the life and times of the infamous one (LONG)

by theinfamousone 61 Replies latest members adult

  • sass_my_frass

    Big thanks to you for telling your story, I'm so sorry for what you've been through, and so impressed at how you've dealt with it. You're going to go a long, long way!

    best to you!

  • carla

    Wow! I'm so sorry for everything you have gone through. I get so angry when jw husband says these stories from the internet are all lies and things like what happened to you don't happen anymore. But your only 21, these things are still happening. And you have managed to pull your life together anyway! You will be a succesful and caring human being in spite of what the jw's have done to you. Some day you should write a book. All the best to you, you deserve it, carla

  • desbah

    the infamous one

    your childhood life experiences is sad, wow your so called father was very abusive and jealous towards you. I read a book called, A Child Called It. this book reminds me of what you went through. I hope you write your book and get it publish. Here's to your future happiness


  • theinfamousone

    you guys make me feel so good

    the infamous one

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    Don't worry infamous,

    The Jw's are aware that Jehovah chose the stupid ones of the world. The only the problem is: they are still debating what is stupid.

    Stay tuned! You might find out in a reasonable amount of time. Say ... the next prediction of the end of the world or something as significant as that.

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    Don't worry infamous,

    The Jw's are aware that Jehovah chose the stupid ones of the world. The only the problem is: they are still debating what is stupid.

    Stay tuned! You might find out in a reasonable amount of time. Say ... the next prediction of the end of the world or something as significant as that.

  • unique1

    Jesus F'n Christ Man!!!! I'd give you a big hug if I could. What a horrible way to grow up. I hope your sister escapes the same now that you are gone. I am glad you have been able to rebound. Best Wishes for the future and that PhD.

  • schne_belly


    Wow, reading that left a pit in my stomach that I think will remain there all day!

    I am sorry to hear of the pain and abuse you have been through. Please continue to remain strong! May you continue to find happines!


    Thanks for sharing your story with us. I printed it out for my youngest son to read! He thinks he's been so mistreated!!! He's had a very good life with 2 parents that loved him deeply...he just can't see it yet! He's put me through some rough sneaking off in my car and wrecking it (at 14)!!! You name it and he's tried it! But, I give him a lot of rope as I realize he is the type that can only learn from experience. (I can't tell him a thing!) He can be very warm an affectionate, but just does some stupid things.

    I am really impressed with what you've accomplished and what you have been able to overcome. You sound like a person anyone would be proud to have as a son or brother!!!



    You've been through a lot man, congrats on making it out to live a free and happy life!

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