Anybody else had visions?

by philo 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • Flip
    Anybody else had visions?

    I dunno Philo, an alien ate my belly button lint once...and said it tasted like chicken.

    Does that count?


  • SlayerLayer

    I don't really have visions, but I "feel" what's going to happen sometimes before it actually does. I've had the urge to pick up the phone just before it rings and know who is calling before they speak. There was one time when I was driving that I actually "saw" the color blue flash in my head a few times, and thought there was a cop behind me. I slowed down, and about 2 miles later there was a horrible accident with cops everywhere.

  • StifflersErSlayersBrother

    To Slayer

    This commin from the guy who's done more LSD than neone should... no im not surprised... lol

    "Im just here for tha pussy...."
    Stifflers Brother

  • SlayerLayer

    Oh God...there goes the neighborhood.

  • philo


    I can walk into a room and almost instantly know what's going on; whether it's good, bad, indifferent and frequently what the topic of conversation is all about.

    I spy another Jedi!

    I had been wondering if you were a Cold War spy, now I am certain you were. Yes, I realise you have to deny it - I won't tell anybody. Novelist/actor Stephen Fry said something similar to your 'vibes'. He also reflected on his education, that much of the knowledge others gained through disciplined learning, he had picked up 'passively'. I thought it was just his excuse for being ridiculously intelligent. When I walk into a room, I think myself perceptive if I detect the heavier items of furniture!

    I sort of know what you mean about faces and crowds, though; every face starts a story for me, and I always feel I can sense a crowd's character. I find the pleasantest crowd to be among, is November 5th, Guy Fawkes night, in Britain, I wonder if the crowd-sense would be different in N.Ireland, as they burn the Pope on that day.


    Affirmative Cap'n. I've sent you mail.

    Flipped: LOL.


  • AGuest

    Dearest Philo... may you have peace... and may I say in answer to your question, in all TRUTHFULNESS... yes. Many. And no, they are not unbelievable but in fact explain a LOT of things 'written'.

    Some may think it eccentric, others madness. I consider it a privilege, and do not take it... or relate them... lightly.

    A slave of Christ,


  • SusanHere

    Visions? Yes, many have had genuine ones, and many still do. Some awake, some in sleep. Some audible voices. Some "strong impressions". Often they run in families...As in mine. The women in my family have had these occurrances for many generations now. Interestingly, the JW member of my family still does, and still believes in them, though she won't tell anyone that since it goes contrary to the party line.

    Basically, if you've experienced them, you know they're real. If you haven't, their nonsense. As the other postings on this thread show.


    PS -- thanks to whomever opened this site. It's a good one.

  • funkyderek
    Basically, if you've experienced them, you know they're real. If you haven't, their nonsense. As the other postings on this thread show.

    Of course they're real. And they're usually caused by such questionable activities as not eating for three days, or taking hallucinogens, or by something else that upsets the chemical balance of the brain.

    Those who can induce you to believe absurdities can induce you to commit attrocities - Voltaire

  • RedhorseWoman

    I would frequently get precognitive thoughts while I was an active JW, and I would feel terribly if somehow I had been consorting with demons.

    Since I've become inactive, I simply appreciate their happening as a gift or a skill.

    Once, my husband had gone out in the evening, and prior to his leaving I had a bad feeling about it. At approximately 8:30 p.m. the thought hit me that he had had an accident. He came home at around 10 p.m. and said, "Guess what happened?" I told him that I knew he had an accident and I told him the time. He said that that was exactly when it occurred.

    Another time I had a dream in which I was standing under a tree. There was a dirt road going past this tree, leading off to some mountains in the distance. As I waited, a person walked down the road from the direction of the mountains. He stopped to speak with me, and I realized that he was a brother from my former congregation, whom I hadn't seen in about 20 years. I asked him why he was there, and he replied, "I just came to say goodbye." He then turned and walked down the road toward the mountains.

    I was quite puzzled by this dream, but I couldn't forget it. Several weeks later I was talking to one of my friends who was partially inactive and who kept up with the congregation news. She asked if I had heard that this brother had recently died. It was a surprise to everyone, since he was only 41 at the time of his death. I asked her when he had died, and the time she mentioned was the exact time I had my dream.

  • SusanHere

    funky --

    Nice try. Not even close, of course, but as close as I would expect from one who has never experienced them. (see my prior posting).


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