Witnessing Fun?

by Mr.Beaker 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mr.Beaker

    Heres one for you all,

    What did you used to do out witnessing to make it a little more fun that it really was?

    My best friend MissPeaches and I were regularly partnered up to go door knocking. That was trouble in itself! One morning we made it our goal to knock on as few doors as possible. We were out for 2 hours and knocked on 5 doors. Our tactic was the slow walk, letting the other pairs overtake us while we were "fixing our bag up" or "writing down a placement".


  • Quentin

    In summer see how many householders would allow us a drink from the gardenhose, or bring us a glass of ice water...

  • Legolas

    We have a huge territory here on the island, so I would always work the country part and alot would work at one end of the territory and make a return call on the other (From one end of Charlottetown's territory to the other is probably 40-50 miles, there are only 4 hall's on the island)

    Oh ....and you can't forget the coffee break in between!

  • IronClaw

    I remember as a teenager I hated the door to door work so I pretended to ring the doorbell and then said to my partner, " no ones home lets go to the next house." Boy I had a lot of "not a homes"

  • slugga

    If I was out with a mate and we came across someone working in their front garden, provided no one else could see us we'd count that one as a "not home"

  • Mr.Beaker

    My brother used to shove the magazines in peoples letter boxes and count them as placements. Then he'd run out of mags really quickly and go home. My poor parents, us kids were only ever going to be rebels!

  • jeeprube

    Pretend to push the doorbell, while actually pressing just above or below it......Not-At-Home.

    Load up in my brothers Jeep Wagoneer, drive out to the territory we had checked out, take one door, go have a long breakfast, do a little off-roading, try a Return Visit, then go home and count 2.5 hours and an R.V. apiece.

    Spend 45 minutes on break at McDonalds.

    Assist another cong. with their unworked territory, and check out the babes.

    Check out a territory at the far rim of our cong. territory. 45 minutes there, 45 minutes back.

  • DannyBloem

    sometimes we went to small vilages with the bike, like more then 1 hour with cycling, for very few houses. When it was nice weather.

    Help brothers on small island and make a kind of holyday out of it.

    take a chick in the FS, and try do to anything not related to the fields service

    go to some sick old interested ones when it was cold, to get some coffee, and be indoors for a while


  • skyman

    been there done that.

  • Lilycurly

    I liked to work with elderly ladies or kids...because when we would have a not-at-home territory to do, I would take care of the paper and mark a lot of them as not at homes again, lol, of course, we had to knock at a few houses or they would have suspected something, so I was careful to go to the ones that were obviously really not home. On top of that, they walked very slowly, so we really didn't do that much.

    When I was with other people, I would comment on how pretty the houses were, or flowers, anything...talk about anything to keep us walking slowly.

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