JW kids: How old were you when you stopped getting spanked?

by rebel8 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8
    Yes, it is true the publications never approve spanking/violence towards children.

    I don't mean to be a pest, but that is not quite accurate. Publications definitely encourage corporal punishment. Maybe the newer ones do not--I don't know--but the older ones definitely do. Here is one few example. I believe the old Great Teacher book and Your Youth--Getting the Best Out of It both state it is a parent's obligation to spank their children.

    Watchtower 1954 January 15 pp.54-62 Disciplining Children for Life ***

    That brings us to discipline, and forces a facing of that hotly controversial question: to spank or not to spank.

    2 Many child psychologists put a "hands off" sign on children, as did one who said: "Do you mothers realize that every time you spank your child you show that you are hating your child?" Jehovah says: "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him." A spanking may be a lifesaver to a child, for Jehovah says: "Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. If you beat him with the rod you will save his life from Sheol." Again, "Blows that wound cleanse away evil; strokes make clean the innermost parts."...But to help us get to the bottom of the matter let us look at the animals that you children love. Jehovah's wisdom is reflected in his creations, so to look to animals for instruction is not to lower our thinking to their level, but to lift it to God's thoughts... There is no juvenile delinquency in the animal realm, because there are no delinquent animal mothers. They do not spare the paw and spoil the young, but spank to preserve the young.

  • POs Son
    POs Son

    13 years old. I made it clear that I would kill myself if my father spanked me again. He did, so I gut up my wrists. Put an end to that.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    this is so sick

    it is one thing to give a tap on the bottom to warn them of danger but "spanking" teens is just abusive

    I stopped spanking my kids as soon as I left the borg and even then I onlu spanked on the bottom. Looking back I wish I had known other ways to discipline

    Going to the other extreme I had a sister tell me I hould spanking my daugther as early as possible - my baby was 2 weeks old and she thought I should start immediately

  • Soledad
    I had a sister tell me I hould spanking my daugther as early as possible - my baby was 2 weeks old and she thought I should start immediately

    Are you fucking kidding me?? A 2 week old child?? What a sicko!

  • LyinEyes

    I was almost 18, but if I would not have left home and got married, it would have continued I am sure.

  • Gretchen956

    I too was physically abused by my parents, my mom's weapon of choice was a belt, cord, or willow switch, if nothing else could be found, a ruler or suitable piece of wood would work. I think it was about 17, I left home shortly after. The last time from my dad was more like 16, with a closed fist to the face. Nothing broke and I could tell he was immediately guilt-ridden. I believe because he had hit a girl more than the fact that he had lost his temper. His answer was to ask me if I wanted to go to Dairy Queen and get ice-cream. I asked him if it was a guilt offering.

    I was telling my brother that I actually thought about calling CPS on them more than once, but then I would be immediately ashamed of thinking of that way because I knew that I was SUPPOSED to be beaten so that I would be allowed into the new system.



  • Eyebrow2

    I didn't get a lot of spankings as a kid. When my mom gave me one, though, believe me...I deserved it. My brother got a lot more, and trust me...he deserved more than he got hahah.

    I was probably 8 the last time I got a spanking. My dad wasn't a JW. He smacked me once or twice when I was older, but he was never what I would consider physically abusive to me. He did hit my brother and one of my sisters a few times. But, I hate to say it, those two egged him on. It doesn't excuse how far he went, but they knew what buttons to push, and did so on purpose. They were older enough to know better.

    I very rarely spank my kids, although I will give my son a playful swat now and then, kidding around. I think spanking is appropriate for some things, and some kids...just not some of the severe nasty spankings I witnessed at the hall. I spanked my son ( he is the olderst and the only one I ever had at the KH) more when he was little because I was guilted into it by knowbetter elderettes at the KH.

    No 2 year old should have to be spanked because they cannot sit still through the ministry school.

  • Alakzam

    Hej Rebel8

    Blondie asked if spanking and such was in the SWEDISH books and magazines. And no it is not. I am not sure why it isn't but my guess is the swedish government makes it very clear about this issue. I NEVER knew such things were allowed, let alone approved, by the WBTS until I lived in the US.

    I know in the US church and state are let to be seperate(or at least say it is), not so in Sweden. A law is a law be it biblical or not. Spank/beat your children, and do the jail time.

    My parents have many bound volumns of Watchtower and Awake, plus every other book published in their library since the 60's, no mention of physical discipline being allowed/approved. They are in swedish...but I could translate....

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