the life and times of the infamous one (LONG)

by theinfamousone 61 Replies latest members adult

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    ummmmmmmmm i had my had over my mouth because of shock half the time... i almost felt a tear breaking through at some points... i can't believe you are sane man. if my experience with the faith was anything like that, i'd kill most of the people that had anything to do with it.


  • dedpoet

    Wow Infamous one, that is some story, thanks for sharing. You went through so much and kept your sanity, you sure are a strong man, I am proud to know you. I'd have paid to see you hit that elder, there were a few elders I considered hitting when I was in the borg, but non of them were worth the effort.

    take care, my friend


  • z

    I was never JWS but story like this just make you want to go to this bustard and give nice good lessen I’m so much in pine just reading this big ((((((((((hug))))))))))))))


  • jgnat

    I am sorry I did not open this thread sooner. I, too, lost my breath at this spot...

    but i get into my room and he swings a baseball bat directly at my right knee... hit me a few times and left me on the floor bleeding and broken... i

    So unbelievably cruel. I echo what forsharry says,

    "Friends are the Family You Choose for Yourself" You didn't break. Wow. That's amazing
    Just in case you are worried about it, I think you will make a wonderful family man one day. You have the heart for it. You won't follow the miserable examples you were given. Give your sister a hug next time you see her.
  • Narkissos

    Thanks for sharing this painful story ((((((((Dave))))))))

    Outros haverão de ter
    O que houvermos de perder.
    Outros poderão achar
    O que, no nosso encontrar,
    Foi achado, ou não achado,
    Segundo o destino dado.

    Fernando Pessoa

  • theinfamousone

    hey, heres a fun side fact, i speak 4 languages fluently....

    but seriously guys, thanks alot, again for the help and the love you convey...

    the infamous one

  • misspeaches

    I like your new piccy creepy... Actually from what I can see I think I know your double!!! WEIRD

  • theinfamousone

    or maybe you know me, i go to australia twice a day..

    the infamous one

  • LDH


    I know you're telling the truth, because stories this bizarre can't be made up. I don't doubt a word of it. Remember that most of the people you will meet are basically good people. This religion and other fringe religions attract all of the nuts that are out there. In my old cong. there was a 'sister' who was sexually abusing children of JWs whom she babysat. I will never forget finding out that she was sticking wire hangars in a little girls vagina....

    The horrors that the mentally insane can inflict on children are sometimes too much to think about.

    Thank you for sharing your story. I hope it gives hope to others that they can get out, move ahead and move on.

  • theinfamousone

    lol, thanks ldh, BUT ITS DAVE!!!! LOL

    the infamous one

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