Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-13-05 WT Study (Education)

by blondie 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sf

    And yet ANOTHER fabulous thread!


  • BluesBrother

    Great comments already, with much more personal insight than I could provide - Just a couple of thoughts from the article.

    1) the claim that Peter and his brother turned their back on a lucrative business to follow Jesus . I recall an Elders Ministry School instructor explaining in some depth that John 21.1 -14 proved that Peter had not left the business behind, just left it that afternoon when he was called. After all, he was a married man .

    2) Why is the "Current research" in the additional box dated yr 2000 or 1999? Seems out of date..

    All I know around here is the experience of a couple of separate work mates in their late 20's who left to return to University, because "Employers expect a degree for a decent job".. I know an overseer of a WT building project who has been known to lament that "We have produced a nation of window cleaners" , and who does the WT use to create computer software, act as lawyers, etc??

    Anyway, from what I see the young ones of today will by and large do what they want to do , whatever the WT says.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Thanks for the study Blondie, although the subject matter has me feeling a bit ill !

  • Virgogirl

    I am of the 70's generation of high school grads who was forbidden to attend college because the end was coming in 1975. I truly hope another generation doesn't fall for this! I was so pissed to find out my cousin J. was graduating from college, and he's an elder's son! Yet, I couldn't go! Seems like they'd encourage a good education = better job = bigger donations to the Witchtower. Figure it out, GB!

  • mamochan13

    Can't add much, blondie. Well done as usual. As you already know, this topic riles me. In a way I would have liked to have been at a meeting today, make a few barbed comments of my own. *sigh*

    I only hope the article motivates a few more to see the light and escape.

  • Pistoff

    Great job, blondie.

    This article, and the putrid drama this summer, make me so angry I can't even think of what to say.

    The main reason they do NOT want JW's at university has been touched on here: one semester on logical thinking, and one semester of comparative religion, and the house of cards that is our THEOLOGY is reduced to rubble.

    And so another generation of witnesses will suffer from this double bind in their head: NO, college is not wrong, but it is 1. Dangerous 2. A waste of time? 3. Won't guarantee a great job (what will, I wonder?).

    What makes me the sickest about growing up WT is that we never learned critical thinking; I really believe that the logical fallacies and distorted reasoning we grew up with has led many of us to fall for very stupid choices. My life is so much better now that I do not need to make the truth workable in my head any longer.

    Which leads me back to my primary feeling about the GB: They are dishonest, unloving homewreckers.And those are their good points.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    this doesnt make sense. today my mom told me she agreed with the study but she couldn't comment on it.

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    I am too one who was forbidden to obtain a higher school graduate because of 1975. I remember how the elders spoke: do you want to become king on a sinking ship?

    Finally I studied later and made my diploma in economics what helps me today to gain income. The poor suggestions in the WT to learn plumber or hairdresser is a fake. hairdressers earn never enough money to suppport their family with enough to live, even a pioneer who works in a half time job would not earn enough to pay for his flat and living.

    Those men in the writing department are people who have everyday their food on the tabel, having their dresses made and living in a golden cage.

    I reject their ideas to leave the children in simple education and I reject the behavior of the COs. I remember some years ago the CO came and taleke about an old brother who is teacher. he wondered that this brother became an elder.

    In the discussion with friends and familiy members we come to the conclusion that a single JW , a dub, is like a pelican: open up the beak and eat up all the junk food they provide you with.

    A slave who slaves his own desires is a bad slave. A slave who makes people poor by gaining them bad conscience in education is a slave who should be buried in a forbidden book and disappear in a hidden library.

    Their arrogance in being fit to teach us what we should or not is topped by their self understanding to pay obedience to god by being obedient to the slave who has to bind up his trousers that he does not leave to much shit in the world.

    A cult starts in defining behaviors.

    I only want to say that I am convinced that the break down of this ivory castle will take place with a great crash. Watchtower is slain by education that works effective.

    greatings from Tilewater

  • Gill

    Thanks Blondie. I feel a large scream building up!

    In the end the anti education message is only because of one thing. Once a JW child becomes educated there is a very high risk that they will see the WTBTS for what it is, a mind control, lie dealing cult, and naturally leave. And...good for them.

    I'm thinking about a young JW girl at the college where my son works. Her mum and dad, Mr and Mrs Elderette, even turn up at the school social evenings and concerts that their daughter attends. She is 18 years old now. My son, a teaching assistant, says that he is even shocked at this girls behaviour when her parents are not around. She drinks like a sailor and swears like a trooper. But her education is coming along 'nicely!' I hope to hear of her leaving da troof in due course! Especially as she's off to college next year!

  • jstalin

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