I was very embarrassed tonight!

by averyniceguy 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jgnat

    HI, averyniceguy. I am hearing, but I learned ASL from a deaf employee.

    I think part of the problem is the cultural difference between you and your hearing classmates. Deaf people tend to be "out there" with their questioning, and much more visual. Take for instance, the ASL word for "boobies". The fastest way to find out if that flirty girl was baring herself on the internet was to show her the picture. So you did. In English, of course, people dance around the question for quite a while before putting it out there.

    In my mind, I see you making the sign for embarrassed, with a red face. Perhaps if you make that sign a few more times to the teacher, explaining that you sent the picture only to that one girl, and it was only to satisfy your curiosity, the teacher may invite you back.


  • integ

    I wouldn't worry about it...honestly. Just have fun with it.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Hmmmm after last week i'm starting to see dirt bikers everywhere!

  • averyniceguy

    Luna2, you said "although I am not clear on why you'd send her a naughty picture that doesn't even really look like her"

    Luna2, you know her??? How do you know it does not look like her? If I did not think it looks like her, I would not be sending her that picture.

  • averyniceguy

    Hi Jgnat!

    Thank you for your good advice. :) I have enjoyed reading your posts. I am mainly a lurker. :) I have emailed the teacher tonight and I will let you know how it turns out.

  • luna2
    Luna2, you said "although I am not clear on why you'd send her a naughty picture that doesn't even really look like her"

    Ok, now I'm embarrassed. I read your original post wrong and thought you'd said you did not think it really looked like her and couldn't figure out why ....yeah, well, nevermind. LOL Guess I shouldn't do flyby posting on work mornings. Sorry, averyniceguy.

  • FlyingHighNow

    It's possible Anna was looking at you as someone in a position of respect and her interest in you might have been purely romantic, rather than sexual.

    AVNG, you learned a powerful lesson. When we don't know someone well enough, sex is not a kosher subject to discuss. It doesn't matter if a young lady has posted a sexually revealing pictures of herself. In Anna's case, she hadn't provided you the link to her picture. You found it. She probably never dreamt you'd see her picture. I'm thinking that a young lady who would post such a pornographic type photo on a yahoo profile, must have some deep rooted identity problems. Because today is the culture of Girls Gone Wild, younger ladies don't understand that exposing themselves is not a good way to find quality romance.

    I believe she wanted you to see her in a more pure, romantic light. When she realized you saw her picture, it was too late. She probably told her teacher because she worried you might tell her teacher. She likely was going to feel very uncomfortable around you from then on.

    Like Lady Lee, said, the deaf language culture is different from the hearing. Maybe there is a way for you to write a letter to Anna's teacher and explain that, adding another profound apology, and let her know it was a single incident with this one student.

  • averyniceguy

    FHN, I did apologize to the teacher via email, maybe I will do another apology letter via snail mail since she did not write me back so far. Maybe you can give me some examples on what to put in the letter. I am all ears for suggestions on what to say.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'd let her know that you are deeply concerned that she has the wrong impression of you. That she has not heard your side of things. That the situation is not what it looks like; and that your reputation as a guest speaker is involved, are important matters worthy of her attention and consideration.

    Anna is 24 according to the profile. If she is well over 18 and there is a misunderstanding, Anna's teacher needs to know. It's not right for her teacher to think of you as an opportunist, who regularly seeks out naive girls as targets for sexually suggestive e-mails.

  • averyniceguy

    I was thinking of giving the teacher the picture of her face only, but I do not know how to do that via email. She really looks like her in the picture, so it might help her to see why I did it. Good idea?

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