Has anyone else here heard about May 1st and what do you think about it?

by WildHorses 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    The one I found to be the hardest were the oranges as I had delivered my son less than a week before I went to work. I believe it was four days to be exact. I was young and stupid and didn't know that I souldn't start back to work so soon. I had to quit because I started to hemorrhage one day while working.

    I am no stranger to hard work and it pisses me off when people say that Americans are lazy since I know I am not and I am American. There are lazy people in every nationality. I've seen my share of lazy mexicans also. I've also worked with a few who would slow down just to make hours

    I can't imagine....you poor thing...

    You know...what pisses me off....is seeing these Mexicans who may or may not be illegal....I don't know...but I pass them on the way to work every morning and evening and they're building 3 extra lanes on our interstate. And I have to wonder...''How much of my taxes are going to them? And the don't pay SH*T on any of it!!!''


    luv, jojo

  • WildHorses

    Jojo, they at least aren't getting things 100% tax free. They still have to pay taxes when they buy things.

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    Jojo, they at least aren't getting things 100% tax free. They still have to pay taxes when they buy things.

    Yeah...but I still have to give up $200 of my check to Uncle Sam. luv, jojo

  • candidlynuts

    the most i ever made at any job was 7.50 an hour

    how do i get 9 bux an hour? that sounds pretty darn good.

  • SixofNine

    Anyone who has ever sped, cheated even slightly on taxes, or driven at or above the legal alcohol limit, should most definitely NOT be worrying about immigration in terms of legal/illegal.

  • WildHorses

    I was making $12 an hour as a convenience store manager. Made $9 an hour pressing clothes at a dry cleaner. The managers job was easier but more headaches.

  • Virgochik

    Zagor, I have my great grandfather's naturalization papers. He became a US citizen, renouncing the King of Denmark, and settled his family in Cook County, Chicago. He applied legally and became a citizen of the United States. Legally. He worked, paid taxes, and contributed to the economy.

    In my city, we have so many Mexican illegals who have no car or health insurance, Many have drug or alcohol problems. When they crash their junk cars into little old ladies, surprise! They have no insurance.

    When they go to the hospital, they can't be turned away for humanitarian reasons. The taxpayer foots their bill.

    I wonder, if millions of Americans went to Mexico illegally, and raised hell with President Fox, demonstrating and protesting and boycotting and marching on Mexico City, do ya think they'd round our asses up and ship us home?

    Yes, my ancestors come from Scandinavia and the UK, legally. They came in the proper way, paid taxes, and obeyed the law. They became good, contributing citizens and enriched our country with their hard work and culture. Legally.

  • daniel-p

    If these illegal immigrants were made legal, and then were paid legally, with taxed money, the vast number of them would still not pay income taxes because their income would likely be so low. They pay a lot of taxes through sales tax, which is, by the way, the greatest source of revenue for most counties and cities (property taxes may be a bit higher or lower depending on which state you live in).

    Oh, and upside down, CA is in the red because of CUTTING taxes and issuing bonds to pay for mainteneance of infrastructure, not even capital projects. They are borrowing in order to pay for the daily necessities. And I said we had the best PUBLIC health care system. My point is, there a lot worse things in the world than illegal immigrants, like politically-motivated finance advisors, for example. Maybe because you lived in such a rough neighborhood, you are so prejudice against Hispanics. I bet you have a bunker full of canned goods and guns to defend yourself when "they" come and take your land.... freakin rednecks....

  • AuldSoul
    he returned to Mexico with enough money to buy a new truck and some land.

    This is one of the biggest problems I have with this issue. US dollars are running through a sluice into the economies of foreign countries with no regulation whatsoever. It doesn't take as many US dollars to buy a truck in Mexico. And that truck sale (goods and services) was part of MEXICO's gross domestic product, not ours. We count a loss an Fox scores a gain, and again, and again.

    But by far the biggest reason has to do with simple National Security, in its most basic form. A nation that starts crap with the people we start crap with cannot afford to have an "open border" policy for entrants. As it stands, I am subjected to much greater scrutiny traveling WITHIN the country than those who cross from our bribe-ridden and not particularly friendly southern neighbor on a daily basis. They already caught one Arab woman with an axe to grind crossing that border just like other illegal immigrants.

    I prefer the term "illegal immigrants" over "undocumented workers" because the latter indicates they are just waiting on paperwork. These people are actively engaging in criminal behavior with every step—every breath—they take within this country's borders. I spent a year in the Spanish congregation in Columbus, OH. Franklin County, OH is full of illegal immigrants. They have jobs here, their children go to school here, there are even assistance programs they can take advantage of that are not available to citizens. Many of them send money back home, many of them are very circumspect about purchases here in the US.

    By the by, sixofnine, if I break this country's laws as a citizen of this country I may pay the penalty of my lawless acts under the laws of this country. Do you know what happens to illegal immigrants who break our laws? I do. They get to run back into our country under a new name in a couple of months.


  • kittyeatzjdubs
    Maybe because you lived in such a rough neighborhood, you are so prejudice against Hispanics. I bet you have a bunker full of canned goods and guns to defend yourself when "they" come and take your land.... freakin rednecks....

    Daniel, I honestly enjoy your posts...honestly...but I also understand where U/D is coming from. As you can gather from my previous posts, I have the same views as U/D...illegal immigration is wrong no matter how you put it. I'm Mexican and I don't have a bunker full of canned goods and guns.

    luv, jojo

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