What will the next flash of New Light bring?

by Amnesty Vendor 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Amnesty Vendor
    Amnesty Vendor

    We all know that one is coming.

    It has to ...
    with the old time GB all dead or incapacitated,
    the new wave of JW leadership has to come up
    with something to keep this ship afloat.

    (... new Blood doctrine?
    ... 144,000 a figurative number?
    ... all JW's go to heaven?
    ... sorry we screwed up, now can't we just all get along?)

    Any ideas from you folks?

    Whatever it is, the rank & file JW will swallow it down like mama's milk!

  • OpenFireGlass

    I'll place my bets here....

    144,000 a figurative number?
  • slimboyfat

    This 1935 cut-off point for anointed is just getting ridiculous. Thet will have to do something about it.

  • undercover
    144,000 a figurative number?

    Boy, I wish...if they did that, then the GB's own reason for being goes down the drain.

    The remnant of the 144,000 left alive are represented by the GB. It's through that doctrine that they are able to weild the power that they do.

    Make the 144,000 figurative then you have to ask, who were all these nut cases who were sipping the wine and nibbling the crackers? Where does that leave the GB? What authority do they have now that they aren't part of a literal group?

    They'll hold on to the 144,000 harder than they're holding on to 607BCE. Look at 607, it's been proven that they're wrong, but they won't admit it. Now with a number like 144,000 they can revolve doctrine around that until the sun goes super-nova and no one will ever be able to make them relinquish the power that comes with that doctrine.

  • OpenFireGlass
    They'll hold on to the 144,000 harder than they're holding on to 607BCE. ; Look at 607, it's been proven that they're wrong, but they won't admit it. ; Now with a number like 144,000 they can revolve doctrine around that until the sun goes super-nova and no one will ever be able to make them relinquish the power that comes with that doctrine.

    That's what I thought about "1914" bah blah blah...

  • Fe2O3Girl

    The New System arrived in a spritual sense in 1975, right when they said it would, and they meant it was a spiritual fulfilment all along.

  • DannyHaszard

    The central CORE doctrine of the Watchtower,the reason they came into existence was to proclaim Jesus Christ second coming in 1914.They will now deny that they ever made this claim,that's called BAIT AND SWITCH They deny this by shifting to:we live for the God's Kingdom of the 'our father prayer' (Matthew 6:10) and now minimize and omit that it was all about 1914 remember the Rutherford era war cry was ADVERTISE,ADVERTISE,ADVERTISE THE KING AND HIS KINGDOM established 1914 The Watchtower is damned if they do and damned if they don't,if they diminish,deny,minimize,reject 1914 their entire house of cards doctrinal superstructure comes crashing down. If they hold to 1914 they lose credibility as every resource links 1914 with the adventist Millerite movement of 1842.The Watchtower's escape plan was for Armageddon to come and deliver them from all this turmoil.Same with the no blood transfusion ruling they thought the big "A" was gonna come back then 1940-50's and never thought that they would see the body count build into the 21st century. Watchtower you ARE damned!

  • jgnat

    I'm with FE203Girl. They can use recent medical advances and the lengthening of the human lifespan as evidence.

    After all, my JW hubby says that attending a meeting is the closest thing to paradise on this earth.

  • undercover
    That's what I thought about "1914" bah blah blah...

    And the stupid thing about that is they still push 1914 as important...even after having to drop the whole "generation of 1914" thing.

    Even when they rewrite doctrine and history, they never let go of certain phrases and buzzwords. The average JW doesn't even remember that the generation of 1914 was going to see "the end". Now 1914 is just the end of the gentile times and marks the presense of Jesus as ruling in heaven.

    Just as the generation of 1914 doesn't remember that the generation ahead of them expected Armageddon by 1914, the current generation of JWs doesn't remember the generation before them expected to see the end in their time.

  • undercover
    my JW hubby says that attending a meeting is the closest thing to paradise on this earth.

    If that's paradise, then I'd rather roast in hell...

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