What's The Most Scandalous Thing You've Seen Happen In A Congregation?

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • david_10

    Minimus, this subject came up on one of your threads a couple of years ago, and I think that the incident I related then bears repeating now, so I'm going to write about it again. Excepting the child abuse cases (of which there were many) this is perhaps the worst, the most scandalous event that I have ever known about, anytime-anywhere. In this area, it has entered the realm of mythology-----------------even after nearly 30 years, people still remember and talk about it. And what I am about to relate, as bizarre as it may seem, is the absolute truth--------unadorned and unembellished. For the sake of brevity, I'm even leaving out quite a few details. And I hope that I don't get censored, because this gets pretty graphic and makes Peyton Place look like kindergarten:

    Back in the year 1972, a young African-American brother and his wife moved to our congregation from California. He was about 23 at the time and he stayed here for several years before moving back to California around 1979, or thereabouts. This young brother was perhaps the most charismatic and fluent person that I have ever met. He was amazing. He was quite handsome. He was a regular pioneer and was soon made an elder, even at his young age, and he took the city, the circut and the district by storm. He loved the limelight and he was given ample opportunity to sparkle: Hour talks. Circut assembly parts. Major talks on the district assemblies. My God, he could perform. He would have an audience eating at of his hand. He would have them weeping. Laughing. When the hour was over, you would look at your watch in disbelief----------it had flown by. He would humbly leave the stage to thunderous applause. At one district assembly, a television news crew was filming the proceedings, as they are sometimes wont to do, and the TV station was so impressed with him that the news director offered him a contract as a news anchor to begin immediately. This was played up at assemblies for years to come because he refused to accept the offer, as it would have ended his pioneering. Also, it would have cut in on his other business: after he moved here, he began building a pyramid/multi level marketing scheme in which he recruited the brothers and sisters to sell a gasoline additive that was designed to double or even triple your car's gas mileage. It sounds far-fetched, I know, but I'm tellin' ya: this guy could sell ice to the eskimos. He sold tons of that stuff to the brothers; they, however, were not nearly as successful at re-selling it themselves. I remember being in one brother's garage and there must have been 100 cases of it stacked to the ceiling. They couldn't even get their car in there. As I recall, the brother said that he had only sold around 4 bottles. But he didn't seem overly concerned.

    (Are you getting bored? This has a ways to go.)

    Charismatic just doesn't even begin to describe him. But I forgot to mention one thing: besides charismatic, he was also, apparently, very heavy-hung, if you catch my drift. And he also had a thing for white sisters. Didn't care anything for the black sisters. Just white ones. And, boy, did they ever go for him. They were lined up waiting for their turn. And this went on right there in the congregation for over a year. Elders wives, pioneers, publishers------all the ladies signed up to sell his product, go to the pep rallies, and then reap the fringe benefits.

    Our zealous brother was, by this time, being groomed for the circut work, and was doing his "internship" as a substitute CO when it all came crashing down. Evidently, one of the sisters got a bad case of the guilts and went to the brothers.

    Have you ever heard the saying that says something about when "the shit hits the fan"? I think that this is when this saying was coined. Because the shit hit the fan, big-time. I won't go into how jealous husbands were hunting him down, and how families lost 1000's of dollars and the rest of the mess. Suffice to say that the over-zealous brother was disfellowshipped. And deserved it, obviously. The scandal encompassed about a dozen congregations, and around 20 sisters were publically reproved. Rumour had it that several more were privately reproved. Many of the sisters were young and beautiful, but by no means all----------------------quite a few were middle-aged and many were not attractive at all. Two or three wound up being disfellowshipped. I guess that they had no regrets and couldn't even bring themselves to sit in front of a committee and fake it.

    As I mentioned earlier, he and his wife left town shortly after all this exploded. His wife, by the way, was a stunning beauty that would make Halle Berry look like a cheap showgirl. No action was taken against her, but the general consensus was that, even though she did not participate, she had to have been aware and at least complicit throughout it all.

    So that's what happened. Next to the pedophile incidents, this is the worst thing I ever witnessed.


