Lets say you went to a meeting, list what would irritiate you...

by JH 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • MidwichCuckoo
    prayers that last 3 days

    Lol KW13 - but if they removed ''Jehovah'' from the prayer it would only last one day!

  • free2beme

    The mere fact that I some how talked myself into going again!

  • heathen

    I have to agree with TresHappy . Especially when looking at the Daniel and Isaiah prophesy books . They went over board with applying the jewish arrangement with the WTBTS . Like that part that says , where there is wood I will bring bronze and where there is bronze I will bring copper and where there is copper I will bring gold. Somehow according to the WTBTS that is saying that the orgs. understanding and arrangement will be improving . Now wait a friggen minute , that scripture has nothing to do with the future ..........................................

  • MadTiger

    They look alike

    They talk alike

    They think alike

    You could lose your mind

    when Witnoids are two of a kind!

  • blondie

    1) People talking to same small group of people they always talk to

    2) The elders showing up late (just as the song starts playing)

    3) The one MS that shows up early having to set up sound and stage because the other MS are always late (just as the song starts playing)

    4) The elders obviously have not prepared their parts...one even didn't realize he had one...tries phoning that one home.

    5) The congregation that shares the hall left the restrooms filthy and obviously did not vacuum.

    6) The sisters reading their talks from a manuscript; likewise the brothers. The elder doing the Bible highlights obviously did not read the Bible reading assignment...questions are from last week's assignment.

    7) Although seats are not assigned, coming back and finding your books have been moved and 2 sisters are sitting there, grinning at you pointing at where they moved your books.

    8) Talking to a sister and being interrupted by the 2 sisters who moved your books. Going over and talking to another sister and 2 other sisters interrupt and crowd you out.

    Blondie (don't get me started)

  • katiekitten
    the lame songs. Not that the music was so bad, but the lyrics.

    YEAH! trying to rhyme Move with Love always gave me a pain in the ass.

    When they got us to sing a new song that was only two verses but two pages long so no-one could ever learn the tune, and in any case it went up and down too much and sounded like a chemistry teacher had witten it in his spare time.

    The self righteous expressions when people had brought a SPARE watchtower to lend the wicked people who had forgotton theirs.

    The painful small talk after the meetings and the loaded questions from the elders "How ARE you" (meant you missed the thursday meeting so im gonna pretend like im concerned that you are ill, "HOW are you" (meant you didnt answer up today so im gonna pretend like I think you look a bit peaky) "How are YOU" (meant you havent got 10 hours field service this month so im gonna pretend like im helping you get out a bit more)

  • AnnOMaly
    7) Although seats are not assigned, coming back and finding your books have been moved and 2 sisters are sitting there, grinning at you pointing at where they moved your books.

    You're kidding, Blondie! That is so ruuuuuude! I'd go beserk. You know, when we hosted the group study at our home, there was a sister who once removed my books from my seat in my home so she could sit there. She didn't do it again LOL.

    Busy-body elderettes bug me. There was one (her husband had not long been appointed) who took it upon herself to save a row of seats for a family with babies who, incidentally, hadn't showed up yet - the family wasn't even related to her. The hall was packed on this occasion, and our family (we had young kids) were looking for seats - the only ones available together were the elderette-reserved ones, but she said we couldn't sit there because this family needed them! The meeting was about to start, we were beginning to panic until hubby just scowled and said "Sorry but we're here and we need them now" and proceeded to dump our stuff and sit down - much to the consternation of elderette. The family with babies did show up in the end and extra seating was put out for them at the back of the hall - easily solved. Elderette was just meddling, trying to look important.

    8) Talking to a sister and being interrupted by the 2 sisters who moved your books. Going over and talking to another sister and 2 other sisters interrupt and crowd you out.

    Yeah, that used to happen to me - they'd just ignore you (no 'excuse me,' 'hello' or anything) and with their back to you, start up a conversation with the person you were talking to and take over. I learnt ways of elbowing my way back in or saying something sarcastic to the offender that brought their attention to how ill-mannered they were.

    Trigger words irritate me. "1914" "faithful and discreet slave" "607" "in the Truth" "1919" "apostate Christendom" - there are many more but I can't think of specifics atm.

  • blondie

    I could have have won the battle but lost the war, Ann. I found out that area was reserved for them and their family...their dad was the PO. I guess I really didn't want to sit in an area surrounded by "the enemy." As to the interrupters, I tried to hold my own, it depended on the attitude of the sister I had been originally talking to. If she didn't seem to mind, I would just move on.

    I hated the fact that the local needs talks were always negative about the congregation; they could never find anything commendatory to say.

    Hearing talks by an elder about watching the wrong kind of movies just after you had seen that elder and another with their wives leaving an R-rated movie...just after the CO had privately chewed the BOE's butts for that...and the ones that bought them for viewing at home...fast forwarding during the R parts, hah!

    The elder encouraging everyone to go out Sunday after the meeting, who had never gone out himself for the last 3 years even when assigned to lead the group...just say a prayer, make sure everyone had arrangments and territory, and then go home to watch his sports shows.


  • mrsjones5

    If I ever go again...let's say I go to California and lose my mind and decide to go to the hall with my mother. What would irritate me the most is the attitude that my mother would project to everyone she knows at the hall about her daughter who really knows it's the truth and since she came to this one meeting it's a sign that mom is right and the daughter is being subborn and one day she will be back and let's just hope she's not too late.

    Lord help me,


  • juni


    cyds's comment: •Getting stares because of my hair, my growing beard and my piercings


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