Bethel Closed Today!

by silentlambs 64 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • silentlambs

    newperson, interesting comments, i have wondered if bethel was really taking this seriously, i hope for their sake they are. then again, could this be misinformation to throw everyone off? while i do not doubt you or your sources, i think it will be interesting to see how much more information is developed.

  • anewperson

    Newly forming groups don't need kingdom hall buildings since they can also simply meet in private homes (a la' Tuesday night Book Study groups) or even use free places such as community center or library rooms etc.

    Therefore the Bonham, Texas, thing has absolutely no bearing. There have been schisms though less known all through the history of the organization.

    One way to save money for pay-out to molestation victims is indeed by cutting staff as has already happened in both Germany and now (as Kent and others report) this year in Canada. I believe someone had mentioned reductions at the India branch as well. And probably jwdugan has commented on Japan's branch tending to be more independent these days than the WTS anticipated.

    You are also false about Brooklyn giving up after going after Kent over the posting of the secret elders' manual. Hourglass2 had to moved ISPs more than once since then. I am told the Free Christians website has already tonight begun some new changes to thwart WTS moves.

    I notice you duck the issue of flaming that I brought up. The fact that it has shot up even on this very board and in the past day or so is very evident to those who frequent here.

  • Skimmer

    Hello lisaBObeesa:

    The Bonham, Texas congreagation did indeed split from the WTBTS in 1986. The case went to court and the WTBTS lost. They will not soon let such happen again.


    Hello anewperson:

    I did not reference the flaming as I try to abstain from readng flaming threads as I am not particularly interested in their contents.

    As far as I can tell, the WTBTS has given up on trying to surpress the _Pay Attention_ elder's manual. Certainly there is no difficulty in downloading a copy. The last thing the WTBTS wants to do is to draw even more attention to any ex-JW site. A tangent: note that the WTBTS has never issued any sort of comment about either of Ray Franz' books for fear of popularizing them.

    Do you think that the WTBTS will cut printing staff? When they have done this in the past, it meant only that the printing work was moved to a more producive (or less taxed) site.

    I for one would like to the the "total printing" press run numbers appearing in the _Watchtower_ start declinnig, but I don't think it's happened yet.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Bethel was closed for a meeting today at which it was announced that the new date for Armageddon will now be October 7, 2075. The writing department is working feverishly doing the math using disconnected proof scriptures.

    It is believed by the GB that this will result in unprecedented excitement amongst the worldwide brotherhood. Growth in new converts is expected to set new records. Jehovah has once again given us something to shoot for.

  • SusanHere


    Thanks for the best response to this thread yet!


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Silentlambs,

    a good information with a pertinent question.

    Maybe the most reasonable answer was from "anewperson ".

    Things, are getting quite hot, and your web site certainly

    does help greatly. Keep on the good work, and I hope what

    you wrote and proved would be given a lot of publicity,

    even here in Europe. Many nationals governments are

    very, very sensitive at all levels in this issue.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • anewperson

    Returning to the Bonham thing. Yes, Bonham's congregation seceded then the WTS overreacted. They fixed it in writing that they and only they, no local elder/s for example, would own a kingdom hall building in the future.

    But what this did was make it clear to any future Judge hearing a case involving the WTBTS that the WTBTS calls the shots from top-down, hence helping make the WTBTS legally liable to pay out money when one of its elders or ministerial servants is found guilty, say, of child molestation.

    In the eyes of the Law they are not legally emancipated from liability but have themselves boxed in. A Judge can inquire:

    1) The way you are structured who appoints duties among your clergy?
    Is it by local voting members of the hall or you at the top?
    Duhhhh, your Honor, yep we do it from the top.....

    2) The way you're structured who administers discipline when a member smokes, has adultery or whatever? You at the top or the membership?
    Well, uhhhhh, Your Honor, we do.......

    3) When the bills on the kingdom halls are all paid off, who gets the property? You or your local members? Oh, no! Oh, my!!!!! NOOOO, Your Honor!!! Please, please don't sell our printing presses! We may have to sell 1 or 2 and lay off people or something horrible like that!!!!

    His/Her Honor peers down at the Watchtower Society attorney: You will do exactly as this court tells you. By your own admission you are indeed found culpable and I most surely must and do hereby find for the child molestation victims that YOU do indeed lord it over all personnell and property of the WTBTS.

    The Governing Body of the WTBTS literally cried when they lost power of Bonham, Texas. So they built a fancy replacement kingdom hall so that today the town of Bonham has two halls, one owned by the locals who dumped the WTBTS, and the big fancy one the WTBTS built that has but a relative handful of attenders. And the WTBTS also rushed to seize all properties by legal documentation so that now they are fully liable. See!

    Run WTBTS, run, run, run!!! The only sleep you boys steal is your own. Keep motivating us even so, Milton! Tell your "angels" THANKS!

    BTW: in the same turbulent post 1975 misprophecy years of the 1980s the WTBTS also had trouble in halls in St. Louis, Canada, the Phillipines and other nations. No, you didn't hear of this in AWAKE, of course. Nor did you hear of explosive events (literal and figurative) right there at Bethel world HQ in Brooklyn, eh... This time we've got the Internet to help organize for you see the End-for-the-WTBTS harlot of Babylon really is coming!

    She may survive a bit but she's about to be stripped naked by the courts. Milton Henschel knows... :) He really "ain't" THAT BRAIN-DEAD... :) Ditto for his phony fronts and henchmen toadies! Come on over to folks for some really solid spiritual food and fellowship just like I do. It'll make you strong to the finish! :)

  • anewperson

    Yes, mates, true enough Bill, they may have met at Bethel for reasons TOTALLY having nothing to do with the pedophile coverup lawsuits. Maybe say just to give a pep rally with thanks for the fine work. I bet Sam Herd went and passed out cookies to all present.

    But the clearly known facts from heretofore are such that we now see a curse from how they had their legal hacks mishandle Bonham, the results of which continue to plague Big Momma so that she is a-sweating it.

    And when you sweat a lot, you lose a lot...of weight. (*chuckles**)

  • AngelofMuZiC

    WoW!!!!!!!!!!!All of this is sooooooo interesting!!!!! I was raised in the truth, and I never knew that any of this occured!!!!! I am floored! My mother is still an active member. What do you suppose the reaction would be if she were to inquire of these events you all speak of...i.e. the Bonham incident? (which I still only know little about) Do you think they would answer her, or do you think they would get scared and ask her who she has been speaking to? I am really interested in these past occurences, and this entire subject. I would appreciate it if you all could send me some information via e-mail? My addy is [email protected]
    I am still in shock!! I wish I had done my research when I was a member. And I wish that I knew awhile ago what I have learned from this site....maybe then I would have been able to defend myself better when badgered by the elders about doing my own research.

    My Regards,
    P.S.-Please send me info!!!!!

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    I'm with you JoAnn,
    No matter how much I find out, I am still shocked everytime something new comes out.
    How gullible were we?

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