Do you know where the first person you had sex with, lives now?

by free2beme 73 Replies latest social relationships

  • Kaylen

    No (and I like to keep it that way) though I am still friendly with my ex mother in law.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Yes. I married him, stayed married to him for 15 years and then, having grown tired of being his punching bag, left him. After telling me I'd never make it without him and the witnesses, he moved back home and lives with his daddy in Redwood Valley CA at the tender age of 57.


  • luna2
    He's still single and an idiot

    I married mine. He is re-married and still an idiot...not that I ever talk to him, thank god. He moved to FL in time for the increase in hurricane activity a couple of years ago. Ha!

  • joelbear

    yep and he is still is good standing with his congregation.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Yes. I married him, stayed married to him for 15 years and then, having grown tired of being his punching bag, left him.

    ((((((((Jeannie))))))))))) I'm glad you left. Sounds like he couldn't handle losing his punching bag.

  • tetrapod.sapien
    Do you know where the first person you had sex with, lives now?

    ha ha, yes, i believe she is still serving at the Bethel just outside of Lisbon, Portugal.

    hot. i should look her up one of these days.

    although, i had oral sex with my sister's best friend when i was 16. and now she has two kids, a house, a dog, a white picket fence and a husband, and lives about an hour away. i should look her up sometime too.... MWA HA HA HA!!


  • Dismembered

    I don't want to.


  • Panda

    Yep. My molester of many years is in Costa Mesa California, his name is Mark J Mitchell and he is my brother.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Yes, it was a long time ago, but he still lives about 2 miles away from me, and I do see him occasionally when he is out shopping with his wife.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Free2beme -

    I couldn't help but notice that your reference to that person was in the plural repeatedly. "I would like to know about them" type of statement as opposed to "I would like to know about him/her". Was this just a form of grammar you use? Or did you have your first sex with Siamese Twins?

    As for me - wifey was and is my only sexual encounter in life. 31 years later I would not want anyone else to blurr that memory.


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