are we in the last hours

by force 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    there is something that MUST take place first. Paul spoke about this in 2Thessalonians 2:3.

    Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for (that day will not come) until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.

    The time for Christ to return is not UNTIL this man is revealed. this has not happened yet. The bible also calls him the Last Antichrist and apparently he is the cause for much of the world being led to worshipping him. I have to go out to dentist. Will give more scriptures when I come back.

  • jgnat

    Oh. I thought Michael Jackson was the man of lawlessness.

  • anewme

    One should always be ready for this to be his/her last day on earth.

    Make your peace with God today

    And stay ready

  • greendawn

    Funky Derek actually the multi metal statue of Daniel chapter 2 does in fact point to the end of the human kingdoms because at the time of the last king represented by the feet of the statue God's kingdom will be set up for all time, Daniel 2:44. So that is not a fringe but a mainstream idea.

    Lovelylil who do you think the man of lawlessness is?

  • jgnat

    Fringe or mainstream, prophecy is still no science. Who, by interpreting prophecy, can add a single day to his span of years?

    Do end-time theorists become better people, contribute to their world?

    No. In my opinion, their lives are stalled.

    The prophecy-interpreters who were closest to being "right", I believe, were the ones who sold their homes in the the first millennium. After all, they had witnessed the Black Death, the disease that got closest to wiping human-kind off the planet. Life was brutal and short. Kingdom fought kingdom on every hand.

    The people who prospered at the turn of the first millennium were the ones who bought the property and homes from the end-time believers. Where others saw only death, they saw opportunity.

  • inquirer

    Italics --funkyderek

    Do you disagree with his chronology? Unlike that of the WTS, it's supported by overwhelming amounts of evidence.

    That book was written in 1987. ... in 1987, you only had CD’s, tapes and records, now you have Ipods, digital radio, digital TV, and someone to come to your door to deliever you CD's you bought of Amazon. If I said to you I have an Internet connection and you look up web sites and so forth, you’d laugh at me then!!! The world is ever changing, but look at how fast things are moving along. And now they reckon about we are going to live like the Jetsons with these flying cars in the sky in the next few decades. I saw it all on 60 Minutes. A lot has changed since then. They have a factory in Italy where robots do all the work and the only people who come along are those who do the repair work occasionally if one of the robot hands or arms breaks down. What's going to happen to all those people in Far East Asia that make cars? Why not get a machine to do it? Carl Jonson didn’t think of that! Carl talks about things in the past! Life was easier back then. What about all these baby boomers with their pensions what now? How is the government going to do that? What about when you go in a supermarket and you scan the items for yourself. That's in it's trial stage over here. What's going to happen with all those workers? Now we are running out of fuel. What if we run out of ethanol? This era is like no other. Time is moving fast. You live in Ireland and I can talk to you way over on the other side of the world. If I went back in time to tell you that I can do all this on the Internet in 1987, you would have laughed at me. But now it’s happening. The amount of technologyical achievements, wars, unemployed people is astounding! Remember that time that people use to go to Church? NO ONE DOES THAT ANYMORE!!!

    It says in Daniel all these things will be sealed up until the time of the end. Nearly everyone has heard about Jesus Christ, so when he said to preach to the gospel to the entire inhabited earth, it couldn't be anymore literal that today. I don't know what more proof we need.

    That's true. It's pretty hard to rationalize (I admit) that for example a 1/3 of Europe was whipped out in the Black Death plague that swept across Europe about 700 years ago. But that was before they even knew about America is "over there" and Australia is down "over there." The earth literally has been filled with people like the commandment God gave in Genesis. As far as I am concerned ALL THESE THINGS ARE TAKEN PLACE NOW! It says about in the Bible about cultures not mixing in together -- it's all true! Daniel 2:43 “Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, they will come to be mixed with the offspring of mankind; but they will not prove to be sticking together, this one to that one, just as iron is not mixing with molded clay.” That is just so irrefutable today!!! It' happening all over the place, literally now. The whole world has been preached to all over the world, literally now. Australia, Europe, Americas...

    I don’t agree with everything about the JW’s, they think that Palestine is no big issue and it’s just politics! But that amazing book I’ve been reading reckons IT’S THE BIGGEST ISSUE IN HISTORY? Ever wonder what the “2 witnesses” are in Revelation? This guy could be wrong, but he reckons it’s Jews and Christians. He counts from 586 BC and reaches to the time when the Muslims built that Dome Rock in 689 AD… That’s 2500 years later. And adjusted the 2.5 times calculations to 1948 or something like that… He explained the 1967 6 day war as well. You’d have to read it to understand. I am too excited about it now! This is the generation Jesus was talking about! You should read that yourself. 586/7 is an important date after all! I probably am rambling on a bit now, but all these prophecies I am seeing seeing fulfilled. It all makes sense to me.

    And one more thing: The doomsday clock is currently at 7 midnight before midnight! They've had this clock for 50 years now. They wouldn't have it if there was no threat! But obviously there is!

    I've brain stormed a lot, but it's one of those passionate topics. Can't help myself!

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I was told I would still be a teenager when 'The End' came.......

    <~~~~~~~ see my age now?

  • inquirer

    I emphasize what I say could be wrong, but I think people should reconsider what happened in previous eras and what's happening now. How much more do we know today than back then? Revelation means to "reveal." The media does this every day! We know how many strave to death in AFrica and how the UN won't do anything about it, about the 100's of millions of people in China that are unemployed and live in poverty. We wouldn't have known this stuff 100 years ago! Our world is so corrupt, they taxed Bolivians for the water that fell on their farms and water was so expensive there was blood on the streets.

    What about Eschelon, the ultimate spy network? Bicentrism -- nature's interests more important than humans?

  • inquirer


  • mrsjones5

    Yes we are in the last hours...of this morning, soon it will be afternoon and then evening and then night.

    This tends to repeat everyday.


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