Should I sitll offer my JW clients a 50% discount

by jwfacts 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Scully

    Mr Scully is one of the top people in his line of business. He's been self employed for over a decade, and is highly recommended in his line of work.

    He's in a position now where he doesn't need a JW clientè anymore. Whenever a JW we know calls to inquire about hiring him, especially if they want a "special rate", he tells them that he doesn't have room for them in his schedule. And he's telling the truth.

    Maybe you should try to expand your business with non-JWs, so that you don't have to give anyone a discount, and so that you don't need JW clients.

  • jwfacts

    Clam I had to laugh at your comment, I guess you can not get much closer to the Devil than being an Apostate Tax collector.

    I guess the reason that I like have JWs come around is the Cognitive Dissonance that it must create in them. I have been quite surprised how many JWs talk to me still in the street etc as well. There is a chance that breaking the rules by associating with a d/f person will have an emotional affect that stimulates their minds. The JWs that still see me for whatever reason were always the cool ones, and these I hope are the ones that are more likely to wake up and leave.

  • garybuss

    I remember well a Jehovah's Witness here who had a business. He had a sign up on the wall that said: "I have to make money off my friends. My enemies don't do business here.". I liked it and I remembered it later when I was in business.

  • wednesday

    If it will help you keep the business going, I'd do whatever I had to to stay a float. But jws are really disloyal to businesses. They will most likely find themselves another person to do business with if you don't give them a discount. They may be looking for another accountant now, esp since you are an apostate. I'm glad for you , you made the right decision but I have known people to suffer after this, business wise. That is just another way jws try to hurt you really bad, they will withdrawl from a 30 yr friendship and stop doing busines with you. They figure if they can hurt you bad enough, no friends, losing your income, you will come crawling back to them. In this case, for apostacy, they might not ever do busines with you , even if you did return. However, if you are an elder or a son of one, then all this is not important. They might still help you . it is the good old boy system, you know.also, a lot of jws will say they don't care even if you are reinstated, they still do not have to associate with you.

  • SickofLies

    How about offering them a free kick in the nuts?

  • TresHappy

    I think the 25 percent is a good deal...then drive them crazy with apostacy questions.

  • Odrade

    50% discount??? I think you should take a business class. hehe.

  • sass_my_frass

    Tough call. Early on I found myself forming plans to go to any pathetic length to retain some contact with witnesses. Now I can't stand to see any of them because they're so, um, well difficult.

  • just2sheep


    no matter what others have said here i think your instincts are correct, this is an opportunity not a challenge. i can't say how much you can afford to do this, but if you can afford it try it...there wouldn't be anything wrong with charging a higher rate, but i wouldn't do that just to spite people(the elders, the jc, etc.) who aren't going to use your services anyway. if you do it this year and it doesn't work out, then next year you can offer what we call "the family rate" which is exactly twice the amount you charge anyone else. you should never turn down a chance to do good. but, i don't think you "owe" anybody anything, i just think you might be able to help someone because of your unique position. and you should be kind to yourself and not feel bad no matter how it goes. i hope it goes well for you.

  • ozziepost

    W-e-e-l-l-l-l....I can't say i see much reason to give dubs a discount under any circumstances.

    Simply because a person is of the same club entitles them to cheaper service???? To me the whole notion is not right.

    So, I guess to me it wouldn't matter - all should pay the going rate.

    Having said that, i know Mrs Ozzie gives a discounted rate in her business to some but this is on purely economic terms i.e. their affordability, it has nothing to do with what religion they are.

    On a broader issue, isn't it strange how dubs expect fellow dubs to give them a discount? Mrs Ozzie never gets that from christians!

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