Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...

by Crumpet 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC
    Siege Perilous

    A ref to the old Siege server on ultima online cyg?

  • kwintestal

    I have nice pecks.
    I enjoy going to auctions and finding neat rare stuff, some stuff I turn around and sell on eBay.
    I love going to the beach, but only in the summer.
    I have two kids and a wife who once posted here, but now doesn't. I mean my wife posted here. My kids never did.


  • damselfly

    If I have a quiet evening alone with no responsibilities it's heaven. I usually have a bath and read. Followed by knitting and just enjoying the peace and quiet.

    I am passionate about learning, I can't get enough of my classes and usually am ahead of the class. I've done physics problems just for fun

    I tend to drink to much in social situations because they make me very uncomfortable. I dislike crowds, can't stand to have someone behind me ( lineups are a special treat ). Too much "people time" in one day leaves me cranky and mentally exhausted.

    I believe in throwing my problems to the universe,attempting to have good energy to attract good energy.

    It's not that I doubt god's existence as much as I just don't care about it.

    I have crushes on numerous posters on this board, some small some large. **sshh! it's a secret**


    I forgot an important one, music. I love it but have no abilities myself lol! I credit it with saving my life as a teen, pointing me in the right direction in life and calming me down from anxiety and panic attacks. I listen to music constantly.

  • GoingGoingGone

    - I love photography, always have. I've recently gotten into macro-photography.

    - I raise orchids, I love growing anything, actually. But orchids are my passion right now.

    - I love all types of music, but some days I really need my classical-fix. Or sometimes, Andrea Bocelli will do... As long as I can sing along in Italian..

    - I love woodworking. I have built some beautiful pieces. It's like therapy for me. My next project will involve carving of some sort... I don't know what yet. I also love stone... once I built a beautiful stone retaining wall, curved, using big beautiful stones my husband found around construction sites.

    - I like to knit, but I'm not very good at it.

    - I arrange flowers. I made all the arrangements for a wedding once... But usually I just make arrangements for parties or get togethers we have, or for friends.

    - I love to read. If I start a good book, I'll read through the night until I finish it.

    - I love the Discovery Health Channel... any medical information, operations, etc. Grosses the rest of my family out.

    - I have always had a secret fascination with astrology, which I never acted upon as a JW... but now I've visited astrological sites, and it's fun! Don't know if I believe the stuff, but I love having the freedom to look into whatever catches my fancy!

    - There's more, but that's enough for now........

    GGG (of the Jack of All Trades, Master of None Class)

  • DannyHaszard

    Kill the enemy

  • coffee_black

    I love to travel, read, draw, paint or anything creative, walk in the country, cook, spend time with my bf and my kids & grandkids....

    Here are a couple of pieces of my artwork.

    Hmmmm...I don't know if it worked...testing testing.... or if they will show up... I think you have to click on them to enlarge...they're pretty small....if they do show up....... I've done this before to post my son's artwork...but it's been a while and it seems different. here goes....


  • Crumpet

    I love all this nitty gritty!
    Cygnus - i knew from your posts that you were disabled but not why or the extent. i feel for you.and i understand why you would want more than 25 posts - hopefully Simon will make an exception.

    Going gone - when do you find the time for this board! LOL!

    Dannyhazard - i know of you from here and some other boards but I never fell I know you - you feel more like an entity than a person. Thats more a statement of admiration but I do feel that you are more of an entity - a force to be reckoned with. i don't know you as a human as much as I'd like.

  • damselfly

    Hi coffee, I can see them. I love the middle painting, I could almost see and hear bees buzzing around in the background.


  • lonelysheep

    I love to write song lyrics (know anyone in the biz?)

    I'm not able to roll my tounge, wink an eye, or whistle. I know I'm weird!

    I'd love to spend a year traveling around the world.

    I think I can sing. Lol!

    Last night, I joined a gym for the first time. Tonight, I will be there, covered up as much as possible, among all those buff bodies.

    I still have no idea what I will be when I grow up.

  • TopHat

    Kwin? How do you sell anything on ebay for a profit? I find that the buyers are looking for DIRT CHEAP bargains on everything.

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