No topic so I will just ramble

by joelbear 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • tetrapod.sapien


    are you a hacker? you know, in the classic sense of the word?


  • Kaylen

    I'm going to ramble too because everyone has gone to sleep and no one is talking to me Ive had three bottles of wine amd now I am bored...why isn't anyone here? Or maybe they are here and they are ignoring me. Maybe its the hair? Is it the hair? Its the hair isnt it? You can tell me....Is it the hair?

  • skinnyboy

    only 3 bottles Kaylen????

    More like you ripped the bladders out of the cask of McWilliams finest cab-sav and are currently playing Wheel of Goon on the Hills Hoist with the other 2 bladders!!!

    My ramble, I had to pick up a customer today to bring her to work so she could pick her car up. Her house was literally 5 minutes drive from my work. I check the Melways, find it, and am on my way. Could I find unit 2/flat 2? No! knocked on a house which i thought was 2/2 and some old dear answers, radio cranked right up. I ask her is she Mrs So-and So, shes replies yes, i tell her where i'm from and shes goes, Oh im not going anywhere. I then say "im Mark from VFL, we fixed your car, im here to take you to pick it up"

    She then proceeds to say she is deaf, and in the best english i've heard in ages, shes tells me she dosent speak english. A little confused at this point, i ask her again does she have a car, shes says "im deaf"

    OMG it turns out it wasn;t her i was after the woman I was after lived up the other end of the street.

    I'll never get those 10 minutes back...

  • under74

    I'll go ahead and ramble too...

    wild turkey is good

    I hope Bush gets impeached

    My nose is stuffed up

    Damn my state senators to hell!!!!!! TRAITORS!

    I wish I had a muscle relaxer right now

    GODDAMN THOSE METH ADDICTS for making me have to go to the pharmacy counter to get allergy medication

    zorro was sexy....what? like I'm the only one that thinks that....

    wild turkey is soooo good

    Well, that's all I can think of right now.......

  • LittleToe


    My task list for today is so long I've lost the will to start.

    The amount I need to read for my current education program is huge and offputting, and I need to submit a report on Monday.

    I have two major presentations to give in the next couple of weeks, and it's a real struggle to get the information I need to do them well.

    I'm drinking fresh coffee, but my stomach tells me it's nearing lunchtime.

    It's raining outside, but the sun just poked around a cloud. It probably doesn't help that it gets dark around 5pm at the moment, so the drive home isn't particularly uplifting.

    Staff sickness and high demand of Mental Health Services is putting a strain on everyone, especially after a really drab Summer, so I just know it's going to be a tough Winter at work.

    My spiritual life continues to be busy, but there are times when I don't feel that I'm doing it or myself justice because I have so much else going on.

    But hey, ya know what? I just realised that my worst day is better than still being in the JWs.

    I'm not putting off an inevitable "Armaggedon", everything I do towards my education and career means something, and I can savour these things because I want to, with no guilt.

    Even better, it's Friday! I think I'm going to go meet up with some friends tonight, have a drink or two, play some music, chill and laugh, and generally have some fun (DV).

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    I love this thread.

    Here's a piece of me:

    I have two days of cleaning in front of me to get my house ready for the Apostafest. But as you can see from that emoticon, I have a very positive attitude about it. My daughter and I will probably reward ourselves by going to see "Jarhead" this afternoon.

    A huge, old oak tree in my backyard died. I think SixofNine killed it, but I know he didn't mean to - he was just fixing the plumbing. In all the places I've ever lived, I've never had a dead tree before. I know I need to have it removed before it falls, but I just don't want to yet. We're going to plant a weeping willow in its place.

    My daughter wrote her first original song this week. She hasn't played it for me yet, but the lyrics are great.

    My dead mother keeps waking me up at 3 a.m., every night for three months now. Not in a ghostly way though. (I wish) She visits me in my dreams. We just do regular things, hang out, fight, I drop her off for field service every now and then. She doesn't try to get me to be a JW anymore. She actually seems interested in my life. Last night she met my godson. She did a damn fine job of leaving me alone when she was alive. I don't understand this sudden interest. It hurts.

  • under74

    ah just made me tear up a little

  • daystar

    I commented here yesterday. By the gods! I'm doing it again today!

    I love it when our software developers make changes to the products, don't inform the testers about it, release it to the clients, and then we have to spend the day playing catch-up, on a Friday, when most of the developers are out, or just lazy. And then we are told there is absolutely no documentation thus far to tell us what this absolutely new feature is supposed to do!

    I took my son to get a haircut last night and the only "stylist" available is the one that has little patience with children. I don't want to go with her, but we have a lot to do before bedtime, so we do. Mistake. She pushes on his head, ignores that he has bits of hair poking his neck (I have to get up myself and get the brush to brush his little neck off), keeps telling him to be still (he is really, really good at keeping still, relative to other kids his age I've seen), and on top of that, nicks his skin behind the ear with the clippers, and then lies about it (I didn't notice until after we left). I don't tip her and after we leave I apologize to my son, telling him we will never, ever let her cut his hair again, no matter how late it makes us. He thanks me and says it's okay. I feel so bad though...

    I am paying way too much for my mobile service. I'm going to switch to Cingular and get one of those cool RAZR phones.

    On Fridays I normally have a mind for Buffalo Wings for lunch. However, I think I'll go with something a bit healthier today.

  • mrsjones5

    just took my husband to work

    got the boys some donuts, the 5 year old got a pumpkin cake donut which he highly enjoyed

    the baby just woke up from a nap

    have to find my daughter's brownie scout vest and sew on some damn patches

    thinking about having take-n-bake pizza tonight

    doing research on heavy work activties for the baby who has sensory intergration and processing issues

    I have too much laundry to fold

    damn my kitchen floor needs to be mopped

  • under74
    have to find my daughter's brownie scout vest and sew on some damn patches

    hey, keep those patches in good shape....I just found out those and girl scout patches can go for a bit of money on ebay....

    just a thought...

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