What did you do with your literature when you left?

by ontarget 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Forscher

    Still got it. We are about to move and my wife wants me to thin it out a bit. I have alot of copies of books from the 30s, 40s, and 50s that I picked up cheap in second hand stores. Some of them are not in all that good a shape (deteriorating covers). She wants me to pick out the best copy of each and get rid of the rest.


  • Country_Woman

    I put all in the recycling bin - with the purpose that it would be noticed as trash....

    since the town I am living in did'nt inhabit JW's except of us - they would know that I considered it trash.... That's a witness too.

  • ferret

    Like jeanniebeanz I left mine with my ex. That was 26 years ago.

  • kazar

    I kept all of mine from the '60's to the '90's. Then this summer I gradually began to throw them away.....little by little, 'til all I have left is about a dozen WT magazines. It was hard to do; the literature had been such a part of my life.

  • LDH

    Tossed it all.

    I had moved it enough times and finally decided it was like having a tumor on my leg. I cut it off.

  • Pastafarian

    I initially wanted to trash all of it, but decided the "christian" thing to do would be to give my local family the chance to donate it to some lucky person/congo's library. They held onto it for a while, I guess hoping that it was a phase.

    Ended up my df'd brother got them. He had qualms, like me, about throwing books away, since were bookworms. Once my brother found out they had some value, he is or shortly will be putting it up on ebay, especially since he has a child on the way he can use the extra cash.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I started a topic on this a while ago. I'm slowly getting rid of things. They take up so much room, and I just don't want the stuff anymore. It's been under the stairs in boxes since we moved here, almost 10 years ago and I've never looked at any of it. I can get a copy of the CD from my sister if I really wanted the info on hand.



  • Jamelle

    For a while after leaving the borg I had an old bookbag in the back of a hall closet filled with misc. JW books, drama tapes and mags. It stayed there for 6 months to a year. I never got it out or thought about it.

    Then I cleaned the closet one day and had such a surge of anger when I saw those books that I immediately pitched them. I put them in the same trash bag as the really old leftovers from the refrigerator. I figured that I was sorting the contents of my trash logically.

    Plus - I also had the old story of trashmen converted to JWs by literature they found. I have a really hard time believing that kind of story now. I mean, are you kidding me?

    Once, years later, I was visiting the home of a Witness that I knew had drifted away, married a non-JW, etc. But we never really talked about where the other was at concerning the whole Witness thing. I saw a whole bookshelf full of Witness publications in her dining room and almost bolted out the door. I didn't call her again for a long time and when I did she had moved and I lost track.

    I didn't consider that she might have been keeping those old books for reference. If I ever get the chance to talk to her again, I will use some discreet questioning to figure out why she still had/has those books.

  • forsharry

    Oh gee, what an easy question. I remember this!

    I threw it all out. bags upon bags of crap. The only thing I didn't toss was two of my copies of the NWT. One was the little tiny one that I liked, and the other one was a gift from a guy I really loved but wasn't allowed to be with because he wasn't "spritual" enough. He had a small plaque engraved with my name put on it. At the time it was the nicest thing anyone had ever given me.

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