Bethel Closed Today!

by silentlambs 64 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus

    Come on, MadApostate, you know you are my evil twin. There are things about you I like, except your hot temper, and your quick black-and-white Watchtower judgemental ways--which makes me believe you are legit, by the way. You tar good people for no reason except what is in your head. You must enjoy causing pain in others. Another Watchtower trait you excuse under the umbrella of freedom of speech.

    You must think attorney Jeff Anderson a total fool for being involved with Berry.

    He does have a few notches in his belt. Over 400, to be exact, including participation in the Mormon Church case.

    My money is on him, not you. After all, you tell us

    "I am not an attorney, but ..."

    then you cite reams of court material. More than curious.

    See you in court.

  • nytelecom1

    nope it was Gilead meal, I asked three different Bethelites in
    various ways. One of them is in his 4th month there and hates it. He has no reason to lie. He is leaving anyway. 'twas gilead meal that cause the extra long recess. Despite what all the conspiracy thinkers may believe. Bethel will never "close" in this manner..think of all
    the tours etc., cant have JW's roaming Montague street with nothing to do.

  • MadApostate


    If you will read my comments in my BERRY CASE EVALUATED THREAD, I fully acknowledge Jeffrey Anderson's abilities.

    However, in his online resume, he "boasts" of winning one case at trial level which revolves around a constitutional issue which "every attorney" knows will lose once it goes to the appellate level.

    Anderson has become a multimillionaire suing religious organizations. He can easily afford to "harass" those which he does not like.

    As I've indicated, I have no doubt that "politically sensitive" local trial courts can be swayed on this emotional issue (Just like the "county judge" in the Mormon case on this). However, once the case is appealed to higher levels, then the constitutional issues are weighed, and most are in the WTS's favor.

    We will just have to wait and see. In the meantime, you can "saber-rattle" for probably the next 2 years or more, and maybe even beyond, since as in the REES case, it was promoted as theatening the WTS, even 18 months after the WTS had won.

  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus


    Mad Apostate has NOT DENIED he is my evil twin! Post that on your site.


    MA, it's not about the stupidity of saber-rattling. It's about changing the damned US abuse policy! Because of the intense pressure, the boys in Patterson already have. Now they face the tricky problem of how best to present "adjustment." The GB continues to nap during their weekly meetings.

    It's also about public opinion.


  • anewperson

    Eusib, I will tell you this again. I do not own the website at: You also say that I would not be able to say I was wrong were I wrong, and that too is false.

    It is heartening to see you are here differing from your so-called madapostate alter-ego. My recognition is that the Catholic church for example has paid out over $1 in lawsuits in the U.S. even after those cases went unsuccessfully on appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    You boys have your feet in molten lava and simply don't care to admit it. As to all Bethel being closed 4 hours for no unusual meeting but just in connection with Gilead, maybe and just maybe not because for one thing ...

    A friend said her C.O. was scheduled to give a special talk but the very day he was to give it he was told instead that he and other C.O.'s were to attend a special talk for C.O.'s given by the D.O.

    Undercover the Watchtower Society is preparing its people for what they stubbornly label as "false and unfair" media statements. And before you rush to say I am "deliberately lying" on this statement either as you did above, that the false and unfair media statement was on the front cover of the August "Kingdom Ministry."

    I'm walking over to the law library.

  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus

    : "You boys have your feet in molten lava and simply don't care to admit it. ...
    A friend said her C.O. was scheduled to give a special talk but the very day he was to give it he was told instead that he and other C.O.'s were to attend a special talk for C.O.'s given by the D.O."

    DOs DON'T GIVE TALKS TO COs!! Again, COs are being prepped prior to the Ministerial Training Schools in November and December. That means changed schedules. Some COs will do temporary district work while DOs are being trained. Meetings are occuring all over the country.

    What rankles is your stubbornness in the face of facts, anewperson. That is hardly motivating to join that group of yours!

    When you check the law library information, publish the facts here. Make a public admission of the truth. Are you afraid to ask Randy and Bill Bowen? Afraid they will tell you what you now likely suspect is true?

