Matthew 25

by Farkel 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    So, people are judged only on how they treat the 144,000?

    Since their have never been more than 35000 of them on earth at any one time, what is the chance that anyone would have ever met any of them?

    And again I ask, will the end come before the last 8000 die?

  • Maximus

    Superb, Farkel. Check your e-mail for scoop about big change.


  • You Know
    You Know
    Why do people like you find it so hard to accept that Jesus actually meant exactly what he said?

    I accept what Jesus said. I don't accept what you say he meant.

    So, what are you going to do, You Know? Wait until the last possible moment to do some good for your fellow man, and hope you've done just enough to squeak through?

    I do what I can to help people, as do many of Jehovah's Witnesses, but the guy on the street ain't Jesus' brother as you mistakenly assume.

    You may think that my father is the Devil, but your father is Lyndon Larouche, a crackpot and liar in the league of Hal Lindsey.

    My bet is that you have never read Lyndon LaRouche. He is a respected statesman and honored by many dignitaries and intellectuals around the world. Hal Lindsey is a used car salesman that got religion. But, If you have actually read his writings, which I seriously doubt that you have, but if you have, explain to me why you call him a liar. More than likely, as in other matters, you are simply repeating gossip and slander that has been passed on to you. Besides, my citing the works of Lyndon LaRouche doesn't make me a follower of his any more than my citing any other authority makes me a follower of them. If Dubya ever said anything relevant, for instance, which is not likely, but if he did, I might cite him too; but that wouldn't mean that I am a republican.

    Let's face it Farkel: You don't understand what Jesus was talking about when he made reference to his brothers. And when called to account for your ignorance you can only resort to the same tired old infantile name-calling, hand waving, slander, and ridicule. / You Know

  • Farkel


    : Let's face it Farkel: You don't understand what Jesus was talking about when he made reference to his brothers.

    Sure I do. He meant what he said. Why do you find the concept that the Bible means what it clearly means so novel?

    BTW, if Lyndon Larouche was right and you hitched your wagon to his star, why have all of your predictions about the "end" and what will lead up to it been dead wrong? You've made at least FIVE of them so far. Pretty soon you'll be on a par with the GB in the false prediction arena.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • JustAThought

    You Know,

    Well, if its not clear from Matthew 25, then what of JESUS's parable of the Good Samaritan, found in Luke 10:30-37? Certainly, the Samaritan was not the brother of the beaten Jew, yet he one who met his physical needs. JESUS says to His followers, "Go ye, and do likewise."


  • bboyneko

    The governing body has turned christianity into a twisted, unrecognizable mass of horrid putrid squirming malformed manmade doctrine.

    They made a huge error in applying the new testament soley to annointed. I think what seemed to have happened is at one point the founding fathers of the society all beleived they were going to time passed an rapturing occured, and they grew older and older with new members joining the ranks..they grew jealous and proud and decided they were of a higher rank since theyd been there longer..and so applied the new testament only to themselves and not to the new ones.

    When armagedon comes, Jesus will look at the JW governing body as say 'You didnt clothe, feed, shelter or comfort anyone! Get behind me you sons of vipers etc etc.' The JW's have commited an almost unforgivable sin in rejecting all charity work, in rejecting their fellow humans, their brothers. They see the hungry, the sick, the homeless, the poverty stricken, and they give them magazines. Theres not a lot of nutritional value in pulp.

    Clearly, even the 'fals relisions' are more in favor of god by doing good deeds. I think actions speak louder than words, and if someone says god is a squirrel who lives on a cheese planet in alpha centauri, and does many good deeds such as feeding the hungry and helping the poor, he is in better favor with god than someone who has a photograph of god, and has gods word on a tape cassete, and has direct communication with god but dosent lift a finger to help his brother.


  • You Know
    You Know
    He meant what he said.

    That's right. And Jesus said that those who do his Father's will are the same as his mothers and brothers. Therefore, Jesus own words indicate that those whom he calles his brothers have a spiritual relationship with God and obey him as their Father. That rules out the homeless wino on the street or the guy who happens to be in jail for whatever. In the story of the good Samaritan Jesus indcated who our neighbors are. The relationship of a nieghbor is clearly different than that of a brother. You are simply wrong---period. And saying that you are right without offering one shred of reasoning doesn't make it so.

    BTW, if Lyndon Larouche was right and you hitched your wagon to his star, why have all of your predictions about the "end" and what will lead up to it been dead wrong?

    Is that you answer to my challenge to you to prove that LaRouche is a liar and Lindsey-like con man? Do you remember why I tagged you with the name Bluster Boy on H2O? LOL! / You Know

  • ReverendRoy

    Well done Farkle!
    I have enjoyed this thread so much. The JW's have abused and forgotten the Golden Rule and who truly are thier brothers. This is evident how even "blood" brothers are shunned, much less help a strnger.

    I utilize the following in training for managers and thought I would pass on:

    The Golden Rule Over 25 Centuries

    ƒË "Do not do unto others all that which is not well for oneself."
    6th Century BC, Zoroaster

    ƒË "Hurt not others with that which pains thyself."
    6th Century BC, Buddha

    ƒË "Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you."
    6th Century BC, Confucius

    ƒË "May I do unto others as I would that they should do unto me."
    5th Century BC, Plato

    ƒË "Do not do to others which if done to thee would cause thee pain."
    3rd Century BC, Mahabharata

    ƒË "Do not do unto others what thou wouldst not they should do unto thee."
    1st Century AD, Rabbi Hillel

    ƒË "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
    1st Century AD, Jesus Christ

    ƒË "None of you truly have the faith if you do not desire for both your brother that which you desire for yourself."
    6th Century AD, Muhammad

    ƒË "Lay not on any sole a load which ye would not wish to be laid upon you and desire not for anyone the things you would not desire for yourself."
    19th Century A.D., Baha'u'llah

    Thanks again for your post!

  • TR

    Brilliant, Farkel.

    Your topic was showcased very well indeed. It's so clear that the WTS jumped the track on this one.

    YK is indeed follwing the drivel of a drunken religious freak.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • ReverendRoy

    TR -
    i thought you were referenceing me for a minute when you said "drunken religious freak" - lol

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