You asked for an online list of WT misquotes......

by rebel8 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jw

    Figures, only non believers dis the bible.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>Figures, only non believers dis the bible.

    We prefer the term "infidels", since it has a cigar-smoking sound to it!

    Seriously though, jw, you understand the problem? When I was a JW I had NO IDEA that the Watchtower regularly quoted the exact text of sources, but in a way that misrepresented the meaning. For instance, I could claim that the Bible says "There is no God" and I would be right. But you would agree that I misquoted it, since it actually says, "'There is no God', says the fool".

    The Watchtower does this with secular sources, selectively quoting them to make it appear that the author held or was sympathetic to Watchtower views, when he really isn't.

    Whether you believe the Bible or not, whether you think the Watchtower interprets the Bible right or not, you gotta wonder why there's a need to distort the intent of source material like this.


  • lovelylil

    I wouldn't even engage JW, he or she is obviously counting time trying to witness to us apostates. JW, did you ever tell us why you have decided not to obey the "faithful discreet slave" class and are on an apostate site?

  • gaybeat

    Wow I can't even believe Topic 18. They really said that in 2006?? OMG

  • jwfacts

    Can you explain to me where it says in Genesis not to eat blood?
    Can you also explain why an Mosaic law reference is applicable since we all know the Mosaic Law no longer is in effect?
    You may then wish to explain why Paul says at 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 that eating food sacrificed to idols is acceptable if Acts 15 said it is not? Or why Acts 15 says there are only four necessary abstainances when clearly murder etc are still wrong?

    Once you have the answers you will know why Russell and Christians know that consumption of blood is not wrong for Christians.
    For help finding the answers you can check

  • hubert

    Rebel8, could you explain number 20 ????

    I don't get that one. Is it reversed?


  • stevenyc

    JW, The scriptures you posted were part of the Hebrew scriptures, They are based on the Mosaic law. The mosaic law (which, by the way alows eating blood is it is to save your life) was done away with by the sacrifice of Jesus. I would be spiritualy moved by you if you could show me, in context, that it was a requirment from Jehovah, not to have a blood transfusion for the Christian scriptures. steve

  • Honesty
    You should always verify what man says to what the scriptures say. Rely on Jehovah not man.

    Too bad jw is bowing down to the 'Faithful Discreet Slave' represented by the apostates on the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses instead of bowing down to Jesus.

  • Kristofer


  • Lapuce

    Great link, those can come in handy...

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