Anybody else had visions?

by philo 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    You say that your girl friend has these distance viewing powers. I would also like to participate in this experiment. I have a picture on my wall. I will e mail a discription of it to Simon. You have your girl friend make a drawing and post it here. If she is close, I will send 50 dollars to Simon to help him pay for his expenses in running this forum. If she is way off, then you will send Simon 50 dollars through Easy Pay, to help him out.

    I think that would be a fair and objective experiment.

  • Introspection

    Here's a different question. Are people ready for such abilities?

  • Shane

    I too had a vision once, many years ago a girl that I went to school with My ex-wife called on the door to door ministry. As it went it was on the third bible study my ex-wife and her had an argument and my wife left I stayed behind. and asked her to take me home, on the way home we passed a mortuary at that moment it was like the sky opened up and became deeper, and took on an amber color everywhere everything seemed to stop all around me, she said what is wrong! what is wrong referring to me. I could hear what seemed to be a very deep train horn coming from everywhere, and many voices that I could not make out what they were saying, but at that instant I could see the future and I knew for a certainty that she would die from a brain tumor 14 years later one on her pituitary gland, and I would die from a head injury. I knew nothing of this condition then, but it was as though something was speaking through me. The basic information was that she was to die 14 years later and so was from something associated with my head. Many years passed, four years after this incident this woman asked me what I met, I told her not to worry and to live her life, but deep down I knew something had happened to me that day. Then came 1993 February, this lovely woman died, but before she died she called me to ask me what God had said to me, I told her I am no prophet, she said someone above told you this would happen to almost the day. And we said our last good byes. Then one year later I feel from a roof and died three times during operation from a sever head injury, I was not expected to live, but technically I was as good as dead. I too had a vision once, many years ago a girl that I went to school with My ex-wife called on the door to door minstrey. As it went it was on the third bible study my ex-wife and her had a arguement and my sife left I stayed behind. and asked her to take me home, on the way home we passed a mortuary at that momment it was like the sky opened up and became deeper, and took on a amber color everywhere everything seemed to stop all around me, she she said what is wrong! what is wron refering to me. I could hear what seemed to be a very deep train horn coming from everywhere,and many voices that I could not make out what they were saying, but at that instant I could see the future and I knew for a cirtainty that she would die from a brain tommer 14 years latter one on her pituatary gland, and I would die from a head injury. I knew nothing of this condition then, but it was as though something was speaking through me. The basic information was that she was to die 14 years latter and so was from something assosiated with my head. Many years passed, four years after this incident this woman asked me what I ment, I told her not to worry and to live her life, but deep down I knew something had happened to me that day. Then came 1993 Febuary, this lovely woman died, but before she died she called me to ask me what God had sid to me, I told her I am no prophet, she said someone above told you this would happen to almost the day. And we said our last good byes. Then one year latter I feel from a roof and died three times durinng operation from a sever head injury, I was not exspected to live, but technicly I was as good as dead. Why I had this vision I don't know fully, but I trust one day in some way I will. Trust me, nothing has ever upset me so much in my life, and I have seen many things. ShaneWhy I had this vision I don't know fully, but I trust one day in some way I will. Trust me, nothing has ever upset me so much in my life, and I have seen many things. Shane

  • ChuckD

    That was a double-vision.

  • SusanHere

    Hi, Deacon,

    You said you can feel the patient's injury without touching them... Yes, that is now a recognized science in the field of energy therapy. The hospital I worked at paid for those of us who had an aptitude for that to be trained in it at their expense. It's also taught at the local college under Health heading. The reason it's recognized now is simply a matter of economics since the patients who have had energy therapy, such as the Therapeutic Touch (which is non-touching, actually, as you described) heal faster, go home quicker, and cost the insurance companies less money than those who refuse such therapies. JWs, btw, almost ALWAYS refuse to even consider receiving it as they think it is some sort of witchcraft or voodoo or whatever. It spooks them. It's been used in the orient for centuries, probably even longer. About time we caught up with them.

    Just thought I'd share that. For any who want to know more, read "Hands of Light". And yes, I am certain there will be those who scoff and mock. Feel free.


  • SlayerLayer

    On the thread "excuses", I made this comment to my brother:

    This is a good area where I live. I've never had a witness knock on my door. (knocking on wood as we speak)

    After I posted that message, I thought to my self...They are going to knock on my door tommorrow.

    Today when I got home, there were two tracts in my door. This of course most likely is a coincidence, but this is what I was refering to earlier on this thread. That sort of thing happens on a daily basis for me.

    Of course I'm sure that any dubs reading this will say that Jehovah heard what I said, and thought I needed a visit.


  • ChuckD

    The link below provides some information on Theraputic Touch, including details of the very simple test that young Emily Rosa set up to see if practitioners could perform this activity under controlled conditions. This test was published in JAMA, and underwent the same peer-review that any such test should.


    Here is another link which details the story of a health worker who lobbied to have this practice removed from the hospital in which she worked;


  • SusanHere

    Hi, Chuck,

    As I said, I'm sure some will mock. As I said, feel free. Makes exactly no difference to me. I know it works. Other tests have verified it time and again. Scoffers of Columbus used to be soooooo certain the world was flat, too. Hmmmmm. Maybe that's why The Love Boat finally went off the air.

    For some ignorance is bliss.

    : ) Susan

  • rem


    I think you are comparing the wrong people when you use the Columbus example. Most people of that time thought the earth was flat because of intuition. It just had to be - look - everyone knows it. But there were scientists and other learned ones who knew better than the rest - they relied upon EVIDENCE and scientific method. Who was right? The folk intuition or science?

    Today, most people just know that there is some type of psi or ESP, but noone has been able to provide evidence. Scientists have done many studies and there has been no evidence found. Who is the modern day Columbus? I would say it is the scientists of today - not the ignorant public.

    You claim that there are tests that have proved touch therapy time and again, yet you cite nothing. We have shown a few studies that are accepted and peer reviewed by the scientific community which show categorically that such powers are just psychological tricks. I would be interested in reviewing the tests you mentioned, because many people make such claims only to find out that the tests were highly flawed - hence not acceptable. Science has a high standard for accuracy and is self corrected through peer review and replication. Have these tests met these high standards?

    The only part that gets me a little riled up is when people use the ignorant card. Like I said, I've experienced a lot of weird things in my life - more than I've shared here. I just have a different explanation for them. One that happens to coincide with modern scientific thought - I used to believe in the paranormal before i did the research. I don't think I'm ignorant for doing a lot of reading on the subject about how various psi claims have been tested. I would counter that instead, the general public is ignorant of the scientific study that has gone on in this field and the negative results that have been found.

    I thought the Love Boat comment was cute! :)


    "Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so."
    ..........Bertrand Russell

  • Introspection

    Here is a link to some letters to the editor in response to that .. study in JAMA, as well as Barrett's reply. Now Chuck, you don't suppose a site called QUACKWATCH might be a bit biased, and that the thoughts of one Stephen Barrett covers all there is to know do ya?

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