I'm meeting with the elders today, oh yay!!!!!!!!!!!

by lola28 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    We have had a few little conversations with elders over the years. I always ask them questions when they ask me one, like "why do you want to know that?" or "why do you ask?" or "do you think of me as a JW?" when they ask me if I consider myself to be a JW. They can't answer that one right. If they say "yes", then it's "why has it taken you so long to check on us?", if they say "no", then "what I think is none of their business, is it?"

    So far it has worked beautifully. It puts them on the defensive. We have also lied our socks off. It's fun doing the theocratic warfare lying, for sure.

    Fabulous advise Mulan! This is psychological warfare and yes it does put them off guard and makes them feel guilty too!

    Good luck Lola I'll be sending positive vibes your way!

  • hamsterbait

    Goood for you Honey!!

    Your tactics are those that helped Britain stand against Hitler.

    At the time of the Munich Crisis there was no way anybody could have won a fight against Germany. "Appeasement" was a ploy that gave time for Britain and America to prepare.

    Don't start a war unless you intend to win it. Everything comes to him that waits. In 5 years time I reckon the facts on this site will be worldwide common knowledge, and the WTBTS will have to change its policies out of sheer fear, as their house of cards accelerates its tumble.


  • Carmel

    OT, it would be interesting if you would share with us just ONE!


  • toreador

    Good advice Mulan!


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Lola,

    By now you should be back from the meeting with the Elders. I hope all went the way you wanted. Please let us know how you are doing.


    Lady Liberty

  • sass_my_frass

    "I'm depressed and confused. I want help. Can you brothers suggest anything?" (they'll suggest a study with an elderly sister, I'm tipping). Be as quiet and humble as you can stand. Be warm and friendly. Dress very modestly; and within those bounds as gorgeous as you can be bothered (you think they're above responding to looks?)

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