More 'great' statements from the MySpace JW forum....

by TallTexan 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheListener

    After reading those posts I was amazed. Forget about the specifics that they're writing to each other and think about the concept.

    When I was young I would never have imagined knowing other youths from around the country so intimately. There are youths on there who are in the mid-20s.

    Did you look at their lack of knowledge on society teachings? Their knowledge and understanding is all surface. There is no real depth there. That is one of the society's biggest issues. These kids sit at the meetings and comment, give talks and go in service then go home and play Halo, Grand Theft Auto and listen to unapproved music. They're all talk with little substance.

    They're minds are much much freer than most of us who are older ever were at that age.

    Did you review any of their homepages? The graphics and information was tellling.

    Yes, they believe they have the truth and are awaiting the new system. But, their hearts just aren't in it.

  • TallTexan
    Did you review any of their homepages? The graphics and information was tellling.

    Yeah, that really struck me too. There were a couple of those profile pages that would probably have their 'owner' in front of a judicial committee in record time.

    There was a post today about how to 'generate interest in the ministry'. There was only one mention in the replies of using the Bible. Everything else was 'memorize my presentation' and a few sample presentations that were all about the Watchtower. You are so right - they have very little real knowledge or substance - they simply spout back what they have heard for the last 20 years without knowing why....

  • Legolas

    Does anyone go to those dud sites and be a troll..LOL..Like the one we have here?

  • Clam
    That's funny how they "say" all these children died from not accepting blood transfusions. They can never provide proof.

    Is this one JW's opinion or is this what they're told now? Would they accept proof?


  • slugga

    TallTexan, please search for the JW group entitled "JW Friends" on myspace. it should be headed up by a boy named Eric.

    Eric is the one who got me put on reproof.

    Do with him what you wish.


    so EVIL and yet so young. I wish I had been that evil at that age.


  • Jankyn

    Okay, I can't let this go:

    About 6 youths in the truth were planning to attend Yale.

    The entrance requirements for Yale are incredibly competitive. Unless you're a genius, an athlete, a legacy or coming through one of their "feeder" prep schools, you just don't "get in" out of the blue. The idea that six random JW kids would all get in is preposterous, mostly because they won't have taken the demanding academic courses they need. And the Yale admissions board is not going to be impressed by application essays that are all about pioneering and handling microphones at meetings!

    That's one urban myth that was obviously pulled right out of someone's a$$.


  • kid-A
    Posted: January 12, 2006 6:38 PM
    watch out for an apostate who has this information. Cyrus Male 26 Bryan Texas. Tried to make me stumble. Hes talked to me before and I blocked him. He probably deleted it and created a new one.

    HA HA HA!!!! Looks like some JWD posters have successfully infiltrated their righteous conversation board!! They are showing alot of paranoia now on their threads!

    Funny how when their TROLLS post at JWD, we at least give them a fair hearing and allow their inputs, their response to us is to ban any opposing views from the threads....the BORG is real!! LOL

  • GetBusyLiving

    Do a search for "David Hillbomb". It's my old fake JW character. I thought it was pretty funny.. the pics I have on there are of some male model the good little dubbie girls will just swoon over. He's very active in "the Truth".


  • Dune

    Why are you guys doing this anyway?

    I mean, its one thing to talk about WTBS in an ex-jw forum, and active witness who comes in here is doing so at their own discretion, but its a completely different to go a JW-youth myspace board with the sole purpose of trying to get them to leave.

  • LDH
    their meeting attendence was sparattic

    OK, perhaps you should have paid a little more attention in English class, your damn self.

    Spell it with me. S-P-O-R-A-D-I-C

    And Jankyn's thoughts exactly mirror my own.

    More like "Pooper Scooper Community College" which does not have admission requirements other than a 2.0 GPA and you can pay the $12 per unit fee.....

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