  • Lilycurly

    Wow! Those are extreme!lol

    I only remember that one time...I think I was about 9 years old. And ex-JW burst into the hall during the WT study and started screaming at a sitting brother while walking rapidly towards him. Said brother gets up in alarm and the ex proceeds to run after him all around the hall, screaming insanities. (Might have been money...or wive swapping, I don't know!!lol) They carried on for a few seconds before going out trough the emergency door. Everyone was quiet and then an elder went out to see what was going on and we all caught a few glimpse of the two fighting outside. Great fun!

  • wednesday

    David10, can you give an approx location where this happened.?

    you write extremely well. That was a great just reading it. yes, the 70's were some wild and wooly times among JWS. Lots of DFing and scandalous , shemes to make money, affairs, on and on.We once went to a party of the bros and sisters, thinkig it was just that, a party. There was great food everwhere, wine, people all happy and loving. When we inquired about the cleaning products we saw in the living room, we were told the nature of the party. We told them we could not buy, we could not afford it. They ushered us to the door. Just like that. Not even one "We are so sorry." .

  • david_10

    Howdy, Wednesday. Good to hear from you and Thank You!! for the compliment. As you might guess from the "Howdy", I'm from Texas, in the upper Panhandle area, and that's where all this happened. Does any of it ring a bell?


  • luna2

    Dang, david_10, That's really something. Screwed all the women, steal their money, and have their adulation to boot! Sounds like a real con-man (or con-couple). No wonder he didn't take that television job; he might have had to actually work.

    Lilycurly, that would have been a sight to see. LOL

  • Lilycurly

    It was! hihi, and even more impressive when you're a young kid and thought nothing like that could ever happen at a hall!

  • DannyHaszard

    POWER + PRESTIGE + P***Y the three "P's"

    A "service bag" --- a bitchy domineering single female dominatrix pioneer OBNOXIOUS {S+M} INSUFFERABLE SERIAL SLEAZOIDS ! My final exit,point of "know" return:Rockland Massachusetts Kingdum Hell was BIG on outrageous sexual harassment of the "toy boys"

    A 36 year old obnoxious hag,Jezebel Grandmother,("Tammy Faye Baker look-a-like only uglier ) was sexually harassing my 16 year old Brother Rodney. When I went to the Elders they said:"That's the way she is,she likes to act like a teenager."

    I protested to the elders again at my last stand,(the Rockland Massachusetts Kingdum hell) about gross sexual harrassment from some prima donna sleazy 'sisters'. One 'sister' in particular borderlined on felony sexual assult.She would literally bend over and wiggle her fat flabby tits and ass IN the Kingdum hell.I would discribe her as,"Tammy faye Baker look-a-like only uglier" obnoxious Beelzebub bitch. alt Danny they are the sisters,they want to make it look like your chasing them...."Thats verbal assult and sexual assult too. MORE: Adventures in the field service CARRYING ON IN THE CAR-GROUP; Sexual harrasment,sanctified by {S+M} 'sacred service'.OR Consecrated gossip. The Elder known as the "stupid" Elder,(Jeffery Damher look a-like),( but don't forget,he's still 'appointed by the Holy spirit') Asked me;..." Have YOU BEEN OUT WITH THE SISTERS YET"??? Hmmmmm,I wonder what that's suppose to mean??? Actually,my first take was that it's a sexual connotation of some sort..... I should have known something was up when getting out to the parking lot the 'sisters' where perched and hovered, like birds of prey.The first thing they let me know,is," sisters rule, brothers drool ".This is followed up by,'the obnoxious sister who acts like a teenager [man eater slut] Letting me know she is on her period so, I can calculate when her 'horny' day will be. ((( You trolls from Rockland Massachusetts who are reading this know exactly what i'm talking about ))) Think about it?....If you behaved this way in the 'worldly' workplace you would be FIRED! Oh,the sleazy brothers 'R ass-wholes too just as much if not more than the woman are.

  • minimus

    David, I remember that story. (Couldn't forget that one.) Danny, you leave Tammy alone.

  • juni

    I have to agree w/Blondie. Child abuse. These little innocents put through hell. Also the HYPOCRISY shown when they blah blah that they are the true religion and are unlike all the rest. What a bunch of crap! Juni

  • Lilycurly

    You know...I was thinking about that all. They are so proud to be a loving and God-fearing religion, yet, I wouldn't picture anything close to all of this happening in a ...I don't know regular churche or Buddhist temple. Maybe it's only because I never went to any of these other churches...but it seems very unlikely.

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