    Judah Ben Schroeder is not an attorney. You have misrepresented his "royal" relationship as having power. Again, that is not the issue. I'm concerned because you spew opinion under the guise of knowing something you do not. That's harmful to this community, which deserves better than receiving a few crumbs of fact laced with lots of conjecture.

  • anewperson

    On the following link is a list of bogus human rights representatives for various cults including the Watchtower Society. You will notice the name of Judah Ben Schroeder.

    Massimo Introvigne, CENSUR, Director Center for Studies on New Religions, Torino
    011 39 11 53 55 40
    [email protected]

    Dr. Derek Davis, Director JM Dawson Institute of Church State Studies
    Baylor University 254 710 1510 [email protected]

    Dr. Jeremy Gunn, former US State Department Religious freedom office
    202 903 3891

    Judah Schroeder, Director International Affairs, JEhovah's Witnesses
    718 560 5600

    Lee Boothby President, Int. Commission on freedom of Conscience
    Wash DC 202 363 1773 { Suspected SCIENTOLOGIST )

    Dr. Cole Durham, professor, Law School, Brigham Young University
    Provo Utah 801 378 2281 [email protected]

    I was told Judah may have have a law degree but not be listed due to not now practising in the main source for attorneys the Martindale Hubbel Law Directory 2001. Reference librarian researchers utlized and and came to the same conclusion that, although he is shown on the internet as Director
    of International Affairs for the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, he is not currently listed on those sources as a "practising" attorney, which still does not preclude that he may be an accredited member of a Bar.

    D.O.s do not give "Talks" per se in the same sense of elders do from platforms but they sometimes, as common sense will tell any reader, speak with groups of C.O.s which is the sense of the word "talk" that I was using but which you sought to distort in order to discredit me.

    You again refer to "my organization" or as you this time put it "that group of yours" which is in opposition to the Watchtower Society. Well, if a person attends and likes a Methodist church for example then I suppose you could say that that's the person's organization. However you seem to be fishing and praying that "I" am "the organization" that is opposing the Watchtower Society. That's simply untrue for there is instead a "movement" of independent groups and individuals that are opposing your organization.

    No, actually the egroup although it services persons of various beliefs systems, mostly ex-JWs but also some ex-LDS etc, also services Support Groups (some with some religious context, many with none but geared toward healing and venting) and associating Bible Groups including Jah Christians which since 1998 have comprised a fellowship or network of those who love Jah and Christ but not the Watchtower misleadership and which meets in homes, via the internet etc.

    If I were the one and only person on the face of this planet who were a Free Christian, the name of the movement, then you'd have nothing to worry about. But you're too late. A lot of people associate and will associate. Efforts to find more information concerning Gov Body Albert Schroeder's son Judah Ben Schroeder will continue, as said thanks to your motivational efforts. You appear clearly intent upon divide and conquer efforts mingled with flaming of the board. You put forward the notion that Henschel is a now total mental incompetent when none of us have seen any official statement to that effect. He may have some memory loss and speech faltering but to the best of everyone's knowledge he is still the President of the WTBTS and although the Gov Body is said to now be reorganized such that the chairmanship changes yearly we have not heard that he has resigned. If they kept a total mental incompetent as chairperson then that would be simply incredible!

    Now you'll come back and say, well, Judah is no longer even Director of International Relations for the WTBTS. No problem. But the point is that he was. He did wield such power and since his Pappa is still on the Gov Body what was taken away may yet come back. Regardless of current position for Judah, the burning fact YOU can't seem to grasp is that the father and son duo are both in the world headquarters and therefore the Schroeders do still maintain much power.

  • sf

    "It is odd how quiet it has been regarding anyone who might actually know the answer to this question."

    You're noticing that too sir? I had that gut feeling for some time now. Just Where Are They?

    sKally, inquiring mind klass

  • Seeker
    It is odd how quiet it has been regarding anyone who might actually know the answer to this question.

    Silentlambs, it was answered, near as I can see. Bethelites said it was the Gilead meal. Now, I don't think it was really 4 hours long, but perhaps that part of the story got garbled. But the Gilead meal really does occur before graduation, and it is long, and things do shut down. NYT got this from several Bethel sources. I've heard nothing odd from my Bethel sources. No news has leaked out otherwise, and every last other nugget of news instantly gets out.

  • sf

    "He has no reason to lie."



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