Why DOESN'T Ray Franz post here?

by AlmostAtheist 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna2

    I completely disagree with you on this, defd.

  • Cori

    "I will respectfully pass on reading any evidence to the contrary of what I believe" is that what your saying Def'd

    How can you compare R. Franz situation to Judas, but have no idea what he has said or done, and are not willing to find out?

  • 144001
    Lady Lee, I will respectfully pass

    OK, Derrick, but what flavor of KoolAid will you pass to the next pigeon in the Great Crowd?

  • defd

    Cori who said I DO NOT know about franz? You are ASSUMING my friend!


  • Cori

    Ok, Def'd

    I apologize for assuming, what do you know?

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    What we are seeing here is a prime example of Watchtower cowardice. A hit and run answer, without any factual basis with which to back it up. I love Ray Franz for writing that book, but he saying that many ex Dub sites are 'negative' doesnt add up because his whole book is self apologetic and anti-Society. I dont have any problem with that at all...and I hope he never gets involved with these boards. After all, many of us owe him our lives.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    I suppose the number one reason is that he died?

  • blondie

    Ray Franz is under no obligation to post here.

    If though you have a question for him, he can be reached at www.commentarypress.com

    the website that posts his work and sells his books (among others).

    [email protected]


  • Confession
    Lady Lee, I will respectfully pass.


    In other words... -I will continue to believe what I believe, unwilling to look at all the information, making decisions within the framework allowed me by the Watchtower Society. -I will reserve the right to make critical comments about Ray Franz and his writings--without ever actually reading them. -When asked why I won't, I will use Watchtower rhetoric: "Do I need to drink from a glass of poisoned water to prove that it is bad for me?" -I will feel a profound warmth knowing that, despite the degree to which I expose myself to ex-JWs, I will never break my loyalty to the "nobles" among the Watchtower Society by reading what they warn me not to. -I will always assert that this loyalty to an organization of men is actually loyalty to God Jehovah. -I will continue to make posts on the jwd site, such as, "How did you feel when you left Jehovah's organization?" The manner I present will suggest that I am respectful, interested and open to what ex-JWs have to say, but will passive-aggressively communicate that (of course) the Watchtower Society is providing the sole channel of communication from God to the planet--and that we who disagree with it are doomed to destruction. -I will lead my mind through whatever mental exercises are necessary to block out the fear that I may be wrong about the Watchtower Society, even being willing to hammer a well-placed, steel spike into the area of my brain known to control rational thought.

  • greendawn

    No need to detract from Ray's contribution what he revealed about the inner workings of the GB is devastating enough for this cultish organisation. Insider facts we wouldn't otherwise know.

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