Do You Believe in The Supernatural?

by Blueblades 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan
    Edited to add; no judgement on my part to those of you who have had things in which you think are supernatural experiences I am not about to think your experience isn't real to you. I offer no explaination for or against your experience or my lack of one, because it's all a matter of personal choice.

    Kate, my experiences and those of my grandson might be supernatural, or they might be just the mind connecting with something that someday we might understand that is perfectly logical. As I said, I'm not sure what to call those experiences. Maybe an active imagination too.

    The more time that goes by, the more my logical mind tells me that this is it, and that there isn't anything beyond this life. I don't want to believe that, especially when something "odd" happens, like my experiences, my mother's and my grandson's.

    I just don't know.

  • Mulan

    I just remembered a few more good ones. These things really confuse me.

    They involve my cousin Sharon, who died at age 59, just before 9/11 (breast cancer). We were extremely close, more like sisters. I miss her so much and feel her with me, so often. We lived about 2 miles apart and were together constantly, best friends our entire life. I saw her in my bedroom one night, standing at the foot of my bed. I said her name and she vanished. Another time, shortly after she died, I asked her if she was there with me. No answer, so I said..........."I haven't seen a Goldfinch (our State bird) for years. If you are there, send me a Goldfinch. Your picture is hanging in my hallway........move it. And leave me some coins". I had heard a psychic say that those are some of the things they do, to let you know they are there.

    Later that day I was working in my kitchen and looked out the window at my bird feeder. There must have been 6 or 7 Goldfinches eating the birdseed. I haven't seen another one since that day and read that they are scarce again. Then I went and looked at her picture, and it was crooked on the wall, not just a little bit, but like someone bumped it hard and it was very crooked. When I sat down in the living room, there was a nickel and a penny on my chair. That convinced me. I had forgotten those things too.

    My youngest son, who is almost 27 told me he had a "vision" of Sharon recently. She was walking beside him, and he knew it was her but she looked about 25. She told him she is watching over him, and he asked her if his time was near (he is a Christian, church goer). She said "no, you are going to live a very long life, but I wanted you to know I'm here with you".

  • bikerchic
    Kate, my experiences and those of my grandson might be supernatural, or they might be just the mind connecting with something that someday we might understand that is perfectly logical. As I said, I'm not sure what to call those experiences. Maybe an active imagination too.

    I wonder if it's the mind connecting Marilyn? I had a childhood best friend and we always lived many miles away, I would think of her and the phone would ring and it would be her. We bought the same clothes without knowing it and would see each other weeks later and would be wearing the same thing. We always thought we had Mental Telepathy or something. We could complete each others sentences. I do this with my hubby now all the time, we just laugh at each other.

    I think the above example is just a mind connection. Until I have experienced seeing or hearing from someone who's passed I'll stay a skeptic. It's not that I don't believe you had your experience, I'm sure it was very real to you. I just wonder how much of it could be a coincidence?

    Example: Birds showing up at a feeder? Coincidence? Or did they just like the food? That particular bird, yes it's weird. Picture crooked, could some one have bumped it? Did you ask others in your home? Change on the cushion? Did hubby sit there before you, mine always leaves change from his pocket, LOL. Like I said I'm a skeptic, most of what you experienced could be explained if you really played detective.

    I won't even try to explain that you saw a vision of your cousin in your bedroom. Was it your imagination? Was it your desire to see her again because you truly miss her? It's hard to say but if you saw her I believe you did.

    I also think very strongly if we open our minds to any thing we can experience it.

  • Mary
    Blueblades said: Next Friday May 5th, the movie "AN AMERICAN HAUNTING" comes out. There is a book entitled: The Bell Witch, the Full Account by Pat FitzHugh that give the story about the history of this true life account about an "ENTITY" that caused the death of a man.

    OK, is this movie really a "true account", or another "bullshit account" like the Blair Witch Project? Where can we find written, confirmed evidence that its not just another Hollywood made up movie?

  • Mulan
    Example: Birds showing up at a feeder? Coincidence? Or did they just like the food? That particular bird, yes it's weird. Picture crooked, could some one have bumped it? Did you ask others in your home? Change on the cushion? Did hubby sit there before you, mine always leaves change from his pocket, LOL. Like I said I'm a skeptic, most of what you experienced could be explained if you really played detective.

