Of Late Many Here Seem To Be Preaching Aethiesm..

by Qcmbr 167 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    gumby? you want me to talk drugs with you and sapien? what the hell do you think I am, a nurse or something?

  • gumby

    We'd both like it if you'll put on that cute little nurse outfit ................hubba hubba


  • Abaddon


    LOL! {back slaps gyles}

    You realise that it takes a godless pot-smoking atheistic pusher of evolutionary propoganda to prove the only point I believe that Qcmbr has ever proved on this board. Having validated his claims of back-slapping we now need to prove his claims of brown nosing.

    May I say tetra, that not only do you have exceptional facial hair an very fine shoe, but also a very refined and descrete approach to the use of the shift key? And you smell good... mmmm... Northern Lights?


    Glad to hear all is well...! Post orifice?

  • LittleToe


    That sounds almost like an offer I can't refuse.

    Alas, only "almost". C'est la vie...


    LittleToe is in bed anyways and can't hear ya...... so talk to me.....K?

    And she wasn't in bed? I never took ya for a menage au trois kinda guy


    Glad to hear all is well...! Post orifice?

    With all this talk of back-slapping and brown-nosing, I'm gonna take the Fifth

  • marsh


    The Bible will give you answers.Revelation 21 still applies,This Scripture I had read out at my Mothers funeral.

    Have you heard about the Welsh revivals? how the men left the pubs,the Rugby ,went to chapels instead how there was a great movement of The Holy Spirit.Evan Roberts

    Ever heard of Dr: Martin Lloyd Jones ?

    I also read the book THE HEAVENLY MAN about Brother Yun,true story.amazing.

    Dave ,I am happy and free,no control,though some have tried,I have respect for leaders,preachers but that is all,they do not control me it's not like that where I am.though it can be like that in some churches you will always get those who love to 'lord it over others'.One of the best churches I ever visited was a tiny run down cold,damp,place no one to play the organ or piano,they just had a small cassette player with some music.there were only about 6 there.But what a sermon using just the Bible,and what love.

    My church is informal .and they have love among them.they watch out for each other,and also for others outside.If one sheep goes missing they go looking for it and pray about it.because they care.There is some banter and they love to wind me up,The Pastor and his wife have invited me to their home so many times ,we have a good laugh.All the congregation were treated to a restaurant meal in the summer after this some of us went to the beach ,on the way home we stopped of for ice creams and tea.They are lovely people,not perfect who is? not fanatics,but they all love the Lord and people.They also have missionaries in Nepal and Vietnam.they also help those who are non-Christians.

    A non Christian man was witnessed to and invited to church he said he would only come if he could bring his dog .So they said 'okay' well he came with his dog and they both sat at the back of the church.they even put a carpet down for the dog as he was getting old.The dog would be silent until just before the children came upstairs from Sunday School.The dog then would get up and walk to the door and wait for the children,Sadly the dog died about 6 weeks ago.then 3 weeks later his owner died,but he died In Christ.instead of flowers all donations were sent to the INF missionary work something he was very fond of.

    I have even heard some snoring in the prayer meetings usually from an elderly lady.and have heard some rows over petty things like fish'n'chips.People are great yeh?

    have to go .off to visit my elderly Aunt who is not coping since her husband was put into a care home,she has now taken to her 'toddies' falling down water......so we as afamily watch out for her.

    John 17:3 "and this is eternal life,that they may KNOW you,the only true God,and Jesus Christ whom You have sent "

  • LittleToe

    A friend of mine was converted under the preaching of Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones. He left quite an impression, I can tell you!

  • hooberus

    nicolaou said:


    You've fallen into the same hole as the good Dr Batten you like to quote - you need to prove your premises before you build on them.

    As previously pointed out, mutations would have arrisen since creation and the flood generating many additional allele variants beyond the initial four alleles at a given locus.

    Though I framed my answer within the context of the creation and the flood (since that is what is being argued against by you in your genetics argument) the fact also remains that the basic genetics point in my answer is itself independently valid. (The genetics point being that even starting with only two population founders -with four alleles betwen them- that over time mutations within the descendants will increase the number of alleles in the population. Therefore, the fact that more than four alleles are eventually found in a population does not invalidate that they all descended from two original beings.)

    And anyway, do you realise that you very nearly propounded evolution?

    "mutations would have arrisen [sic] ........ generating many additional allele variants beyond the initial four alleles at a given locus."

    It depends on what you mean by "evolution". If you define "evolution" as "any" type of heritable "biological change", then yes this type of change (ie: mutation) could be said to "propound" "evolution". However, such a type of mutational change (termed lateral/ horizontal variation) as advocated by creationists does not necessarily involve evolution in the disputed vertical sense (that is increasing complexity, the generation of new biological structures, etc.)- let alone acceptance of the historicity of the claim of evolution in the molecules to man sense.

  • hooberus

    funkyderek said:

    Not only that, but hooberus's beliefs require an absurdly fast rate of evolution.

    See my previous post for comments on the word "evolution."

    hooberus believes that a little over 4,000 years ago the earth's population consisted of Noah and his three sons and their wives. Mr. and Mrs. Noah were well past breeding age, so the maximum number of alleles that could have existed in the breeding population then for any one gene was twelve (and that would require two mutations in Noah's sons). There is at least one human gene with over 300 known alleles (HLA-DRB1). Getting from there to here (about 200 generations, probably less) would require a functional mutation to occur more than once every generation.

    The gene that you mentioned is taken from from the most highly polymorphic coding region in the human genome, however I don't see much of problem generating the 300 alleles from far fewer originals within a recent time frame. Given the fact that:
    1. It seems to be from a hypervariable region, (thus possibly prone to mutation).
    2. Many mutations are neutral.
    3. There is no requirement that beneficial mutations be generated in the above scenario.
    4. There is no requirement that any specific allele reach fixation through selection in the entire population (something that according to evolutionists usually takes much time).
    5. And most importantly there are currently (and have been for some time) hundreds of thousands to millions of individuals in the human population in each generation, each receiving several different mutations from their parents.

    And that's just for one gene! Many other genes have dozens of alleles. The rate of mutation hooberus requires us to believe in is mind-boggling. No such mutation rates have ever been observed.

    Given the above factors (ie: netural mutation, no fixation required, large population numbers, etc.) I don't see a requirement for a "mind-boggling" unobserved mutation rate.

  • Scully


    That sounds almost like an offer I can't refuse.

    Alas, only "almost"; C'est la vie...

    And then there's the matter of that "pond" between where you are and where I am....

  • Scully

    For gumby and sapien:

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