Why am I not bitter?

by DannyBloem 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DannyBloem

    Many people on this board seems to be a bit bitter and angry. Many do feel a form of hate towards the GB or even witnesses in general.
    I do understand that many feel this way, some have all rigths to be bitter.

    Wy do I not feel like that? I am not bitter, nor hate the GB or witnesses. Is this just me, or do others feel the same?


  • JH

    Maybe you're more relieved than bitter.

  • Tez

    Danny I felt this way too about other posters on this site, but please see my recent post, my apology to them. I now fully understand why they are bitter!! How long have you been 'out'? I never expected to feel the way I do now, for a long while I didn't feel any anger or bitterness, my attitude was live and let live, now, as you will see from my post I feel different for a very good reason. People I care about have been deceived in a gross way.

  • billyboy

    I agree that many posters are bitter - and from my reading of some (but by no means not all) of the PMs I have received , some are very angry towards existing JWs. (By the way , my Mum & Dad were married when I was conceived!)

    I suspect that JWD posters are a "hard core" of former JWs who still take an interest in JW matters composed of a loose grouping of classic "apostate nutcase" types , many who still have family & friends in the organisation and some who feel they have found friendship and companionship (albeit via an electronic medium) with others. According to the UK map on this website, only about 30 or so Brits post compared to many thousands who have left the Truth in this country , so you are talking about a select group of people.

    If you do a search on the net , you will find ex-Catholic , Mormon , Anglican and numerous other message board websites and the attitude and bitterness is very similar.

    I asked a couple of long-term faders in my family if they felt bitter about their experience as a JW , but they both felt that broadly the experience was positive - they had just moved on to different interests. I suspect if they were bitter , they might have been more inclined to contribute to websites like this one.

  • Billygoat


    I don't know your story, but I have lost much to no longer being a JW. So I have had to work hard to overcome my bitterness.

    • Have you ever lost a loved one to the blood issue?
    • Have you ever been shunned by your parents or siblings?
    • Have you ever had someone say they wished they never had you to begin with?
    • Have you ever had someone say they wished you were dead?
    • Have you ever had three slimy elders sit in front of you and judge you while they ask you detailed questions about a sexual act?
    • Have you ever had your best friend walk by you without even acknowledging your presence because you were deemed unworthy of their attention?
    • Have you ever had someone tell you that GOD does not love you because you don't follow their manmade rules?

    These are just a few reason why I've been so hurt and have a hard time NOT being bitter.


  • mrsjones5

    I take the bitter with the sweet. Some could learn a few things from the bitter ones.


  • unique1

    I am not bitter either. I truly feel that my parents did what they thought was best for me. Now I kind of feel, to each his own. We all have to be our own person. After being in an organization that told you what to do all the time, it is difficult to think for yourself, but once you get a taste, . Anyways, I want my parents and friends in the borg to accept me for me, an ex JW and in order for that to happen I have to accept them as a JW. That is their choice. I may not agree with it, but i accept it and I still love them.

    (I accidentally changed this font to red and I don't know how to undo it. Sorry)

  • DannyBloem

    I don't know your story, but I have lost much to no longer being a JW. So I have had to work hard to overcome my bitterness.

    • Have you ever lost a loved one to the blood issue?
    • Have you ever been shunned by your parents or siblings?
    • Have you ever had someone say they wished they never had you to begin with?
    • Have you ever had someone say they wished you were dead?
    • Have you ever had three slimy elders sit in front of you and judge you while they ask you detailed questions about a sexual act?
    • Have you ever had your best friend walk by you without even acknowledging your presence because you were deemed unworthy of their attention?
    • Have you ever had someone tell you that GOD does not love you because you don't follow their manmade rules?

    These are just a few reason why I've been so hurt and have a hard time NOT being bitter.


    Hi Andi, To tell you the truth, I have not had any of these experiences. (luckely). And meybe that is the answer indeed. Of course I have had negative experiences with the organisation, and in some ways it was a waste of my life. Still I feel more myself to blame for it then others. (not that I blame myself to much for this) I do not condemn people who are bitter here, I can understand it, that people are bitter. I do not even think that has to be wrong. I feel sorry for all the things you and other posters have been through. Danny p.s. Andi, I think your post are always very nice, thoughtfull, and not bitter at all. I love reading them.

  • mrsjones5
    I do not condemn people who are bitter here, I can understand it, that people are bitter. I do not even think that has to be wrong.

    You got it Danny! That's one of the reasons why this board is here. Bitterness has to come out someway constructive or it becomes destructive. This board is a constructive way to let the bitterness out and gain support.

    There is nothing wrong in venting - directed at Billyboy


  • DannyBloem


    am not bitter either. I truly feel that my parents did what they thought was best for me. Now I kind of feel, to each his own. We all have to be our own person. After being in an organization that told you what to do all the time, it is difficult to think for yourself, but once you get a taste, . Anyways, I want my parents and friends in the borg to accept me for me, an ex JW and in order for that to happen I have to accept them as a JW. That is their choice. I may not agree with it, but i accept it and I still love them.

    This is nice to hear.
    My parents were very good for me. I am sure also they will not shun me if ever I get DF-ed.
    I do not think, everybody it's own. Because I do feel that some things are dangerous, and giving people life saving knowledge in a nice way, can do a lot of good. I think that is everybody's task. Danny

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