Your prayers and thoughts for Randy!

by Atlantis 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Van Gogh
    Van Gogh

    Dear Randy,

    May your contribution to so many wounded, including myself, on their road to recovery and healing, be restituted by speedy progress on your own road to recovery.
    As we progress on life's road, we continue to be bewildered by whatever spiritual, mental or physical misfortunes fate has (had) in store for us.
    But things can at least make some sort of sense if they cause us to draw closer in a newfound bond of brother/sisterhood.
    It is from this sense of love, respect and appreciation as well that I wish you well.


  • DannyHaszard
    What are the odds that two of the most famous WT opponents would both suffer from the same extraordinary condition?

    I am honored to be so recognized with Randy,yes we both have IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease 101 only i have (had) ulcerative colitis he has chrons the difference is UC only affects the large bowel and since the large bowel (colon) is not a vital organ it can be surgically removed (total protocolectomy) and you are cured forever but must wear a colostomy bag.

    I had the surgery and wearing a bag sucks but severe UC sucks even more so i am better off.With crohns the entire digestive tract is affected and you can not live without a small intestine so there is NO cure for crohns.

    Best regards to Randy

    "Staying Alive Until 1975" My Story of Growing Up JW with Severe Ulcerative Colitis

  • Golf

    My thoughts and prayers. Here's hoping for a quick recovery.


  • Mystery

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • jwsons
  • Sunnygal41

    Dearest Randy, please be well and let your body heal.........sending healing energies to you!

  • blondie

    May things continue to get better for you, Randy.

    Blondie and Irreverent

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I'm glad to hear that the doctors are being extra cautious. Better to stay put for a few extra days and make sure it doesn't flare up as soon as you get back home.

    So rest up, eat all the yuccky hospital food you can and be back soon.


  • Scully

    Take good care of yourself, Randy! We need you!

  • kid-A

    Sending good vibes to you Randy. You rock !!!!

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