by bubble 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • apfergus

    I've been right where you are now. I identified myself as an agnostic for years before I ever managed to find anything more certain (and as an atheist/secular humanist, I'm still not too much more certain). But as JW you've been taught that everything you were told was certain and undeniably true. Now it's just starting to dawn that there isn't anything in life that you can actually know for absolute certain. I know that I spent a good few years just searching for certainties. It took me a long time to get comfortable with living with doubts, but once I did I could never go back.

    Best of luck in your search for fulfillment. Just remember that you might find it in places you would have never suspected before.

  • digglina

    I always think of Mozes. After he killed the Egyptian guard he ran of to the dessert and stayed there for 40 years, just taking care of the sheep. He got married, led a normal life. Then, when he turned 80, God could use him again. My point is that, if there is a God, I think this shows that he is more patient than man. He apparently gave Mozes time to think things through, lead his life and mature.

    Life is not a picture (static), life is a film (dynamic). Whereever you are now (in limbo or some other 'God foresaken' place...), it is possible that in time (weeks, months, years) you will be at peace with yourselves.

    We look upon the world from our own perspectives. What you believe, is true...

    All the best to you,


  • Hellrider
    I have lost my faith in organised religion though. So where does this leave me exactly?

    If you believe, do you really need anything more than a Bible and your brain? If you don`t believe in organised religion anymore, does that mean that you can`t be a christian? "Where two or three are gathered, I will be there", Jesus said. So read the Bible with a friend, and that`s all you need. No need for a congregation, countless hours going door to door to "buy" a ticket into paradise. It`s all about you and your heart and your faith, you don`t need anyone else.

  • acadian

    Wecome to the board Bubble,

    what am I supposed to believe now?

    That's the "Million Dollar" question, first start believing in yourself, don't worry what you should believe about anything else.

    I know that I believe in Jesus

    And apply the word's Jesus spoke at Matt 22: 36-40 (The Message)

    36 "Teacher, which command in God's Law is the most important?"
    37 Jesus said, ""Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.' 38 This is the most important, the first on any list.

    39 But there is a second to set alongside it: "Love others as well as you love yourself.'

    40 These two commands are pegs; everything in God's Law and the Prophets hangs from them."

    Bubble, regardless what you believe, or are told to believe, these two things above is a starting place.
    And you do NOT need to be any religion to practice these in your life.


  • truth about the last days
    truth about the last days

    Dear Bubble. I can understand your delema as to what to believe now. I can only encourage you to re-cap over those Bible examples of Jesus, Job, John the Baptizer, ect. These ones, at one time or another were alone in their worship to the Most High God. Joseph was another example. Even though all these ones lived different lives to each other, they all were good examples of how they STILL worshipped the true God. Some of us on this DB are in the same situation, living to worship the true God but we are individually alone. One thing that he requires of us is to speak the truth ALL of the time. As we all know the scripture, that "liers will not inherit Gods Kingdom". There is some good in all religions, as well as some bad. It would be good if we all keep up with our studies on all Bible matters so we can determin as to what is true or not. Once we have found a truth on a certern subject, what is there to stop us from telling others. The main goal is to please the only True God, and not to please any man or false god. I have been spending a lot of time on many subjects these past few months with intrest. Such as 607 v 587/586BCE. And finding about the Freemasons and the connections to the WT society. I often wondered why we had a WT symbol on all the books and mags when in the scriptures it does state that all true worshippers should NOT have any symbol to represent the true invisable God. I have just found out that the WT symbol is also used on the Freemasons Lodge of England- meaning that the WT symbol is a Freemason symbol that started with C.T.Russel.Keep on studying and improve your relationship to the Most High God. Another intrest is that the books and mags have been putting subliminal faces and images within the publications for the reason of inserting fear in our minds and hearts so as not to displease the Governing Body. These subliminal "items" are in EVERY book (from the 1970s)(not the concordance) and most of the WTs and Awakes. There are more in the WT than the Awakes so as when we tell the brothers of what we know, they will put up a barrier to what is been said to be what is truth. And the funny thing about it is that it is NOT apostacy if i show a subliminal item from the WT to the brothers! I wonder what else we will learn in the future? Take care!

  • Gregor

    Go back and re-read Terrys post on pg 2. He put it as well as it can be put. Try this too, Google the term "secular humanism" (or humanist) Read some of the basic tenets of that philosophy. They make a lot of sense. It works for me.

    But, if you still crave a supernatural fix, well, you've already said you were moved by the "Passion of the Christ" movie with all its heavy Catholic blood and suffering, etc. Maybe you would be happy as a Catholic.

    Best wishes

  • Fleur

    What Elsewhere said.

    You can't believe in anything more important than believing that you have a place, a cause, and a calling in the Universe.

    I often find that volunteering for a cause close to your heart helps take a lot of the wondering what to believe out of the picture for me. I stopped believing in duality of man and Divinity and I believe in the work of hands motivated by love to do good in the world.

    I work with my hands for others in simple ways as much as I can. Doing that has given more meaning to my life than any 'beliefs' I have ever seen, heard of, felt, or experienced.

    good luck. The journey is the thing, not a destination.


  • parlay

    It only takes three minutes to watch this presentation. Enjoy, hopefully it will help you feel better. http://theinterviewwithgod.com/

  • Quotes

    One word:


    Think of all the benefits! Their "Sea Org" (similar to Bethel) you get to wear snappy uniforms. Also, they have all the asnwers to lifes big questions! They have courses! They have "Tech"! They have E-Meters! They have free "Personality Tests"! You might meet Tom Cruise and John Travola! You get to shun former members, but they are called "Suppressive Person" instead of "Apostate"! The benefits are almost endless!


    (P.S. the above was supposed to be sarcastically funny, at least to me. Welcome to the board, bubble)

  • Quotes

    OK, now that I got my sarcastic comment out of the way (thank you for that indulgence) I can tell you what I believe. I would never say that YOU are "supposed" to belive this, but since you are considering all possibilities (you ARE, aren't you?) check this out:



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