SO MAD, HURT, Crying at WORK

by unique1 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • misspeaches

    ((((Unique 1))))

    SHAME ON YOUR MOTHER! Shame on her for being more loyal to an organisation then her own child. Shame on her for involving other people in her callous little e-mail shenanigans. Shame on her for knowing your weak points and trying to use them to manipulate you.

    At the risk of sounding like a fridge magnet I'll remind you Friends are the family you make for yourself.

    If Basalm is like a mother figure to you then embrace it. Make friends. Live your life for the people who won't manipulate and hurt you.

  • bem

    People do NOT have the right nor should they have the "permission" from us to mis-treat us just because they gave birth to us or helped produce us.

    I have had issues with my mom for years mainly because I "know" in here,(inside) not in my brain she knew I was being sexually abused by my stp-dad and done nothing about it. I can go months with-out seeing her. and not miss it a bit. in fact I'm all the better for it. I understand replacing people in our lives if thats what we need. The people I choose to be with are kinder and treat me better than "family" ever have.


  • Buster

    Chalk one up for the Society. They succeeded in manipulating another mother into a a manipulating, conditional-loving enemy. Ditto to others: Shame on her.

    thoughts on her thoughts:

    But is it showing love by overlooking serious wrongdoing?

    Certainly can be.

    Are we being loving if we tell our brother we have seen them in an act that is contrary to Jehovah’s way?

    Seems to me she has told you she thinks you are contraryDoes Jehovah love blindly? She's going beyond ... (we all know the rest)

    Are there conditions to remain in Jehovah’s love?

    No. Though there is a condition on salvation. Of course the damnable dubbies have no concept of divine grace.

    Is there such a thing as unconditional love?

    Yes, but they have no sense of the concept.

    Does love have boundaries, guidelines, values, morals, sacrifice?

    This is the most loaded sentence. It reeks of mindless obediance in a cult. Everyone should have boundaries, guidelines they follow, values and morals. I love how she tosses in the 'sacrifice' as the last word. Everyone has sacrifices in life. Few people would sacrifice their children for a religious cult.

    - Cliff

  • jojochan


    The bad thing is , is that in her mind she feels that she is doing the right thing. What she does'nt see is how it affects you. I'm really, really sorry about it. the good thing is you will end up discovering "real friends" that care for you and would understand you, in your travels in life. I'm on that road too, and I can only wonder when will that proverbial sword will drop on my head.

    much love,


  • IronClaw

    All good advice here. I think when this thread is done, you should copy all posts and send it to her. You will always have friends here.

  • jonsey


    It must be a season of full throttle of shunning...This is what I sent my mom after her letter to me...

    Dear Mom,

    I have been wondering how I was going to respond to your letter. I had it set my mind that I was going to reply to each paragraph. It would basically be a defense letter to what you are trying to say. What I am saying is that you are my mother which I dearly love. With all of our faults I love you dad and Rick…no matter what. The “drifting was my decision and not your fault” It was a decision I made and not because it was something I wanted to do that the Society said no to.

    I am heartbroken that you beat yourself up and point to different directions as to why this has happened. Grandma, Dad, Rick, or you had nothing to do with it. Grandma taught me how to bake Apple Pies and get to know who’s who in the congregations. Rick taught me that it sucks to be left being and for that I and very sorry. I could have been a better big brother. Dad…what can I say…the man can carry a whistle tune trough any type of traffic. Mom you have always been there up or down…when I injured or when I am celebrating. You were the one to keep me grounded and bring reality back to me. I am a people person just like you. I will always be that way.

    I could blame some of my decisions on the congregation at the time. Again, what would it do? Would it change going to another congregation? It would not. There was so much fallout that you have no idea. If your conscience needs to be clear…then remember this…it was my decision and you need not blame yourself on bad parenting. As to the mistakes that we made because we were imperfect…Is that not the reason that

    My actions at my last visit were sincere. I wanted to see Grandma and took Rick to lunch downtown. When has that ever happened? by ourselves for that fact. I saw 2 girls from school…so what! It was not my primary goal. It was to see you and dad. If my language was foul…why did you not say “Not in My House?” I thought that was petty. I did not think I was vulgar in anything I said. I am for sure Susan would have said something to me if anything.

    Your letter…as I was reading…and to me it was that you were closing a chapter in your life and moving forward in what you believe in your heart. I encourage that wholeheartedly. You have moved on with the congregation family. As for my arms…they are still open to you, dad and Rick. As long as I am still breathing…my love for all of you will never cease to be.

    As to the decisions that you have to make…I know the rules that the society has set. I don’t envy you or anybody that has to make those decisions with regards to family members. Do what your heart tells you to do. Love, your son Michael does suck, and I am going though it as well. I can tell you this... is that I got a call from one of the members from this board this morning and it made my day brighter. I know that yours will too! We are all here for you!


  • Effervescent
    “Love is long-suffering and kind… [It] does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury…It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

    Obviously she is just seeing what she wants to see... how typical.

    I'm not seeing the part in there about love having boundaries. Whatever it is she thinks she's showing you, it obviously isn't what the bible is talking about here.

    It's extremely childish of her to use this as a platform to try to bring shame down on you. I wonder what her analysis of John 8:7 or Luke 6:42 would be???

    I really feel for you- just remember that there are people who love you for who you really are, not for who you would have to pretend to be.

  • Shazard

    God Loves without conditions. He is NOT as us. He is holy. He loves men and hates sin what separates us from God. So he came into this world as Jesus Christ... took upon himself our sins and died for us, to cover this gap what separates us from him. Read - 2 Cor 5:18-21. And read WHOLE John's 1st letter. In Christ you see how much God loves us. How unconditionally he loves us... And the most most most important scripture is John 3:16 - this verse alone saved millions! Christ is God's love in Human Flesh. Get to know Christ and you will Know who and what is God who is Love! He is only Beeing in the whole reality and beyoind it who can and does love us unconditionally!

  • jgnat

    Jonesy, would you like to post your letter at "ComeBackMom"?

  • unique1

    IronClaw. The letter I wrote them is posted here on page two, feel free to check it out.

    Thanks for sharing Jonesy. It is nice to know you aren't alone. I wish you and your family the best.

    I can't believe how much response this thread got last night. You guys are the best!!

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