounds like he wants to have total control and you asking questions he can't answer made him feel out of control...does that make sence?

  • Honesty
    when i was studying id ask heaps of questions about defellowship cause it did seem a bit crazy to me. The conductor was getting annoyed at those questions.

    Welcome, cev. The JW's should get annoyed when they are asked about disfellowshipping because Jesus never taught disfellowshipping. I am glad that you realised the Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult that denies Christ. I prayed to Jesus and asked Him if I should go to church. He sent a man to tell me about His Grace and that man invited me to a church that is perfect for ex-JW's because the people are not critical or judgemental and all the worship is directed to Jesus and not some "Faithful Discreet Slave" that they pulled out of a magic hat.

  • serendipity

    Hi Cev, welcome to the forum!

  • jwfacts

    Nice to welcome another Stralian.
    Giving up the ciggies was your own will power. You gave them up and can stay off them because you really wanted to, not because of any organisation. It is sad when any good that a person does the WTS tries to claim as only being because you were associated with them.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi cev, and welcome to the forum.

    I am so happy for you, you saw the truth about the jws before you got in too deep. Many of us on here wish we'd been that lucky!

  • KW13

    Glad you saw sense buddy.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    If you wish to pursue Christianity then I say stay on that path, without worrying so much on denomination. If you haven't allready read Ray Franzs books, they are a great help in not only leaving Watchtower doctrine, but also moving forward and choosing what is going to replace your previous held beliefs. Good luck to you.

  • EAGLE-1

    I dont know of one.I think it died right after Jesus.There is the Roman approved form of Christianity and of course the Protestant breakaways.Several others that splinter from these.Choose your own path.Jesus did.Just dont tick off any Jews or Romans along the way.They will flame you.I dont waste my time with them.I can read and I dont need to be lead.

  • Miss_MG

    welcome cev always happy to read of another fellow aussie getting out of the cult it took me 35 years to wake up, enjoy your life.

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