April 15, WT: Education, personal fulfillment leads to spiritual death

by truthseeker 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    The 2nd study article, "Let Your Hands Be Strong", is very pointed to say the least. It seems that many dubs are finding personal fulfillment outside the Kingdom Hall, and this is clearly a sin leading to spiritual death.

    I leave Blondie to do the full review, just some interesting comments...

    pg 27, paragraph 11

    [When referring to our priorities]

    You might ask yourself: 'Have my priorities changed? How does my zeal for Jehovah, his truth, and his work compare to the zeal I had when I was baptized? Is interest in a comfortable life affecting the attention I give to Jehovah and his Kingdom? Is fear of man - concern about what others will think - holding me back somewhat?'

    paragraph 12

    We do not want God to hold back his rich blessing because of our neglecting the work of magnifying his name. Recall that after getting off to a good start, the restored Jews were "on the run, each one in behalf of his own house," as Haggai 1:9 reports. They became preoccupied with their own daily needs and way of life. Consequently, there was "a bringing of little in," a shortage of good food, drink, and warm clothing. Jehovah withdrew his blessing. Is there a lesson in this for us?

    [so basically, Jehovah is withdrawing his blessing from the Society because dubs are running away and not contributing $$$]

    paragraph 13

    Do you not agree that to continue enjoying divine blessings, we must resist seeking things for ourselves at the expense of Jehovah's worship? That is so whether the activity or interest diverting our attention is the pursuit of wealth, get-rich-quick schemes, ambitious plans for advanced education to have a desirable career in this system, or programs for personal fulfillment.

    [what exactly ARE these DIVINE BLESSINGS? Surely the delusion of the GB, if anyone really things they are having divine blessings, they'd best go see a good shrink. I can't think of a single divine blessing in the original sense of the word. I mean, think about it - when Hannah prayed to God to get pregnant, and she did, then that would be a divine blessing. The miracles of Jesus, healing the sick, raising the dead - these were divine blessings. What has the WT got for it to say divine blessings?]

    paragraph 14

    Such things may not be sins in themselves. However, do you not see that from the standpoint of everlasting life, those really are dead works? In what sense? They are spiritually dead, vain and fruitless. If one persists in them, such works could lead to spiritual death. It happened to some anointed Christians in the apostles' day. It has happened to some in out time. You may know of some who were gradually distracted from Christian activities and from the congregation; now they show no inclination to return to Jehovah's service.

    [they're really stretching it to say that "such things may not be sins in themselves" - You mean Brother Havnolife , going to college may not actually be a sin?]

    I disagree that activities such as higher education are spiritually dead and fruitless - I myself have a degree and it helped me to get a good job.

    Personal fulfillment is what God intended of us, that we explore the world around us, the sciences, the arts, the animal kingdom etc. That is probably the reason why dubs have so little in the way of personal satisfaction - they've probably seen more picutures of those far away places shown in the University of Awake! journals, than they have actually visited.

  • diamondblue1974

    Do you not agree
    that to continue enjoying divine blessings, we must resist seeking things for ourselves at the expense of Jehovah's worship? That is so whether the activity or interest diverting our attention is the pursuit of wealth, get-rich-quick schemes, ambitious plans for advanced education to have a desirable career in this system, or programs for personal fulfillment.

    No I dont f*ki*g agree!

    do you not see that from the standpoint of everlasting life, those really are dead works? In what sense? They are spiritually dead, vain and fruitless. If one persists in them, such works could lead to spiritual death. It happened to some anointed Christians in the apostles' day. It has happened to some in out time. You may know of some who were gradually distracted from Christian activities and from the congregation; now they show no inclination to return to Jehovah's service.

    God is it any wonder why I dont read their b**s**t anymore?

    Does anyone else see this blatant attempt at mind control and attempts of keeping people small. Anything that is likely to allow someones self asteem to increase they are against!

  • Scully

    I had to laugh at this part:

    They became preoccupied with their own daily needs and way of life. Consequently, there was "a bringing of little in," a shortage of good food, drink, and warm clothing. Jehovah withdrew his blessing.

