New boy here.

by LtCmd.Lore 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Hi everyone I'm LtCmd.Lore. I'm 16 years old and have been raised as a Jehovah’s Witness. I'm currently considered a very spiritual brother, and have an assignment comming up for the memorial. But I realized it was all a bunch of crap last year at some time. It started when I realized that I didn't want to live in their idea of 'paradise' I don't like being one with nature, I hate gardening and taking care of animals, I'm not into sports and my best form of entertainment is video games, and my hobby is computer programming, my favorite food is chicken and my favorite drink is Pepsi... And in the new world everything would be totally different. I would have to garden or take care of animals, the greatest form of entertainment would be sports and nature, every video game in existence has something 'wrong' with it. (Mario has magic. And heck, even Bambi has violence.) So video games would be out. There's a 95% chance I wouldn't have any meat. And who's going to make Pepsi without making pollution?

    So I then decided that I should look into it further. And everything started to stop making sense all of a sudden.

    For one thing: Why would Jehovah a loving, just, wise and powerful god kill thousand of innocent animals and CHILDREN in a worldwide flood. Why would he make Noah work for over a hundred years on an ark, and then have to take care of over 20,000 animals every day for a year. When he could, being all powerful, just snap his fingers and get rid of just the bad people. Not to mention all the scientific illogicalities of it.

    Second: If the reason we suffer is to prove that humans are not better off without god, than the only way to prove otherwise is to leave humans alone. But instead of just letting us go he cuts our lifetime down to 70 years, he cursed the animals to be carnivorous, he confused our language, and cut back 1000 years of progress by making us start all over after the flood. How is satan supposed to be proved wrong if the human race suffers from godly sabotage every millennium?

    I made my decision that I would leave the organization when I move out of home. I decided to wait because I don't want to get shunned by my family while I still have to live with them. I feel weird though that I'm the only one who see's this stuff and my family would never even question it.

    I'm not even going to try to convince them otherwise, because they'll just assume I'm going through a 'faze' since I'm a 16 year old boy.

    I found this site around January because I was looking for intelligent arguments for when I give them the good news. It's nice to see people who weren't afraid to leave, and yet aren't 'bad association' or possessed.

    I'm looking for friends who understand my logic and aren't going to shun me in a few years.

    Well that was long. But I'm glad to be here.

  • jgnat

    Welcome! Check out some of Richie Rich's threads for encouragement and support. He's travelled the road you are considering.

    What I wish for you most is peace in the home until you are on your own. In the meantime, get a personal bank account and a small job. Do what you need to do to establish some independence.

  • greendawn

    Welcome to the forum LtCmd.Lore, it's interesting that at your age you have such a sharp critical mind, the JWs are a destructive cult that is out to exploit people and constantly misleads them with false promises. Their idea of paradise is not biblical anyway.

  • freedomlover

    Welcome to the board! You are very brave and level-headed IMO. To be this wise and brave at 16 is amazing to me.

    I agree with Jgnat. Start your plan now. Get a bank account, a job, start saving some money. Make some non-witness friends. You are going to need outside contacts when you do make the separation.

    I wish you all the best in this journey ahead of you. It will most likely be difficult to say the least, but it's so worth it in the end. Live your life, because it is YOUR life!


  • lola28

    Hey Lore, welcome to the forum.

    Glad you made it here, we are here to listen to you and don't worry we won't shun you.

    lola (btw I agree with you, life would not be the same without Pepsi, or in my case Coke)

  • kls

    Welcome LtC and no we are not Possessed ,,,,,,,,,,,a tad crazy but not Possessed

  • Dismembered

    Welcome aboard LtCmd.Lore


  • lilybird

    Welcome to the board..This is a great place to find the answers to your questions. There are many here who have spent time researching and can give you informed and truthful answers to your questions so you can make informed choices best for you.. Its great that you are freeing yourself of a cultlike way of life while you are young.. and not waste 30 years like I did...

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Welcome to the Board!.... This is going to be fun.... another intelligent teenager.

  • Narkissos


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