I think Islam is a peaceful religion...

by Pleasuredome 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonelysheep

    I guess a quick death means 'no violence'.

  • stillajwexelder
  • diamondblue1974
    I don't know how the UN will get rid of all religions, when you see how determined these radical people are.

    Personally I dont think they will. Religion in one way or another is so entrenched into everyday life no matter which continent you live on; its entrenched legally; its entrenched sociologically, its entrenched economically. It would be too difficult to abolish and also too damned complex and expensive, nothing short of a totalitarian state would succeed in this endeavour....well in my view anyway! DB74

  • MuadDib

    "They haven't studied in enough detail their history as it really is and not a doctored version of it, if they do they will see that their religion was established through sword and fire and by the forcible conversion of conquered populations."

    Sounds like it's you who doesn't know his history.

  • Carmel

    Islam learned its violence from non other than the best Christianity had to offer. Take a closer look at history from other than a Christocentric point of view!


  • Pole

    :Islam learned its violence from non other than the best Christianity had to offer. Take a closer look at history from other than a Christocentric point of view!


    The thing is that many contemporary muslim countries/societies are similar to many christian countries/societies ... from 700 years ago.


  • daystar

    Well then... Why don't you drop a complaint into the "Anonymous Muslim Man Complaint Box"?

  • Forscher
    Islam learned its violence from non other than the best Christianity had to offer. Take a closer look at history from other than a Christocentric point of view!


    Yes, lets think about it a moment. After Muhammad fled Mecca to Medina, he used the medium of warfare and forced conversions to spread Islam among the tribes of Arabia, finally marching an army into Mecca. After that, Islam was spread through conquest, including the military conquest of much of Christendom. Were it not for the Muslim defeat, in 732 at Tours, we might all be speaking in Arabic.
    They didn't learn violence from the Christians, they learned it all on their own. The pattern of violence was well established long before Islam encountered Christendom. It is a fact of history that violence did not come to mark Christianity for hundreds of years until it became a state institution. The same can't be said of Islam. Mohammad embraced it from the very begining.
    In later years, the Muslim Caliphate became less agressive as they came to realize that there were limits on just how much of the earth one ruler could hold, and that there were other groups out there, such as the Mongolian hoards, who could stop them in their tracks. They became pragmatic, as did many of their intellectuals. It was under that benign influence that Islam gave us many of the great insights into science and math that would later lead to our own advances.
    The trouble today comes from a backwards-looking movement which rejects the insights of later Islamic thingking and seeks to restore the old days of glory, as they see it, when the world feared the might of Islam. They are funded by no less a people than we good old Americans, who are addicted to their oil. We buy their oil, and they use our money to spread that backward theology, so the monster is one of our own creation. You Europeans bear some of that responsibility as well since you buy that oil right along with us.

  • DannyHaszard

    Forscher your good

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    I am starting to beleive that the Muslims are "Babylon the great", I'll explain why in another thread.

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