Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-13-05 WT Study (Education)

by blondie 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • daniel-p

    The one thing that really pissed me off about this article (REALLY pissed off), was their references to secular sources including the Dept. of Labor, mentioning how 60% of students did not find employment that matched their major.
    It is not a college's fault that their students change their mind in the future or are not very motivated. College is what you make of it. It does not even attempt to gauruntee employment any more than it gauruntees an enlightened and happy existence.

    The WTS is so out of touch with reality its unbelievable - "why in the world would you want to go to college? Oh, it must only be because you want to make money! Not because you haven't found pioneering a satifying way of life and want to do something you like doing...."

  • Dune

    The dreaded article.

    I tricked my brother into switching the article readings, so i got to read the WT last week and he has to do it tommorow. It just would have looked stupid if a college student was up there reading all of this.

    THere is this picture with a guy on grass and there are people in the background kissing and drinking for 40's.But take it from a person who is IN college, NO ONE is walking around making out in the open let alone drinking OUT IN THE OPEN where 70% of the students are below drinking age.

    I hate it when they make it look like everyone is just walking around fornicating. It paints a false image of college life.

    O yeah, about the quote from the dept of labor. Thats only a half-truth. Think about it, NOONE gets a job in their majorf. An electrical engineering major can get almost any job a computer science, computer engineering or mechanical engineer gets. Sometimes they dont even ask for a major, just a Bachelors in science/art.

  • sf

    What concerns do parents have for their children?

    {{ Raises hand high }} Um, our main CON-cern is to raise our WT children according to WT doctrine and policy so as they do not die at Armageddon at the hand of our LOVING god Jehovah. What other concerns do you mean Brother WT Study guy? Well yea, we feed them, BUT there is no food as nourishing as that that is provided by the FDS. I'd rather my children starve from lack of bread than of lack of "food in due season".


    Sadly though, many jws won't tell the world that this is exactly how they view ANYONE with the wrong heart condition. WT does not comprehend what true concern is.


  • hamsterbait

    WHAT ANGERS ME is that in the study on education in the mid 90's - where they seemed to make a 180 degree turn - pioneers who left school to pioneer, without a high school diploma - who then were unable to support themselves and had to leave the "full time" misery were actually labeled as "PRESUMPTUOUS" in the same study!!!!

    I betcha Blondie can provide that quote too!!

    HB ( of the "Huggin' Blondie" class)

  • heathen

    Yah that was pretty sickening to read . I don't see a message of " we are in this thing together" but more of a " you are on your own , and expect nothing from the church". So 2yrs of school good 4 years you are evil , come on already , jeezus H cahrist . What about the CO s that depend on everybody paying all their exspenses and I bet when the GB get sick they go to the finest doctors and county hospitals just aren't good enough for them . I couldn't even make it through that load of tripe . Most witnesses can't even find a book study so why not go to college ? Not everybody that goes to college hits the big time either , it's not always about greed . If you are wanting drinking and immorallity you can find that at the local cong. once you're in the "accepted crowd." They only really go after the newbies .

  • willyloman

    How interesting that since 1995, when the WT came out from behind its cloak of infallibility and admitted they were completely wrong the word Generation and its related chronology, they've gone from one train wreck to the next: The UN scandal, the Dateline revelations, a widespread dip in their once-continuous growth in developing lands, the mass defection of many of their young, and now this total flip flop on education.

    I can almost understand how they thought no one would ever uncover the UN association, and I recognize the superiority complex that led them to think nobody would ever rat them out over the sexual abuse coverups, but I'll be damned if I can figure out why they thought they could play the anti-education card more than a dozen years after proclaiming this was up to each individual's conscience "and no one should be criticized for it."

    My "educated" guess is they were losing so many young people they had nothing to lose by locking the barn door.

  • garybuss

    Based on my observations, more than a few of the Witness people are not following the guidelines and suggestions published and presented by the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation.
    Here is a quote from the last elder to visit me. "Currently, I am continuing my education by working on a Bachelor's Degree in Naturopathy specializing in Homeopathy."

  • Dune

    My brother laughed when he read the article.

    I've been trying to find a valid excuse to not be at tommorow's meeting. But they've found a way to get me to come.

    I dont know though. Perhaps I can hide in the background. An hour of this garbage, not to mentioned the sarcastic comments following each paragraph is going to send me into cardiac arrest. Pray for me


  • daniel-p

    There are over 20 students in one of the local halls.
    I can't even begin to imagine all the qualifying statements that are going to be made by the elders... I know they really do not want to alienate the students.

    WT Conductor: "So brothers, is this article saying we can't go to college?"

    Elder in audience: "No, not at all... what it is recommending, though, is we should be encouraging our young children to make an increased share in field service their primary goal when they leave high school, and not to place secular goals higher than theocratic goals."

    In essence, what this article is saying to youths is "pioneer for a couple of years after highschool, and then you can do what you want." Pioneering is seen more and more as a badge or ticket that gives you immunity during, and high respect after, your year or two of full-time service. This article will only make that situation worse. Heck, maybe someday we'll refer to this period as our two-year mission, and then give them scholarships once they've completed it! In 30 years we might even have our own Russel University! That puts us, oh I dont know, about 200 years behind the LDS.

  • Everlasting Gobstomper
    Everlasting Gobstomper

    w04 2/15 p. 14 Maintain Chastity by Safeguarding Your Heart *** Blondie whats the "w" mean is that for Watchtower? and the date? or some other publication?

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