Global Warming - it's happening right now, how will you respond?

by truthseeker 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    I used to worry me especially when i was a dub. But not so much now. I mean....the human race isn't stupid. Yes...we act stupid most of the time, but we're intelligent beings with the capability to adapt. I doubt very seriously that we're going to wake up tomorrow morning and the earth will be covered in water, ice or whatever. I'm sure it will be a gradual progression. Maybe we will end up like Kevin Costner in Waterworld...drinking our own piss, living in boats, and having fins. Maybe it will finally reach a point where people are like, ''Whoa! Maybe we should actually do something now that Florida is completely below water.''

    Who knows?

    I'm an evolutionist and I believe all living things have the ablility to adapt and change. We've been doing for the past million years. Why should we stop now?

    luv, jojo of the break out the SPF 800 class

  • JH

    I won't stop heating in my apartment until June 10th, like last year, and the year before, so I laugh at global warming. Then I start heating again in early September.

    If there is a global warming, it's not felt here, and if it was, I'd be happy.

  • ballistic

    As long as you're ok JH.

    I think although there are little things we can all do, the onus is on governments to legislate change. For example in England, what we call "gas guzzlers" are taxed much more heavily than cars with smaller engines and it does change people's behaviour. The perception is that the American government is far more subject to lobbyists and in the pockets of big business whereas here the government is more accountable to normal people.

  • jstalin
    Global Warming - it's happening right now, how will you respond?

    I'm going to go outside and enjoy the warmer weather. Snow is overrated.

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    I'm going to go outside and enjoy the warmer weather. Snow is overrated.

    Amen to that.

    If I want to experience cold, I'll go stand in front of the freezer w/ the door open.

    luv, jojo

  • Severus

    Am I mistaken but haven't the Inuit been dealing with artic thaw since, um...

    the Ice Age??

  • upside/down
    sorry, but it doesn't worry me at all. the entire world could come crashing down in a big biodiversity/ecological catastrophy, and we could all die, and it wouldn't mean anything to this old planet, who has been through it several times before, and so it doesn't really mean anything to me either.

    like i said to the greenpeace JWs when they stopped me during their "street work" campaign about this the other day: "i don't really care much about the future of our species, or planet, if i am not going to be around to enjoy it myself. and as far as i am concerned, environmentalism is just another religion, with all of your sects an nit picking doctrine and heaps of *guilt* and *fear*. and i'm done with that stuff."


    Couldn't agree more... u/d

  • Gregor

    I'm worried about this like I'm worried about the fact that our sun is going to burn out in 4 billion years. This is just too convenient for the wacko environmentalists "Sky is Falling" politics (religion is a good way to describe it).

    Don't forget that we now have a worldwide, bloated media industry that is starving for "content" and a huge percentage of the population that gets their hard info. from Hollywood movies.

    If you really want to worry about something real, how about radical Islam and North Korea getting their hands on nuclear weapons.

    When I was a kid we practiced curling up under our desks to prepare for an atomic bomb attack. Now that was upsetting.

  • upside/down

    Don't forget that we now have a worldwide, bloated media industry that is starving for "content" and a huge percentage of the population that gets their hard info. from Hollywood movies.

    Funny you mention this... I just told my kids.... Have you ever noticed that the news isn't "real"? It's a business that MUST produce a "product / service" everyday NO MATTER WHAT. If it was real, there'd be days when there was NO news... "They" will create "news" out of thin air, if there's nothing significant happening.

    That's why I almost NEVER watch it. And... I don't miss it. The "news" is basically the AWAKE on steroids 24/7....ugh!

    What I find funny (and validating) is that most people I meet these days...are so oversaturated with the "media" that they pretty much ignore it... and just get on with their lives.

    They sky AIN'T falling...


  • daniel-p

    The sky isn't falling - not for this generation. But some people are concerned with more than just their own generation.

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