What are the most stupid JW rule?

by beroea 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eyebrow

    What was the problem with the word bulletin?

  • thewiz

    I believe the word Bull refered to an edict handed down by the church (as in papal Bull -yep that's what the dictionary basically says). It was something that basically could never be challenged. Ya' know the infallablity of something.

    And we all know how the society doesn't force anyone...

    also, i think it had conotations of the the word BULLshit whose word origin I think actually came as a result of people regarding the papel Bull as shit or shite.

    Gee, if I keep reading these posts I'll "...have the equivalent of a 4-year education." Where have I heard that before, oh yeah the BULLetin board!!! (actually the AWAKE! or WT). :)

  • Eyebrow

    Wow...how anal.

    I remember being told we should not say good luck, gezuntight (I cannot spell!) and other harmless little things.

  • troucul

    no kiddin, eyebrow

    i'm in portland, give me a buzz if you wanna shoot the shit

    talk soon:D

    je pense, donc, je suis

  • ReverendRoy

    I can remember in the late 60's and early 70's being told at a convention that we could not watch Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, Dark Shadows, etc. I would sneak around to watch when I was not around my mom or brothers and sisters. They were afraid that the "demons" would come right through the TV into your living room
    BTW - Why did it seem like all the "good" TV shows were on Tuesday and Thursday nights?[>:(]

    Reverend Roy
    "Why is it when we talk to God we're praying - but when God talks to us, we're schizophrenic?"

  • justhuman

    i insist!!!!!!!!!!!! what rules? do we have rules?

  • AngelofMuZiC

    WOW...these stories have brought back a lot of memories. Once while in field service, I was REALLY cold because it was 20*F outside, and my mother did not dress my properly (i was only 5). I started to shiver violently, and the sister we were with scolded me about shivering in public...."We don't want the people at the door to get the wrong idea, do we? We don't want them to think that we are forcing you to do this, right?"

    The one rule that pisses me off most is the one about not participating in school plays, because it would draw undue attention on ourselves, and take the focus off of Jehovah. If I could have been in the plays at school, I would be on Broadway by now!!!!!! And, what the hell do they consider 'dramas' to be? I guess they don't consider that drawing to much attention to oneself, because everyone sits so far away that you can't actually see what the people look like! [>:(]

    I remember soooooo many times I would be watching Freddy Krueger or The Outer Limits, and my mother would run into the living room, and turn off the TV, screaming the name Jehovah, so that the demons who were jumping out of the TV screen wouldn't attack her or me. Isn't that hilarious????

    My Regards,

  • justhuman

    OK! You all got it WRONG!!!!!!!!
    Didn`t you know that the Holy Ghost ooops the Holy Spirit "composed"
    all the rules and manifested them to CO`s, PO`s, etc etc?
    And didn`t you know CO`s-PO`s-Elders most favourite scripture from the Bible? (1 Samuel 15:22)
    And didn`t you know that scriptures like Matt. 9:13 or James 1:27 (except the last sentence of course) are not "PRACTICAL" for our days?

    So, why complain?????????????????

  • Thirdson

    Here's another silly rule that is regionally biased and based on individual's whims.

    Rule # 65633 -- Brothers must wear a jacket on the platform. (See rule # 76777 and 76885 for rules on type of jackets)

    One Thursday evening it was extremely hot (mid 80's) which was unusual for England and English KH's don't have air conditioning. An elder asks me my opinion, "would you have any problem with allowing the brothers giving talks tonight the option of leaving their jackets off?" "Not at all" I replied.

    This elders asks all the other 5 elders the same question. All but one agree except one who is adamant that brothers should wear jackets on the platform. So relaxing the rule was abandoned.

    Who makes up these rules? Why are the rules different in other countries?

    Another rule that niggled the same elder. The way brothers and sisters should be addressed when called upon to answer a question. The official rule is "brother last-name". The School Conductor in one congregation always addressed bros and sis' as "brother/sister first-name". The same brother also frequently wore a blue blazer with grey slacks and broke the matching jacket and pants rule.

    Strange hey, this is the religion that's supposed to agree with Jesus' criticism of the Pharisees!


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • MadApostate


    I'm sure there must be exceptions, but every Cong (and there have been several) that I was ever associated with had ONE asshole elder whose sole mission in JW life was to make sure every other JW in the Cong walked the line to the Nth degree-no raesoning, no common sense.

    These guys were always the least educated and least intelligent of the elder pack, and were always Loved by the COs, because they presented no danger of deviation from his instructions, and they could always be counted on to "rat out" the other elders if the need arose.

    This has to be a Bureaucratic thing since I have seen the same phenomenon occur in corporate structures. Higher ups love to promote such personalities to low level management positions where their lack of education and intelligence doesn't neessarily hurt the corporation, and they have braindead rats who will enthusiastically promote whatever stupid corp decision that is passed down, and willingly rat out those who do not fully support such.

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