ROFL! Is this desperation for SOMETHING to create urgency?

by AuldSoul 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    Like Bob Dylan sang:

    Everybody must get stoned.......

  • dorayakii
    Yes, I'm seen that recently, on JWD in fact with the pictures and all.

    Do you know exactly where it was blondie?, or anyone else?

  • tijkmo
    He spoke very slowly because he's retarted

    do the words stones house glass mean anything to you
    Uh, no they don't. What is your point?


    re-tard-ed is surely what you meant

    oh the irony

    people in glass houses should not throw stones

    (forgive me..i'm ill and i'm having a bad day)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Jehovah's Holy Spirit bears witness with my spirit and reveals that the intermediate photograph ilustration from "Pay Attention to Daniel's Hallucination" is not necessary for our calculations.

    Thanks to a wise and generous member of our congregation (Elsewhere, take a bow) I present the TERMINAL PHOTOGRAPH ILLUSTRATION which reveal's God's Plan for the Ages:


    A few considerations become immediate apparent to those seeking Brooklynish Wisdom: the path in the first illustration appears to be linear, while the path in the second illustration is curved and swoosh-like. Is this a contradiction?

    NO! Because as Brother Al Einstein revealed, SPACE IS CURVED! Thus all straight lines are not straight, but swooshy! And certainly the path of a meteor from the distant region of Alcyone, where Jehovah has his outhouse (aka "throne") would be an ESPECIALLY swooshy path if measured in furlongs from Pittsburgh, PA. (Let the reader use discernment!)

    What else can we glean from these illustrations?

    Well, for one thing, we can see that PROXIMAL CONTACT with the idol was established in 2004, as the divinely insipid illustration illustationates.

    Case closed!

    Ba dump-bump!

    Thus we can see that that which is yet to be but is not yet has been would was. I'm going to go get my toga from the drycleaner's - I can sense that the time is short! In fact, it may already be too late, like if Armageddon was invisible, or something like that...

  • Mary
    re-tard-ed is surely what you meant

    LOL!! You're right!! I'm just as sloooooooow as dat speeeker!!

  • Iforget

    Actually I am sitting here in shock and dismay. Mary, my baby was diagnosed with Down Syndrome and words such as yours are not funny and are hurtful. Perhaps you could find another way to get your point across without resorting to childish name calling that only hurts those that cannot defend themselves.

  • tijkmo

    im glad you saw the funny side..hehe

  • mrsjones5

    Reminds me of an old Night Gallery episode...

  • mrsjones5
    Actually I am sitting here in shock and dismay. Mary, my baby was diagnosed with Down Syndrome and words such as yours are not funny and are hurtful. Perhaps you could find another way to get your point across without resorting to childish name calling that only hurts those that cannot defend themselves.

    I'm sure it wasn't directed towards your baby, Iforget. I think they were just describing how totally lame this all is.

    By the way, I have a mentally and physically disabled brother and I took no offense.


  • Iforget

    I have zero desire to debate this issue. The R word is hurtful to people like your brother and to my daughter. Education is the best defense and that is what I was trying to convey. My daughter cannot defend herself so I do it for her. Just because you don't take offense doesn't make it right and I have thousands of others besides myself who will counter your stance.

    Perhaps joining me at the Special Olympics this year would make you see the world from a little larger vantage.

    Again, there are better ways to get your point across and much better words.

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