    So, then, now that I have an education and there is NO shortage of food, clothing, shelter in my life, does that mean I have Jehovah's blessing?

    What does it mean for the uneducated dub who does cleaning or window washing and pioneers, but can't afford to buy shoes or groceries or gas for their car?

    Maybe the WTS needs to look at it from "Jehovah's" point of view: Maybe there's "a bringing of little in" to their coffers because finally "Jehovah withdrew his blessing" and is showing them for the frauds that they are.

  • diamondblue1974
    Maybe the WTS needs to look at it from "Jehovah's" point of view: Maybe there's "a bringing of little in" to their coffers because finally "Jehovah withdrew his blessing" and is showing them for the frauds that they are.

    Absolutely...but theres the old paradox to consider too scully....if you do well and your 'in the truth' you are being blessed; if you are doing well and your 'not in the truth'...the devil looks after his own!


  • truthsetsonefree

    Sick thinking. They are getting more and more desperate, both for money and adherents.

  • insearchoftruth

    This board is the first exposure I have ever recieved to the magazines Watchtower and Awake. A few years ago a couple of jws visited my townhouse and handed me a copy of Awake (I think, I doubt it was the watchtower) and I politely said thanks, proceeding to close the door, and it was all but pulled out of my hand looking for a donation, so I handed it back to them and let them go on their way. Right now there is a wt on the kitchen table at home that I have opened and the first thing I noted was the incorrect date listed for the destruction of Jerusalem......

    Reading the commentary being made on the new wt study I am absolutely stunned. I know I have been told by people here and on other sites that the wts discourages education and would eventually be telling my wife to put aside her college work to better serve jehovah, but this just amazes me. I feel that we are all put on this planet and given this life for a purpose, and this purpose is not to be placing magazines in peoples hands and telling them that the end of the world is near. Yes there are a lot of things that the present (and past) residents of the planet have done that have been wrong, but only through education and working with the WHOLE world, not just a made up organization, can we actually make a difference, and education puts one in a better place to be able to make a difference.

    I would have thought with the shift on the definition of the 1914 generation, there would be a bit of a change on the thoughts towards education, maybe try to get the per member income up a bit, which should increase the cashflow, but it seems that the organization would rather focus on collecting a lot of change rather fewer numbers of bills. Maybe they are hoping that Prince and the Williams sisters can help with the cash issues, or that the sale of the Brooklyn properties will be a short term solution, I just don't know.

    Does anyone know what the education level of the governing body is? I know that their lawyers have to be well educated, but one knows it is not the University of Awake or Watchtower Technical Institute.

    These tactics may fly in the areas of the world that we think of as third world countries, but unless one wants to eventually be depending on handouts from Babylon for survival, whether it be food or shelter (have never seen a kh hand out meals or provide cold weather shelter), if you live in the west you better get an education.

    These are just thoughts, I have no scripture to back it up, but I feel the best service I can do for my creator is to use my mind and serve my brothers and sisters on this planet, regardless of creed.

  • willyloman
    It seems that many dubs are finding personal fulfillment outside the Kingdom Hall, and this is clearly a sin leading to spiritual death.

    The dubs who "get" this and sit with the thought for a while will soon develop exit strategies of their own. Note to the boys in Writing: Keep up the good work!

  • skyman

    I have been surprised at this fact most of the DUBs I have talked to about the change in policy do not agree with the Society about education.

  • gumby
    [When referring to our priorities]

    You might ask yourself: 'Have my priorities changed? How does my zeal for Jehovah, his truth, and his work compare to the zeal I had when I was baptized?

    Gee, I wonder why the publishers priorities might have changed? You don't suppose the "generation change" had anything to do with it do you? You don't suppose the articles dealing with higher education that stated it might be a commendable thing to consider since times have changed and a better education is needed many times do you?

    They put off Armageddon, lighten up on their higher education stance,.......then wonder why their drones act like they do.


  • Elsewhere

    If anyone can scan that article, please PM me and I will host the scans for everyone to read.

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