Global Warming - it's happening right now, how will you respond?

by truthseeker 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    This is really worrying...

    Whatever the causes, whether you think it's global warming or just another cycle, millions of people will be affected and so will the animal kingdom.

    How will you respond if the worst happens, and the sea starts lapping at your front door?

    Inuit alarmed by signs of global warming

    'Sentries for the rest of the world' report massive changes to Arctic life

    Doug Struck / Washington Post Pangnirtung, a village on Canada's Baffin Island, had rain and temperatures in the 40s last month, when minus-20 degrees is normal.
    By Doug Struck The Washington Post Updated: 8:33 a.m. ET March 22, 2006

    PANGNIRTUNG, Canada - Thirty miles from the Arctic Circle, hunter Noah Metuq feels the Arctic changing. Its frozen grip is loosening; the people and animals who depend on its icy reign are experiencing a historic reshaping of their world.

    Fish and wildlife are following the retreating ice caps northward. Polar bears are losing the floes they need for hunting. Seals, unable to find stable ice, are hauling up on islands to give birth. Robins and barn owls and hornets, previously unknown so far north, are arriving in Arctic villages.

    The global warming felt by wildlife and increasingly documented by scientists is hitting first and hardest here, in the Arctic where the Inuit people make their home. The hardy Inuit -- described by one of their leaders as "sentries for the rest of the world" -- say this winter was the worst in a series of warm winters, replete with alarms of the quickening transformation that many scientists believe will spread from the north to the rest of the globe.

    The Inuit -- with homelands in Alaska, Canada, Greenland and northern Russia -- saw the signs of change everywhere. Metuq hauled his fishing shack onto the ice of Cumberland Sound last month, as he has every winter, confident it would stay there for three months. Three days later, he was astonished to see the ice break up, sweeping away his shack and $6,000 of turbot fishing gear.

    In Nain, Labrador, hunter Simon Kohlmeister, 48, drove his snowmobile onto ocean ice where he had hunted safely for 20 years. The ice flexed. The machine started sinking. He said he was "lucky to get off" and grab his rifle as the expensive machine was lost. "Someday we won't have any snow," he said. "We won't be Eskimos."

    ‘It's getting very strange up here’

    In Resolute Bay, Inuit people insisted that the dark arctic night was lighter. Wayne Davidson, a longtime weather station operator, finally figured out that a warmer layer of air was reflecting light from the sun over the horizon. "It's getting very strange up here," he said. "There's more warm air, more massive and more uniform."

    Doug Struck / Washington Post Noah Metuq, right, and Alukie Metuq bring up a seal they shot through the ice. The Inuit rely on wildlife for food and clothing such as the sealskin parka worn by Alukie.
    Villagers say the shrinking ice floes mean they see hungry polar bears more frequently. In the Hudson Bay village of Ivujivik, Lydia Angyiou, a slight woman of 41, was walking in front of her 7-year-old boy last month when she turned to see a polar bear stalking the child. To save him, she charged with her fists into the 700-pound bear, which slapped her twice to the ground before a hunter shot it, according to the Nunatsiaq News.

    In the Russian northernmost territory of Chukotka, the Inuit have drilled wells for water because there is so little snow to melt. Reykjavik, Iceland, had its warmest February in 41 years. In Alaska, water normally sealed by ice is now open, brewing winter storms that lash coastal and river villages. Federal officials say two dozen native villages are threatened. In Pangnirtung, residents were startled by thunder, rain showers and a temperature of 48 degrees in February, a time when their world normally is locked and silent at minus-20 degrees.

    "We were just standing around in our shorts, stunned and amazed, trying to make sense of it," said one resident, Donald Mearns.

  • ballistic

    We see record breaking weather patterns all around the world at the moment. I have posted several times about global warming, but I don't find a lot of support for my concerns on this board. Most of the people who take this issue seriously are the kids who are taught this in school.

  • truthseeker

    I don't think people have really been affected enough to feel it's happening - they see it on the news, read about it and then go on about their business.

