Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...

by Crumpet 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free
    I still have no idea what I will be when I grow up.

    Me either.


  • stillconcerned

    Danny you crack me up./


    I love a great glass of wine with a friend.

    If i don't exercise almost every day, i become UNBEARABLE for others to be around.

    I read voraciously.

    My father is my hero.

    I LIKE talking in front of a crowd.

    Before grad school, i sang with a country band... :)

  • daystar


    The biggest decision is whether to go digital or not. I have a high quality digital, but sometimes I wish I had a 35mm still. The feel of the photos are just... different. Although I'm sure I could figure out a way to Photoshop a digital photo to look analog.

    Other tips? Not really. Pay close attention to framing. Keep your eye open.

  • Cori

    I love books! Books on all subjects, big or small!! I have tons of books at home...and have read every single one...

    I also enjoy writing, have put together a couple of short stories, write poetry, and have been working on several books for the past several years....hopefully I will someday publish atleast one....

    I love movies. But not like a normal person likes movies, I love every aspect of movies, the production, screen-writing, casting of them...I would love to write and direct them. Maybe someday I'll get the chance (interesting enough, Im not into acting...more of a behind the scenes guy).

    Thats it for me...


  • TD

    • Running (In competitive events, I'm only a 10k'er though)
    • Creating/Testing/Shooting "Wildcat" cartridges
    • Classical Greek (Currently reading translations of the Harry Potter books)

    How's that for "Geek?"

  • IP_SEC

    Pondering what lies beyond our physical senses
    GR and QM
    Gitar playin
    OSI layer 2 & 3 make me hot as I'll get out
    World of Warcraft
    Getting over my awkwardness in crowds
    World History
    Fine beers.


  • forsharry

    martial arts - karate


    poetry, art, drawing

    sleeping. I like sleeping. ;)

    I love reading books. I have a voriacious appetite, and can usually finish a book (approx 400+ pages) in about 3 hours. It's a very expensive hobby now that I think about it. I love travelling. I've been to Australia, Germany, Nederlands, England, Chech Republic, Poland, Caribbean islands, Mexico, Canada...and there's so much more I want to do and see!

    I like cooking and baking...I just don't get a lot of time to do it so it bums me out. I love cats. I have four. 3 Maine Coons and a Lilac Point Siamese. They're my buds.

    I just got married about two months ago to a great guy who loves me for me, not for how big my holy holy is. ;) I love snuggling down on the couch with a cuppa watching movies and snuggling with either said cats or husband. I'm not picky. ;)

    I collect matryoshka dolls (nesting dolls.) I like to be sarcastic, and I live to make people laugh. I guess the laughing part is my defense mechanism...If people laugh at what I say then they must like me. :)

  • Crumpet

    forsharry you are easily winning the prizes for most well travelled!

  • whyamihere

    Who am I?

    I am Crazy!

    Seriously, I am. I talk to myself non stop. I can't relax and do nothing. When I exercise and have a great work out I want to punch or tackle a short guy. I laugh when things are serious. I make jokes all the time. I am a sport freak. I scream and throw things during games. I know I have some sort of vocal Tourette Syndrome. When things are really quite I want to scream the F word. I am a smartass. I love to pull pranks on people all the time.

    I am a one woman show...just sit back at watch!


  • misspeaches

    • I can play guitar and piano...
    • I love to read anything. I absolutely devour books.
    • I love chatting on the phone. I chat with BlissIsIgnorance on the phone sometimes for 2 hours at a time!
    • When I have some drinks with my friends I tell them the most fantastic tall tales. I can be very convincing or my friends are very gullible because I generally get away with it. It cracks me up, a great source of entertainment!
    • Sometimes I like to get a sad movie so I can just sit there and bawl my eyes out.
    • I like cross stiching
    • I work in IT Support. Some days I love it... Some days I don't.
    • I also enjoy rollerblading or long walks with the puppies and friends.

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