Name products the JW's will regret not having anymore in their new system..

by JH 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gretchen956

    One of the elders in my old congregation used to say that witnesses should not think that the new order would be some time of farming agricultural utopia, but that so many "brothers" had technological expertise they could take over the industry right where it left off. He claimed the new order would be a continuation of the comforts of the 20th and 21st centuries.

    Not sure what he was smoking, a lot of these people are janitors, aren't they??


  • Jebediah Thunder
    Jebediah Thunder

    strippers and edible panties.

  • katiekitten

    intelligent people

  • datsdethspicable

    Goodwill. How else will they get their snazzy suits.

  • Jeffro

    Toilet paper, toothpaste, mouthwash, toothpicks, matches, meat, the Internet.

    This could go on forever.

  • FlyingHighNow

    They'll still have both of those, Tetra. The men will be walking talking dildos and of course they will grow pumpkins. I've seen pumpkins in the WT paradise depictions.

    In the Creation/Evolution book they pictured bulldozers helping to clear away the old system, remember? So we know jws will at least to get to have one type of motorized vehicle. They'll be like Beavis and Butthead when they stole their neighbors steamroller.

    I think they'll miss cable television and radio. If it the big A came today, there would only be two of the Beatles in paradise. So no chance of a Beatles reunion. Ah, but Jimi and Duane will be there.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    ya FHN, so totally true! it's amazing that the GB actually think everyone else is as boring as they are!



  • PopeOfEruke

    tax-free status as a "charity" organisation

  • jwfacts

    oh wow, Jimi Hendrix, that will be awesome, shame he'll only be able to play kingdom melodies on an acoustic guitar.
    Actually, they'll regret not having any decent music to listen to at all.

    Which reminds me of another bethel story. When I was in bethel one of the bethel elders came to me for a part he had on bad music that some brothers were listening to in the bethel house. He asked me to mixed up a minute of music for him to play in a lecture, starting with acceptable music and ending with unacceptable music, so people could clearly hear the difference. I started with Kingdom melodies, moved on to classical, then Kenny G, then into the hard core techno and ended with some heavy metal including the F*** word (after assuring him it was not from my collection of music). It was fantastic, the look of shock on the oldies faces, as this was on a Monday night in the Bethel kingdom hall. I don't know what the talk achieved as a few brothers were kicked out anyway for not getting rid of their music, but it certainly got everyone talking.

  • mrsjones5


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