Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...

by Crumpet 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • misanthropic

    sleep. ya, i love that too, just not at night... the day time is so boring anyways. the night is when the colors come out, and the world is just how i like it.

    Ditto here.

  • Virgogirl

    I'm a postal employee, in management. Live in a mountain state of the western USA. Love a glass of wine and watching "Ghost Hunters, "Most Haunted" or traveling! My hubby and I are seriously considering a trip to the UK in '06, including some haunted Scottish castles.We have 2 cats and a dog, adopted from the shelter and like to take day trips into the mountains. The only family I have are still JW's. I really enjoy this site and all the posts. My hubby doesn't know much about the Dubs, but is supportive. We are in our 40's.

  • Sparkplug

    I'm a mother of three and am not sure who gave me the licence to do this and what made me think I could do this. (my opinion of today)

    I work five days a week in a cubicle that I hate....doing a job that I am not confident in yet. I used to be, but they changed the plan, give me some time and I will catch up. Grey cubicle walls. I coat them with pictures, then it is too cluttered so I take it all down, organize and slowly put up whatever prints of clients I have taken recently and start it all again.

    I work on the weekends taking photos of people. Not the kind of photos I want to take, but good money, and good practice in patience. I will get there.

    I think the most horrible thoughts but thankfully I am USUALLY slow to let them out of my mouth.

    I do most everything well but with not a lot of knowledge or training. Usually if I see something done, I can do it. Except for guitars. I have bought about 4 or 5 and still cannot play.

    I played drums in a garage Spanish band in teen years.

    I have been working what would be concidered full time since I was 8 yrs of age. I moved out at 14 and have been df'ed 3 times. I am sorry for a lot that I have done...but NOT because Jehovah doesn' like it.

    I have a son with mild tourettes and it breaks my heart to see him struggle with ADD. His depression has hit hard lately. When he goes under...I tend to follow.

    My mom is slowly falling apart. She has dymentia (spelling) and is manic and bipolar. She also is a JW and it wears me out.

    I cant grow plants but I keep buying them and then they die. So I have a million flower pots with sticks in them.

    I like bracelets that jangle.

    I sing a lot in the shower and some say I am good. I cant really stand my own voice, but love to sing. Hmmmm

    I once won a placing, OK it was third, in a Karaeoke contest and I love to dance. Without style rhyme or reason...I can dance a storm up when cleaning the house. I dance with my kids all the time.

    I work too hard, play too little, push too hard, voice too little and hurt deeply when lied to. I love too much and don't know how to stop any of my overboard caring.

    The best advice I got ever was from a dying friend who told me never to regret the loving and caring too much thing. He told me people get really smart right before they die. He decided I was smart before he died. I miss him.

    I am a freaking slave driver and expect too much from people. Though I don't tend to tell them that.

    I have a horrible time being weak. And Asking for help makes me feel weak. It makes me even more angry when I finally do, and am why ask?

    I hate it when I care for people more than they do for me and I often wait for people to catch up with the love thing. It is like I am always waiting for the world to get the point. lol

    I gravitate towards really strong minded, loud mouthed and overbearing women as close friends. I don't know why?

  • Sparkplug

    Ip_Sec- I think you did just fine in a crowd setting at the posta fest this weekend.

  • coolhandluke

    I am adding you to the top of my JWD crush list Sparkplug

  • Sparkplug
    I am adding you to the top of my JWD crush list Sparkplug

    Now THAT is a first!

    What part of crazy do you love?

  • coolhandluke

    mmm. Crazy. I love most all of it. Perhaps this is the adventure/danger/thrill seeking self-destructive part of my personality that cannot resist the challenge of a crazed, intelligent woman. haha. I amuse myself.


  • doofdaddy

    What do I do on a night alone?(recent)

    It's early summer here, so probably sit back on the verandah in my $10 garage sale rocking chair, sipping black ale, enjoying the fact that I am allowed time with my own thoughts. Or

    Read Jung and put my mind in knots trying to take in the concept of the "collective unconscious" and synchronicity......

  • Goldminer

    I enjoy reading,fishing,hockey,gardening,following the canadian stock market.

    My favorite TV shows are Survivor and Hockey Night in Canada but I also like programs such as Dateline,20/20 and Primetime Live.

    I have a good job and all my free time is spent at home with my little family,which is where I like to be.

    I still enjoy reading and researching the bible but from a different perspective now.


  • IP_SEC
    Ip_Sec- I think you did just fine in a crowd setting at the posta fest this weekend.

    Thanks SP, appreciate that.

    luke!! back o the line buddy.

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