    I won't even try to explain that you saw a vision of your cousin in your bedroom. Was it your imagination? Was it your desire to see her again because you truly miss her? It's hard to say but if you saw her I believe you did.

    I also think very strongly if we open our minds to any thing we can experience it.

    Just the fact that I hadn't seen any goldfinches in years, really threw me. I still haven't seen them again, since that day.

    I agree the picture could have been bumped, but it's unlikely.

    The day I found the coins, I had cleaned the house, and was home alone. I had moved the chairs to do the wood floors underneath, and vacuumed the seats.

    As for seeing her in the room, it was very weird. I wondered if my mind was playing tricks on me. But........when she vanished, there was a little bit of green "smoke" or something that lingered for a minute or two. Maybe I'm getting cataracts.

    I know it all sounds really weird. I want to believe in these things, but I am skeptical too. As I said, I just don't know.

  • Terry

    Basic thinking 101:

    Nature exists.

    That which is "natural" is what exists.

    Everything which really exists is a part of nature.

    SUPERnature would include everything else: i.e. that which does NOT exist.

    The universe is everything.

    To talk about what is "beyond" everything and which transcends nature is to indulge in the imagination and wrongly label the the result.

    It doesn't matter what you think. Why? Because your thinking does not change reality.

    Why? Because reality is WHAT IS regardless of who thinks about it or how.

    The best humanity can do is try to engage their rational mind in exercising as much accuracy in perceiving what is real. When you go beyond that you are indulging your own fantasy and damaging the precision of your cognitive mechanism.


    If you can't measure it with a palpable standard accessible by others you are merely asserting something. Personal belief is a comfort habit not unlike masturbation and about as meaningful.

    Just my two cents.


  • unclebruce

    LOL at Terry,

    Wise words. Ultimately human life is a warped joke but let's not dismiss the pleasures of mass-debating

    The term 'supernatural' is commonly used to draw a distinction between that which can be explained to most peoples satisfaction and that which as yet cannot be. There is something going on in 'the spirit' world. I have no idea what but just know that there is more happening than our present philosophy/s can explain. There have been many interesting scientific studies into things like ghosts, the ouiji board and the like. My experience tallies with a recent study which concluded that the 'supernatural' effect is enhansed by the emotional state of those present. The search for reality continues.


    ps: I will post my ghost photos here later in the year (once I find where they're hiding) ... spooky lol

  • Carmel

    The discovery of microscopic life was hard for some to accept even in this age of "reason"! I remember my mother claiming at the time of the first space flight that it was really a hoax by the American government to get more money to spend to compete with the Russians. Then she claimed man cannot leave the earths atmosphere since "satan" wouldn't let us get out of his grip. Plate tectonics was pooh poohed for years, and the world that was opened up with infared cameras expanded our knowledge of the universe imensely. Most everyone, believers and non-believers have our limited knowledge of the complexity of the universe. To deny the existence of anything that would support the notion of a metaphysical reality seems to me to be a knee jerk reaction of someone trying to shed anything that resembles "religion" or ideas that originated in a religious context.

    Belonging to a cult that innoculates you against anything "religious" may end in loosing the baby and the bathwater.


  • Blueblades

    Mary, the book is supposed be the real life investigative account about this "ENTITY" .The author spent over 25 years persuing the facts and history concerning this story. I have not read the book yet and am going to see the movie this Saturday. The Blair Witch story is known that it is a work of fiction. This account is supposed to be the real MCoy. I have not concluded anything about these kind of happening, just curious about these things.

    Mulan, your stories and experiences are very real to you and yours. No one can take that away from you. My wife once saw a man standing in her bedroom long before we met over 40 years ago, ( we will be married 40 years this Dec. ) That man turned out to be the Doctor who delievered our two sons. I never saw him until he took care of my wife. Strange to say the least.


  • stillajwexelder

    well if you believe e=mc^2 then energy should be able to "materialize" . I am sceptic to a degree but I once had a very terrifying experience when a ghost appeared at the end of my bed - I could not speak or cry out "Be gone in the name of Jehovah" but when I awoke the following morning in paralytic fear it had gone

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