Bethel Closed Today!

by silentlambs 64 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Anchor
    Milton Henschel knows... :) He really "ain't" THAT BRAIN-DEAD... :) Ditto for his phony fronts and henchmen toadies! Come on over to folks for some really solid spiritual food and fellowship just like I do. It'll make you strong to the finish! :)

    My heart quickened at your posts until I read your comment about DOs consulting with COs. You are misreading recent training schools for traveling overseers prior to the schools for U.S. elders in November and December.

    You have put together a mishmash of scant facts and much conjecture above, including comments about Milton Henschel. You keep stating he is in charge, just like you insisted J B Schroeder was in charge. Anybody who REALLY knows the situation will tell you Milton has been mentally incompetent for a very long time. I know, I met with him recently. It is Ted Jaracz who is the hardest of the GB breed and not Milton, who truly is out of the picture and has been for some time.

    Charles will be the first to tell you he is an observer from afar and has no "inside" sources. I miss the presence on the board of those who really know what's going on. Downsizing is real.

    Is the Watchtower Society running scared? You bet. They've had the gun placed to their temple and they have blinked.

    The casual reader should exercise great caution before buying into everything said in this thread. That is not to take away from the web site group "jahchristian" noted above, or the good motive of its founder.


  • Pathofthorns

    I would have to agree with you Anchor. This thread contains pretty much assumptions and speculations at this point. Putting much weight to anything without solid confirmation sets us up to look like a bunch of idiots.


  • HoChiMin

    Hello All,

    About two years or so now the WT has been encouraging congregations to borrow money from them or to refinance with them at a new lower interest rate. There are many stipulations that benefit the WT such as: all the ownership paperwork naming the owners of the building defaults back to the WT, any organizational claims all default back to the WT, ex. corporate or religious association formations of entities to operate in their state are worded to default back to the WT.


  • blondie

    Thanks, Ozziepost...for the date of the Gilead graduation...I'm never invited so I didn't know...

    Anyway, I can't believe something won't leak out about that meeting...

    First there was the telegraph, then the telephone, then tell-a-Bethelite.

    And the end is coming on October 3, 2034...120 years after 1914 began.
    Genesis 6:3
    Yahweh said, "My spirit will not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; yet will his days be one hundred twenty years."
    World English Bible

  • bboyneko

    I think bethel was closed for 4 hours so they could have a large-scale water baloon fight.

    Those zany bethelites!

  • ozziepost

    G'day bboyneko, (You've got a hard name to spell when you've been enjoying a good bottle of red!)

    Anyway what I was going to say was that from what I experienced the main amusement for Bethelites was the use of puns.

    I suppose some find it humorous, but not this old farmer!


    "A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies"
    ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON, The Grandmother

  • nytelecom1

    I have a meeting tonight with Bethelites...I am "down" with some of
    them and will verify and inform if the any updates havent been given

  • RationalWitness

    My wife suggests they are downsizing the staff at the Bible House, and this meeting is to review the Society's early retirement package.

  • freeman

    Rational, you said "My wife suggests they are downsizing the staff at the Bible House, and this meeting is to review the Society's early retirement package."

    You are correct, that is what my wife the dub heard too. She also heard they are including stock in the bomb making plant they own too, oh and don't forget the WTBTS 401'k. It should make a nice nest-egg for those nice Beth-Ill-Lights.

    PS: I like you name, I so do love a good oxymoron now and then.


  • anewperson

    What was or wasn't said at Bethel's special meeting is, just as said, conjecture. As said by someone maybe for 4 hours they did do nothing but review benefits. It's simply not yet known but should be known soon. And if the meeting somehow didn't touch on their being sued over molestation coverups, then they certainly missed their golden opportunity.

    Now for your other statement. No one has ever said that either Schroeder or his son is or are in full control of the WTBTS but it has been said he and his attorney son Judah exert more influence than many or even most would think. Use common sense. If nothing else figure for yourself that a Gov. Body member who has a son who is also a Bethelite will naturally have twice or more than twice the normal influence.

    And yes, for a long time Jarasc has been de facto manager of Bethel (that's never been doubted and we've known it ages) though I would argue that now Adams' influence or power should definitely not be underestimated either. That Henschel has less mental capacity to formulate sentences etc is also not being challenged but contention is that we all can hold him responsible for the current mess and so will most all JWs - for he led everybody into this mud hole.

    When the histories are written he won't come up smelling like roses.

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