My story invovling wagtower

by cev 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • cev

    This is my first post on here .

    My name is Chris Im from Australia. Recently left my biblestudy or as my ex study conductor would say "I love my GF more then Jehovah"

    I was basically casually witnessed to from a work colleage last year and the hope of the paradise earth sounded good. and he even gave me a free bible which i know is useless now.

    we started a study and slowly I went meetings and then I gave up smoking for please Jehovah.

    Adventully my conductor invited me and my gf to the meeting which was the ministry school we had a great laugh at this meeting.

    After that I decided I loved my worldly gf more then Jehovahs discreet slave. So I didnt answer my conductors annoying phone calls and didnt go to another meeting.

    But I have learnt some lessons from this that I should persue real Christianity does anyone know what is a good christian religion?


  • vitty

    Thankgoodness you found out so soon and welcome to the board

  • looking_glass

    Welcome. Well at least you learned early on it is not worth it. However, you got one benefit out of it, you gave up smoking. Good on ya.

  • lovelylil

    Hi Chris,

    Welcome to the board, glad to have you!

    Glad to see you came to your senses early. I was a JW for 12 years. Anyway, all Religions are essentially man made so you can find things wrong with all of them. A good start though in persuing Christianity is to simply start by reading the New Testament. Christians are followers of Jesus Christ so you will learn, especially in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, all about Christ and his life and ministry.

    As far as a church which is good to attend for the fellowship - look for one that puts the Emphasis on God's Grace and not works. We cannot be saved by any works we do, it is only by God's grace that we can have everlasting life.

    The other thing is look for a church that uses the Bible. IF a group has their own books to interpret the Bible, this should raise a red flag. You do not need it. The bible is pretty self explainatory. Also for those who really are seeking truth, God will give you Holy Spirit if you ask for it. And this will help you understand the Bible better. But contrary to what the WT teaches, no one knows everything and can understand every scripture at this time. Some things are open to debate on.

    If you have other questions, just ask. I hope this helps. Lilly

  • cev

    Hey im commiting apostasy now LOL .

    My conductor would say useing the internet to search for jehovahs witnesses is apostacy. But beause i was fed up with the rules of the witchtower trap society i googled JW.

    They even told me stuff like i cant have pets well now i am really rebellous i got 10 birds LOL.

  • cev

    Hey im commiting apostasy now LOL .

    My conductor would say useing the internet to search for jehovahs witnesses is apostacy. But beause i was fed up with the rules of the witchtower trap society i googled JW.

    They even told me stuff like i cant have pets well now i am really rebellous i got 10 birds LOL.

  • lovelylil


    why were you told you can't have pets? Is this a new rule, I don't remember that when I was in?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Welcome cev. Wagtower - interesting term.

    Glad you got out early. Some were not so fortunate as that. As far as 'a good Christian religion' - I don't know. I consider myself a unchurched Christian now - a bit on the cynical side these days. I guess the bad taste takes a while to dissipate. I suppose the best thing to do is to 'shop around' a little bit, see what fellowship seems to be a fit for you. The Lord said his sheep would be like wheat among weeds, some may have more of one than the other I suppose.

    Good luck and welcome.


  • cev

    Because pets are too much work and JW's are very busy people with meetings and stuff.

    In the new system you can have heaps of pets she said.

    I wonder is god actully made me give up ciggies or if it was just my own will power. now that i know that JW is a cult.

  • lovelylil


    wow! You had a really crazy zealot type witness to study with you. We had some of those in my old cong. but usually people are more balanced than that.

    As far as smoking - thats a good question. I know many who say prayer helped them give it up, but others say willpower. It was probably a little of both. It is good though because smoking is really bad for you. My mom died of Cancer, she was a big smoker. Hope you can leave the ciggs alone.

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