    It will take a global catastrophe for people to "wake up", by then it will be too late.

    We'll be living like Kevin Costner in "Water World"

  • Jourles

    GW is here to stay it appears. No one can tell me that it is simply a natural occurance that is happening right now and will only last a couple years. From my perspective, and probably anyone else who lives in a snow climate, can say that it's beginning to not look very good. When I used to live in IA almost 30 years ago, we had snow up to our noses - consistently every winter. There is a brother who owns a motorcycle shop in Fairfield, IA that used to sell snowmobiles. Notice I said, used to. He can't sell a machine that is designed to travel on snow if the snow isn't there. People that live around me here in MI have said the same thing. The snowfall isn't anywhere near what it used to be. I can imagine it too. This winter alone we didn't get jack squat. I think I shoveled twice??

    As the south gets hotter and more arid, I predict people will start to migrate north. And if the hurricanes keep up their intensity or get worse as they did last year, I can't see how people would want to live under that type of fear year after year. I like living in MI just fine, thank you very much. MI will be the next FL in 20 years. Time to buy lakeshore property.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    sorry, but it doesn't worry me at all. the entire world could come crashing down in a big biodiversity/ecological catastrophy, and we could all die, and it wouldn't mean anything to this old planet, who has been through it several times before, and so it doesn't really mean anything to me either.

    like i said to the greenpeace JWs when they stopped me during their "street work" campaign about this the other day: "i don't really care much about the future of our species, or planet, if i am not going to be around to enjoy it myself. and as far as i am concerned, environmentalism is just another religion, with all of your sects an nit picking doctrine and heaps of *guilt* and *fear*. and i'm done with that stuff."


  • talley

    Monday evening I watched a program on The National Geographic Channel about the life cycle (birth, life, aging, and death) of stars. The sun that our earth depends upon for heat and light is a star, not a unique one, but simply a star too that is going through a 'life cycle'.

    'Our' sun is now reaching 'maturity' and will/is gradually growing hotter and hotter as it grows older and older, having the same effect (gradual warming) on all the planets in it's influence - that means our earth too. So this earth's warming is an eventuality that will come about no matter what 'man' does or does not do.

    it's happening right now, how will you respond?

    My personal response will be to make sure that where ever I live, I will be sure to chose a spot that is at least 50 feet above sea level. As mankind has absolutely no control over the sun, the only option open is to adapt to these changes - live with them/compensate - for as long as mankind can.


  • truthseeker

    Tetrapod, I can't understand why you feel that way. Yeah, each of us will die eventually, but the idea that this planet will change markedly bothers me.

    Now, I don't know if you have kids, but if you do, don't you care enough about the Earth for their sake?

    Anyone born now may not even see the Arctic and Antartica on a globe by the time they get into school.

  • truthseeker

    Global warming should bother everyone now - It's not something that will go away, it's not something that MIGHT happen in 20 years.

  • ocelot

    I respond with my airconditioner.

  • acadian

    Good morning Truthseeker,

    Yes their is a problem, and each of us can do things that will help, but I doutb will solve the problem, Why?

    Because big corporations will continue to pollute.

    I live in California USA, and we have a law here, not that we voted for it , but we have it.
    This Law allows a company who puts out to much pollution and goes beyond their limlts, too use other companies pollutions credits.
    Now the problem with that is... for example we have a company called knauff or some thing, and their always going over their limit, and getting extra credits from other companies, the problem is these other companies dont release the kinds of pollutants that knauff does.

    Knauff makes fibre glass insulation, well guess what, now the people in the area of the Knauff plant have a higher rate of lung problems than other areas around them.

    It would appear here in the USA, the government really doesn't care much for "We the People" which is obviously the case when they allow corporations to pollute to the extent that they do.

    So how do we fix the problem? If you think your vote counts, try that route.(I doubt it works) Or...get together with like minded people and fix the problem know what I mean...

    Or... don't do anything ...which is what most will do... nothing! but complain!

    So, stop buying the things that cause the problems, look at the way you live, and make the nessisary changes.

    Kind Regards

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