by Mary 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • ringo5

    Hi Mary.. I would have to agree with freedomlover, as I had a similar experience with getting in touch with an old friend who was already out, unbeknownst to me, and I was having doubts of my own. Sure glad we talked, he was a big help in getting over much of the dubdum.

    However, I would be a little cautious if you are trying to fade. If you're not sure you could be subtle enough when broaching the subject and he was a super dub as you suspect, it could spell disaster...

    If it was me and it was someone I had a lot in common with besides the truf then I would try it.... good luck!

  • unbeliever

    If I were in your position I would meet with him. When the subject comes up and he asks what KH you are going to I would say I don't attend meetings anymore. Take it from there. If he starts being an ass you can get up and leave and stiff him with the bill.

  • misanthropic

    :: Should I simply tell him that I don't go anymore, or should I bite the bullet, pretend that I do just to make life easier and go and meet him for dinner?

    I would tell him before you meet with him. I wouldn’t pretend to be something I’m not just so he and/or you won’t feel awkward. Or for whatever the reason you would have to pretend to still be going. If he truly is your friend he will want to see you for the sake of seeing you, weather or not you are still a witness shouldn’t matter.

    That being said I know that’s not the way it usually works with witnesses, but at least you won’t have to ever regret not being yourself.

  • bitemeWT

    Is everyone missing the obvious here?


  • skyman

    Ya where the chaparone? I am waiting to find out!!

  • buffalosrfree

    Just tell him you are quits with the religion, and you will find out what kind of friend he really is, whether it be a real friend, or a conditional friend. It's best to know up front so there isn't any hard feelings one way or another.

  • carla

    wait till he pays for dinner to tell him.

  • theinfamousone

    dance with the devil... plus he cant go to dinner just the two of you.... uh oh, maybe hes out too

    the infamous one

  • Mary

    Jourles said: I have a feeling though that with your spunk, you would have a hard time keeping your mouth quiet on doctrinal issues.
    You're right.....that would be tough........
    Um......Jehovah? Seriously though, he's married. We were friends long before he tied the knot and even though he was very good looking, for some reason we were just never attracted to each other.......strange eh? And yes, I'm positive he will tell his wife that he wants to meet with me while in Toronto, just for all you dirty minded varmits out there waiting for me to fornicate.
    I'm wondering if I should email him to tell him that I don't go to the meetings anymore. I've got his email address. That way, if he doesn't want to meet with me, there won't be that awkward moment where he doesn't know what to say........
    God, what a screwed up religion.......can you imagine a Catholic or a Protestant worrying about what an old friend would say if they found out they weren't going to church anymore??

  • Uzzah

    Since you are neither df'ed nor da'd there is no rule against the two of you getting together.
    I would give him the option. It will quickly determine if he is a real friend or a conditional one.

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