Lets be real

by acuragirl 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • acuragirl

    I see there are many mixed feelings.I just had therapy (which i have every other week) she told me about her experience and why she believes in god as you all know my hubby doesnt because he thinks if there was a god no way would he just sit back and let people suffer and die.I think there is a god because i believe he has already helped me in a couple situations.I had a dream about some wicked spirit forces tryin to bother me i screamed out JEHOVAHS name and boom they were gone! I think Satan is frightened by mention of God,and so he should be because God has the extreme power.Well if i were Lucifer i would be scared of the almighty to!

  • Carmel

    As an "unknowable essence", yes! Symbolized by light. Evil is simply the absence of light. (IMHO) No personified evil force. We have the capacity to perform like the lower animals devoid of "good" or to reflect a higher nature, i.e. our spiritual reality. Pretty simple formula. Doesn't require a "good god" and a "bad god"!


  • Tez

    Yep I still believe in Jehovah.. and will call him that unless someone can prove his name to be otherwise, even if it is supposed to be pronounced otherwise, don't think he will mind if I at least try and call him something other than God. I will continue believing until I get proved otherwise. As for Satan, yep think he exists. As for Halloween, well haven't got kids anymore so doesn't count. As for what Jehovah purposes for the earth.... haven't a clue anymore, thanks to JWism I am totally confused by it all!! Wish I wasn't.

  • jgnat

    clear2c, so many JW's I meet seem afraid to approach God in prayer. I've seen enough comments in print to know the Watchtower society teaches that only those in approved state are heard by God. And the final catch-22, few JW's feel completely approved by God.

    That about cuts off any support that a lost sheep could hope for.

  • greendawn

    I have no doubt that God exists and that what we see around us are manifestations of his wisdom, it can't be a coincidence that all these came to be so well ordered, from the tiny atoms to the astronomically large galaxies. Not a chance that they came about through a large number of minutely probable coincidences.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    as to being "real"

    I have come to believe that I am one wave upon the might eternal ocean of energy and the rest of you are fellow waves, and we are all the one ocean. and I dont find any benefit calling that ocean God or even a god.

  • acuragirl

    Im with you Tez,im totally confused because of the dubs. I believe God hears our prayers though no matter what standing we are in.Even if we are not part of the WTS.I was outside this afternoon for a short while waiting for my daughter to get off the bus,i looked around me and thought all this beauty the trees,grass,leaf colors,.....there has to be a designer to all this.Could not just have formed itself like that,so perfect.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    1. Do I believe in God? no. i'm an atheist.
    2. Do I believe in a Devil? no. being an atheist means that i do not believe in anything supernatural.
    3. Do I believe in good and evil? no.
    4. Do I celebrate Hallowe'en? "live as a god. die as a god." -- yes, i never turn down a party.


  • acuragirl

    Tetrapod, if you dont believe in the supernatural or the devil,then why have you tested to see whether there is a devil,i dont think your sure.You have said yourself youve played with those boards to see what happens and you pretty much call on the devil to mess with you if there is one.How can you say there is no devil?You are just wanting to see proof i think.

  • mrsjones5

    Some people just dont have those beliefs or fears...kinda like not believing in armageddon (which I dont believe in and I'm a christain ) there's nothing wrong in not believing there isnt a devil or satan

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