Anybody else had visions?

by philo 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • ReverendRoy

    As a child (ages4-5) I would often have dreams that would come to "life" later and actully happen, usually within a week of the dream. For the most part I kept this to myself, but felt as though I knew things others did not.

    Around the age of 5 I remember telling my mother about this. Big mistake. She being a devout JW, quickly told me that it was wrong for me to do this and that it was Satan and his demons. I was instructed to pray for forgiveness and to "never do that again, because people can not dream about the future". Being the good little JW boy I was, I did exactly as she asked.

    It was not until later, in my late teens that I was able to do this again and have psychic moments. bboyneko is right on target, one day we will realize there is so much more and that we are more "connected" than many of us realize.

  • Cowboy

    Philo-Stress can do it,or fatigue....When I've been extremely busy and am just worn out,I have seen things while driving at night.Once I was sure I had run over a person,another time a huge black dog.In both instances,I went back and looked very thoroughly-nothing there....But at the time it was very real(I was clean and sober both times,by the way).I won't drive when I'm that tired anymore....

  • bboyneko

    I've hallucinated while driving after having only 2 hours slepp, it was crazy the rear lights of cars where flaming pumpkins, toadstools started growing in the road, and another time a big chasm opened up in the ground.

    This is much different than a vision, a glimpse of the future. Most prophetic dreams you sort of 'know' you are watching the future. You may not fully know whats going on. One guy I know had a dream of a man who was jerking up to a 90 degree angle after laying down, he kept doing this over and over and the guy who dreamed it didnt have any idea what it was, but he knew it was the future.

    Next day at a shopping mall a man had a heart attack, the ambulance arrived and they attached the electro shock thingie sto him, and every time they applied the voltage he would pop up into a 90 degree angle from a laying posiiton.

    I have also mentioned rmeote viewing, the ability to see in detail places and things physically far from from you. targets. These targets are usually unknown in detail to both the person who supplied the target and the remote viewer. Like me handing an evelope to you and asking you to tell me what the photograph inside is of. I dont know, and you dont either, no clues. It could be a picture of my butt, or of the eiffel tower. When you get a match from an experiment like this, mere chance can safely be ruled out.


  • Englishman


    I start to hallucinate if I miss my breakfast, never mind 3 days without eating.

    Good grief, Grasshopper, enlightenment!

    You still on for a meet?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Francois

    I don't know if you'd call them "vision" but I do seem to be unusually sensitive to what some call "the vibes." I can walk into a room and almost instantly know what's going on; whether it's good, bad, indifferent and frequently what the topic of conversation is all about. With individuals I can perceive very much about their feelings, whether they're telling the truth, whether they're generally honest, what kind of people they are: lots of stuff. I am unable to endure crowds as I pick up on crowd emotions. At Christmas I can't go into a crowded shopping mall. You'd be surprised at the amount of actual pain in the air, emotional pain. And I can look into a person's face and tell how their face came to be as it is: why wrinkled with worry, or delighted; lots about their personal history.

    Frequently I receive information I haven't sought and don't want. It can be very painful at times. Helpful at others. It's a blessing and a curse.

    Do any of you also have this sort of perception?


    NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?

  • Robdar

    Philo, while meditating one night, my grandmother came to me in a vision. She was young and thin and I couldn't believe that she was my grandmother. She told me goodbye and asked me to help my dad get over her passing. I then saw a white light open and my grandmother grew what appeared to be butterfly wings and leapt into the opening. When my father called a few hours later telling me that she had passed I was already packed and ready to go home for the funeral.

    This has caused a change in my JW thinking. Could there be life after death? I had never believed it before. Never even considered it. I scoffed at the stories that I read about the white light. So where did the imagery for my vision come from? There are more things possible in this universe than we will ever know or dream of.

    Others laugh and make fun because they have never had this kind of experience. Ignore them and TRUST your visions. You can learn much from them.

    A Guppy Love,

  • Outaservice

    Hi bboyneko,

    Could you possibly have your girlfriend e-mail me next weeks Illinois Lotto numbers?

    Thank you very much.


    Outaservice (but still counting my time)

  • petermanna

    Go to
    and read about those visions.I am thinking about that a lot.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Haven't had any visions since I stopped drinking Rusty Nails.

  • nelly136

    Francois sounds like youre an Empath,

    spelling edited

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